579 research outputs found

    Long-distance frequency dissemination with a resolution of 10-17

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    We use a new technique to disseminate microwave reference signals along ordinary optical fiber. The fractional frequency resolution of a link of 86 km in length is 10-17 for a one day integration time, a resolution higher than the stability of the best microwave or optical clocks. We use the link to compare the microwave reference and a CO2/OsO4 frequency standard that stabilizes a femtosecond laser frequency comb. This demonstrates a resolution of 3.10-14 at 1 s. An upper value of the instability introduced by the femtosecond laser-based synthesizer is estimated as 1.10-14 at 1 s

    MAMBO Mapping of Spitzer c2d Small Clouds and Cores

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    AIMS: To study the structure of nearby (< 500 pc) dense starless and star-forming cores with the particular goal to identify and understand evolutionary trends in core properties, and to explore the nature of Very Low Luminosity Objects (< 0.1 L_sun; VeLLOs). METHODS: Using the MAMBO bolometer array, we create maps unusually sensitive to faint (few mJy per beam) extended (approx. 5 arcmin) thermal dust continuum emission at 1.2 mm wavelength. Complementary information on embedded stars is obtained from Spitzer, IRAS, and 2MASS. RESULTS: Our maps are very rich in structure, and we characterize extended emission features (``subcores'') and compact intensity peaks in our data separately to pay attention to this complexity. We derive, e.g., sizes, masses, and aspect ratios for the subcores, as well as column densities and related properties for the peaks. Combination with archival infrared data then enables the derivation of bolometric luminosities and temperatures, as well as envelope masses, for the young embedded stars. CONCLUSIONS: (abridged) Starless and star-forming cores occupy the same parameter space in many core properties; a picture of dense core evolution in which any dense core begins to actively form stars once it exceeds some fixed limit in, e.g., mass, density, or both, is inconsistent with our data. Comparison of various evolutionary indicators for young stellar objects in our sample (e.g., bolometric temperatures) reveals inconsistencies between some of them, possibly suggesting a revision of some of these indicators.Comment: Accepted to A&A. In total 46 pages, with 20 pages of tables, figures, and appendices. High-resolution version of this article at https://www.xythosondemand.com/home/harvard_iic/Users/jkauffma/Public/mambo_spitzer.pd

    Shedding light on the Holocephali taxonomy, the mitogenome of Chimaera opalescens

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    Cartilaginous fish (Chondrichthyes), i.e. sharks, rays, and chimaeras, are extremely interesting from a biological perspective as they represent one of the oldest and most ecologically diverse groups of jawed vertebrates. Their K-selective reproductive traits, make them vulnerable to overfishing. Chimaerid are also a frequent by-catch of deep-water fisheries. Holocephalans comprise a single surviving order, the Chimaeriformes, and are allocated into three different families: Callorhinchidae, Rhinochimaeridae and Chimaeridae (Weigmann 2016). Furthermore, the family Chimaeridae only includes two genera: Chimera and Hydrolagus. Recently, several new species have been described (Iglesias et al., 2022), including Chimera opalescens from deep-sea assemblages (Luchetti et al., 2011). However, previous records of C. opalescens were erroneously classified as Chimera monstrosa (Luchetti et al., 2011; Catarino et al., 2020), due to the similar morphology (Luchetti et al., 2011), which highlights the critical importance of molecular approaches to support species identification. Mitogenomes have been a powerful tool used to elucidate phylogenetic relationships, both at deep and at shallow evolutionary nodes. The development of long-read sequencing technologies a precise and reliable assembly of complete mtDNA genomes. The sequencing and characterization of the complete mitogenome of the opal chimera Chimera opalescens (Luchetti, Iglesias et al., 2011) was carried out, using the long-read technique PacBio HiFi. The entire mitogenome was 23,411 bp long and shows the same overall content, i.e. 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA and 2 ribosomal RNA genes, as all other examined chondrichthyan mitogenomes. Phylogenetic reconstructions using all available Chondrichthyan mitogenomes, including 11 Holocephali (chimeras and ratfishes), places C. opalescens within the Chimaeridae family. Furthermore, the results reinforce previous findings, showing the genus Chimera as paraphyletic and thus highlighting the need to expand molecular approaches in this group of cartilaginous fishes

    The impact of personality factors on delay in seeking treatment of acute myocardial infarction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Early hospital arrival and rapid intervention for acute myocardial infarction is essential for a successful outcome. Several studies have been unable to identify explanatory factors that slowed decision time. The present study examines whether personality, psychosocial factors, and coping strategies might explain differences in time delay from onset of symptoms of acute myocardial infarction to arrival at a hospital emergency room.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Questionnaires on coping strategies, personality dimensions, and depression were completed by 323 patients ages 26 to 70 who had suffered an acute myocardial infarction. Tests measuring stress adaptation were completed by 180 of them. The patients were then categorised into three groups, based on time from onset of symptoms until arrival at hospital, and compared using logistic regression analysis and general linear models.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No correlation could be established between personality factors (i.e., extraversion, neuroticism, openness, agreeableness, conscientiousness) or depressive symptoms and time between onset of symptoms and arrival at hospital. Nor was there any significant relationship between self-reported patient coping strategies and time delay.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We found no significant relationship between personality factors, coping strategies, or depression and time delays in seeking hospital after an acute myocardial infraction.</p

    Biopsy confirmation of metastatic sites in breast cancer patients:clinical impact and future perspectives

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    Determination of hormone receptor (estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 status in the primary tumor is clinically relevant to define breast cancer subtypes, clinical outcome,and the choice of therapy. Retrospective and prospective studies suggest that there is substantial discordance in receptor status between primary and recurrent breast cancer. Despite this evidence and current recommendations,the acquisition of tissue from metastatic deposits is not routine practice. As a consequence, therapeutic decisions for treatment in the metastatic setting are based on the features of the primary tumor. Reasons for this attitude include the invasiveness of the procedure and the unreliable outcome of biopsy, in particular for biopsies of lesions at complex visceral sites. Improvements in interventional radiology techniques mean that most metastatic sites are now accessible by minimally invasive methods, including surgery. In our opinion, since biopsies are diagnostic and changes in biological features between the primary and secondary tumors can occur, the routine biopsy of metastatic disease needs to be performed. In this review, we discuss the rationale for biopsy of suspected breast cancer metastases, review issues and caveats surrounding discordance of biomarker status between primary and metastatic tumors, and provide insights for deciding when to perform biopsy of suspected metastases and which one (s) to biopsy. We also speculate on the future translational implications for biopsy of suspected metastatic lesions in the context of clinical trials and the establishment of bio-banks of biopsy material taken from metastatic sites. We believe that such bio-banks will be important for exploring mechanisms of metastasis. In the future,advances in targeted therapy will depend on the availability of metastatic tissue

    Translation of mouse model to human gives insights into periodontitis etiology

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    To suggest candidate genes involved in periodontitis, we combined gene expression data of periodontal biopsies from Collaborative Cross (CC) mouse lines, with previous reported quantitative trait loci (QTL) in mouse and with human genome-wide association studies (GWAS) associated with periodontitis. Periodontal samples from two susceptible, two resistant and two lines that showed bone formation after periodontal infection were collected during infection and naïve status. Differential expressed genes (DEGs) were analyzed in a case-control and case-only design. After infection, eleven protein-coding genes were significantly stronger expressed in resistant CC lines compared to susceptible ones. Of these, the most upregulated genes were MMP20 (P = 0.001), RSPO4 (P = 0.032), CALB1 (P = 1.06×10-4), and AMTN (P = 0.05). In addition, human orthologous of candidate genes were tested for their association in a case-controls samples of aggressive (AgP) and chronic (CP) periodontitis (5,095 cases, 9,908 controls). In this analysis, variants at two loci, TTLL11/PTGS1 (rs9695213, P = 5.77×10-5) and RNASE2 (rs2771342, P = 2.84×10-5) suggested association with both AgP and CP. In the association analysis with AgP only, the most significant associations were located at the HLA loci HLA-DQH1 (rs9271850, P = 2.52×10-14) and HLA-DPA1 (rs17214512, P = 5.14×10-5). This study demonstrates the utility of the CC RIL populations as a suitable model to investigate the mechanism of periodontal disease