109 research outputs found

    Propiedades psicométricas de la versión espanola de la escala de motivación deportiva

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    This study aimed to analyse the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the échelle de Motivation dans les Sports (EMS). The sample was made up of 496 athletes: 314 men and 182 women. The confirmatory factorial nalysis confirmed the scales seven-factor structure with method effects, the construct validity was supported by the correlations among the subscales. Furthermore, the results showed satisfactory levels of internal consistency and significant differences between genders were obtained in the end. These results support the use of the Spanish version of the SMS in assessing motivation within the context of sport

    Validación de la versión espanola de la escala multidimensional de orientaciones a la deportividad

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    The aim of this study was to translate into Spanish and validate the Multidimensional Sportspersonship Orientations Scale (MSOS), which was developed in English and validated by Vallerand et al. (1997). The MSOS consistsof five subscales that measure full commitment toward sport, respect for social conventions, respect and concern for rules and officials, respect and concern for opponents, and negative approach towards sportspersonship. The Spanish version of the scale showed acceptable levels of internal consistency and temporal stability over a four-week period. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the five-factor structure of the MSOS. Correlations among the subscales confirmed the scales construct validity. Finally, gender differences were obtained. These findings support the use of the Spanish version of the MSOS for assessing individual differences in sportspersonship orientations

    Green's formulation for chirowaveguides

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    Green integral formulation of the boundary value problem in chirowaveguides with translational symmetry and the application to the rectangular case are presented in this paper. The Green equations for the two eigenmodes in unbounded chiral media, i.e. right and left circularly polarized waves, are formulated in terms of the Hankel functions. By splitting the waveguide contour into a finite number of intervals, the equations are discretized and a homogeneous system of equations can be obtained. The number of unknowns is reduced to the half by applying the relations between the longitudinal components and their normal derivatives at the metallic contours. The method has been used for modeling the rectangular waveguide and the dispersion diagram and the field structure for some propagation modes are presented.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (Research Projects TEC2014-55463-C3-1-P and TEC2014-55463-C3-2-P) and by the European Commission (ERDF)

    Aprender construyendo simulaciones

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    Los estudiantes de primer curso de Físicas de la Universidad de Murcia utilizan la herramienta de modelado Easy Java Simulations, Ejs, para realizar sus propias simulaciones, dicha herramienta permite desarrollar simulaciones con un aceptable pequeño esfuerzo informático, el Ejs produce applets embebidos en páginas html. El estudiante recibe una asignatura de Física General durante todo el curso todos los días lectivos de la semana y una vez a la semana acude a la clase con ordenadores en la que desarrolla aplicaciones sobre los temas introducidos en sus clases de la citada asignatura. Con una breve introducción a la Física Computacional el alumno puede abordar temas que resultan avanzados para estudiantes de estos niveles, mejorando también su tratamiento de las ecuaciones diferenciales. En esta comunicación se presentan las peculiaridades didácticas que permite la construcción de las simulaciones por los estudiantes, las principales características de la herramienta Ejs y algunos ejemplos realizados por los alumnos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Aprender construyendo simulaciones

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    Los estudiantes de primer curso de Físicas de la Universidad de Murcia utilizan la herramienta de modelado Easy Java Simulations, Ejs, para realizar sus propias simulaciones, dicha herramienta permite desarrollar simulaciones con un aceptable pequeño esfuerzo informático, el Ejs produce applets embebidos en páginas html. El estudiante recibe una asignatura de Física General durante todo el curso todos los días lectivos de la semana y una vez a la semana acude a la clase con ordenadores en la que desarrolla aplicaciones sobre los temas introducidos en sus clases de la citada asignatura. Con una breve introducción a la Física Computacional el alumno puede abordar temas que resultan avanzados para estudiantes de estos niveles, mejorando también su tratamiento de las ecuaciones diferenciales. En esta comunicación se presentan las peculiaridades didácticas que permite la construcción de las simulaciones por los estudiantes, las principales características de la herramienta Ejs y algunos ejemplos realizados por los alumnos.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Variación de la temperatura en las capas externas del cuerpo humano irradiado a alta frecuencia (HF)

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    The absorption of energy by human external tissue when HF irradiation and the physical consequences involved are the purposes of this study. When it is directed toward the surface of the skin, energy is transmitted to its inner layers causing an increase of the temperature. This process has experimentally been proved to be beneficial in many cases. Yet theoretically there is still a slightly hollow basis about it. Skin tissue is actually a multilayer tissue with a different characteristic in each layer. Each one of them is characterized by some parameters, such as permittivity, conductivity, density and specific heat. Two kinds of skin tissues will be analyzed: a fibrous and a fatty one, each of both with a different skin humidity. Our model takes into account the heating by HF radiation, the redistribution of energy through the tissues and the cooling rate by blood in order to predict the increasing of tissue temperature in differents situations.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    The processes engineering: the air conditioning equipments in Spain

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    La irrupción del aire acondicionado en España llego en los años 50 de la mano de importadores italianos. Desde su aparición, este mercado ha sufrido distintas transformaciones, pasando, en sus comienzos, de un mercado especializado y destinado a grandes empresas, a un mercado de masas con un alto número de competidores. En la actualidad la industria del sector del aire acondicionado en España se encuentra ante dos importantes crisis: Una primer crisis, de carácter interno, que es consecuencia de una situación de mercado maduro, donde la competencia es muy alta, los productos son prácticamente una commodity y las innovaciones tecnológicas son rápidamente copiadas, si no superadas, en muy poco tiempo. Una segunda crisis, ésta de carácter global, que ha provocado una contracción en la demanda que ha afectado de forma directa a la industria del aire acondicionado, debido a su estrecha relación con el sector de la construcción y las economías domésticas. Ante esta situación, y a fin de poder seguir obteniendo beneficios, las empresas deben reorientar sus estrategias y buscar la satisfacción del cliente, frente a la anterior estrategia que únicamente se centraba en el producto como factor de supervivencia. Pero para lograr este nuevo enfoque de negocio, es necesario que las empresas modifiquen sus actuales procesos de gestión, ya que los actuales resultan inadecuados para gestionar los nuevos retos. Presentamos un modelo de reingeniería de procesos que permita a la empresa orientarse hacia el mercado, a través de la cadena de valor, permitiéndoles definir los canales de la empresa a fin de orientarse a necesidades del cliente. Una vez implantado este sistema de calidad, el modelo nos permitirá definir las métricas que nos indiquen el camino a seguir a través de los SCF (Critical Succes Factors) en función de su estrategia relacionándolos con los KPI (Key Perfomance Indicator) de tal forma que la dirección pueda comparar y medir como se está desarrollando el proceso en función de los objetivos previstos, así como introducir las medidas correctoras ante las desviaciones que se produzcan.The air conditioning bursting arrived in Spain in the 50’s by Italian importers. Since its appearance, this market has suffered different transformations since its beginning from a specialized market addressed to great companies, to a masses market with a high number of competitors. At the present time, the air conditioning industry in Spain is facing two important crises: The first crises, of internal character, is due to a situation of a mature market, where the competition is very high, the products are practically a comfort and the technological innovations are copied very fast, if not obsolete, in a brief period of time. A second crises, of global character, that has caused a contraction in the demand which has affected directly to the air conditioning industry, due to its strengthen relation with the construction sector and domestic economies. On this situation, in order to keep obtaining benefits, the companies must direct their strategies and look for customer’s satisfaction, facing up the previous strategy which was only focused on the product as a survival factor. To achieve this new business approach, it’s necessary to modify the actual management processes handled by the companies, since the present ones are turn out inappropriate to manage the new challenges. We display a processes engineering model that allows the company to focus towards the market, through the value chain, allowing them to define the company’s channels in order to focus them to the customer’s necessities. Once this quality system is introduced, the model will allow us to define the metrics that will indicate the way to follow through the SCF (Critical Success Factors) based on their strategy and relating them to the KPI (Key Performance Indicator) giving the opportunity to the management to compare and consider how the process is being developed based on the pre-selected objectives, as well as introduce the solutions in case of a deviation

    Transferencia de calor mediante la aplicación de RF sobre un modelo multicapa de tejido dérmico

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    HF radiation applied on the surface of the skin by an electrode is absorbed and it causes interior changes that redound into a smoother skin with less wrinkles. In this study, it is exposed a multiplayer method to determine absorbed radiation and increasing of temperature for each internal tissue. Each tissue is represented by a layer with certain parameters, such as permittivity, conductivity, density and specific heat. The model is applied to two different distributions of tissues: a fibrous and a fatty one. It is found that a fibrous distribution absorbs more energy than a fatty one, and also how the absorption could even be increased by previous humidification.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Caracterización Electromagnética de Medios Quirales

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    Experimental techniques for chiral media characterization at microwave frequencies are reviewed. Free-wave, waveguide and resonators techniques found in the current literature and the author’s own experience are discussed. Some free-wave results are presented. Finally, a critical discussion about each technique feasibility is presented.Ingeniería, Industria y Construcció

    Chiral media characterization using both linear and circular polarized waves

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    A new free-wave experimental method for chiral media characterization is presented. The setup is based on a pair of dual horn antennas and a diplexer 90◦ phase shifter, which allows to produce both circularly and linearly polarized waves and to measure the co- and cross-polar components of the transmission and reflection coefficients of a chiral slab under normal illumination. Then, six experimental measurements are available to retrieve three constitutive parameters. Furthermore, by including the reflection coefficient of the backed metal sample an over determined system of equations is obtained, which leads to increase the accuracy of the material characterization.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (Projects TEC2014-55463-C3-1-P and TEC2014-55463-C3-2-P) and by the European Commission (ERDF). The authors thank C. Arévalo for helping with the paper edition