7 research outputs found

    A Study of the Correlation between Bacterial Culture and Histological Examination in Children with Helicobacter pylori Gastritis

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is one of the most common chronic bacterial infections in the world, and it is currently estimated that approximately half of the world’s population is infected with the bacterium. The correct diagnosis and effective treatment of H. pylori gastric infection are essential in controlling this condition. The available diagnostic methods have advantages and limitations related to factors such as age of patients, technical difficulty level, costs and extensive accessibility in hospitals. The eradication therapy of H. pylori infection is still a challenge for gastroenterologists. One of the main causes of failure in H. pylori eradication is antibiotic resistance. Biopsy cultures are the most widely used methods among the antimicrobial susceptibility tests. In case of a negative culture, H. pylori can be clearly recognised in histological sections. The sensitivity and specificity of histology for the diagnosis depend on clinical settings, density of colonisation and the experience of the histopathologist. A prospective study was performed in order to analyse patients with H. pylori gastric infection with positive histology and positive culture versus positive histology and negative culture

    Endoscopical Aspects of <em>Helicobacter pylori</em> Gastritis in Children

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    The current gold standard for the detection of Helicobacter pylori in children remains upper endoscopy plus mucosal biopsies. Endoscopy has the advantage of being able to detect complications of Helicobacter pylori infection and to rule out other upper gastro-intestinal pathologies. An additional advantage of endoscopy with gastric biopsy is that it allows physicians to obtain mucosa for urease testing, histological examination and bacterial culture. In children, there is a high correlation between antral nodularity at endoscopy and the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection. The authors have proposed to investigate the correlations between macroscopic aspects during endoscopy and histological findings, in order to identify those endoscopic and histopathological features that can help the clinician in clinical practice

    Management successors in tourism- leadership skills, competences and knowledge

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    A major challenge for any organization, which happens once in many years, is related to business succession. Given the specificity of the tourism industry, the takeover of a business depends on the managerial capacity of successor. Leadership is considered one of the key success factors in the businesses and therefore of their transformation. Leadership is also very important when we talk about the relationship between the members of the organization and motivating staff within them. This paper proposes to establish which are the appropriate leadership key skills, competence and knowledge for micro and small enterprises managers, for successfully taking over enterprises, within Europe’s tourism industry. For a clear picture about leadership competences, we considered the following key characteristics: management successors set an exemplary standard to co-workers and give directions both professionally and personally, management successors implement the necessary changes, management successors are open minded to new ideas and know how to assess risks, management successors check compliance of colleagues with professional, social and quality oriented standards, management successors are giving feedback and support personal development, management successors resolve conflict with and between co-workers. The secondary objective of the paper is to test correlation between leadership knowledge, skills and competences for successful business succession. To achieve these objectives, we analysed and interpreted partial results of a quantitative research, based on an online questionnaire. The results of this research can constitute a foundation to further policy papers for the business environment in European tourism


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    Constipaţia este un fenomen comun în practica pediatrică. Prevalenţa sa este în creştere, fiind prezentă, conform diferitelor statistici, la 0,7-29,6% dintre copii. Constipaţia este întâlnită la toate grupele de vârstă, cu severitate şi durată variabile, de la forme uşoare şi de scurtă durată la forme severe şi de lungă durată, cu impactare fecală şi in continenţă fecală. Acest articol revede aspectele epidemiologice, clinice şi terapeutice ale constipaţiei la copil, funcţionale în majoritatea cazurilor

    Analysis of Corporate Entrepreneurship in Public R&amp;D Institutions

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    This paper aimed at establishing a Corporate Entrepreneurship diagnosis model within public R&amp;D institutions. We based our analysis on empirical identification of a generalized set of organizational factors, perceived as intrapreneurship vectors. The quantitative research targeted 50 experienced public entities and was based on validating one of the most popular psychometric instruments in the entrepreneurial literature: the Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI)&mdash;originally intended for the North American economic environment. As recent literature questioned the cross-cultural portability of psychometric instruments, this study intended to validate the five-factor intrinsic structure of CEAI. The five factors deduced by our statistical analysis were: support for opportunity investigations and reinforcement; dynamic environment and recognition; decreased formalization; knowledge sharing; time availability and strategic awareness. Next, the factor scores were used as input variables for a logistic regression procedure, with the output variable being the intrapreneurial value of the respondents&rsquo; institutions. Two factors contribute considerably to the predicted intrapreneurial value: support for opportunity investigations and reinforcement and decreased formalization. The validity of the whole approach is supported by the relevance of the original CEAI questionnaire, able to reveal intrapreneurial characteristics, and by the prediction power of the logistic regression model over the intrapreneurial propensity of public institutions

    The 12th Edition of the Scientific Days of the National Institute for Infectious Diseases “Prof. Dr. Matei Bals” and the 12th National Infectious Diseases Conference

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    Proceedings of The 8th Romanian National HIV/AIDS Congress and The 3rd Central European HIV Forum

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