104 research outputs found

    Concepção de professores e a experimentação no ensino de Ciências em escolas públicas de Planaltina-DF

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Planaltina, Licenciatura em Ciências Naturais, 2017.O uso de recursos e estratégias didáticas quando propostos com fins pedagógicos tornam-se ferramentas muito importantes na educação. A experimentação quando inserida com uma perspectiva investigativa, pode proporcionar uma série de contribuições significativas no processo de ensino aprendizagem do estudante. Cabe ao professor todo planejamento, com delineamento de objetivos claros para que as atividades práticas possam servir de apoio na sua docência. Com base nisso, o objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar as concepções de professores de Ciências de anos finais do Ensino Fundamental de Escolas Públicas da região de Planaltina-DF sobre a importância da experimentação no ensino, bem como a influência da formação desses professores nesse contexto. Utilizamos de um questionário misto, composto por questões abertas e fechadas para coleta de dados. Ao final da pesquisa observou-se que alguns professores apresentam dificuldades em trabalhar com experimentação fora de um laboratório tradicional, e que a formação de professores nessa área tem uma predominância sobre essas concepções. No entanto, o presente estudo destacou que mesmo com fatores limitantes, mais da metade dos professores da amostra utilizam a experimentação em suas aulas com materiais alternativos e de baixo custo

    Polycystic Kidney Disease in Rough Toothed Dolphins (Steno bredanensis) founded in the Paraná coast, Southern Brazil

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    Background: Renal cystic diseases (RCD) are characterized by cystic structures on renal parenchyma associated with obstructive lesions, membranous disruptions, and/or growth disturbances. The polycystic kidney disease (PKD) shows specific pathological characteristics, related to mutations on PKD1 and/or PKD2 chromosome locus on humans. In Persian cats and bull terriers the condition is like the human “adult-onset” PKD, while in Perendale sheep the “childhood”-like is described. In cetaceans, RCD are reported, however the characterization of PKD is scarcely described.  This report aims to describe two cases of PKD and one of RCD in stranded Steno bredanensis, and to discuss the disease associated factors.Cases: Four rough-toothed-dolphins were found stranded in the Paraná coast, southern Brazil between 2016 to 2018, through the Santos Basin Beach Monitoring Project (PMP-BS), one of the systematic monitoring programs required by Brazilian Institute of Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (IBAMA) for the environmental licensing process of oil production and transport by Petrobras in the presalt province. In three animals histological sampling was performed. One of them (animal 3) was founded alive, presenting altered buoyancy with lateralization to the right and signs of pneumonia. The blood analysis showed anemia and leukocytosis. The animal showed poor clinical prognosis, and even with supportive treatment, come to death four days after the rescue. Routine autopsies were performed on all animals. Animals 1 and 2 presented macroscopically enlarged kidneys containing disseminated cystic structures in the parenchyma. On microscopic examination, the cortical region showed diffuse cystic structures delimited by variable thickness of fibrous tissue, usually compressing adjacent glomeruli, without concomitant inflammatory process. In these cases, the death was associated with the end stage renal disease. Animal 3 showed grossly few cystic structures, well delimited and replacing some reniculi. Tracheitis, granulomatous pneumonia, esophagitis, gastritis, enteritis and papilloma on penis and palate were observed. Microscopically, the cysts were lined by a single layer of columnar to cuboidal epithelial cells surrounded by extensive fibrotic tissue. Multifocal tubular necrosis was also noticed. Multifocal moderate nonsuppurative encephalitis with parasitic eggs and bacterial granulomatous hemorrhagic pneumonia were observed. In this case, the death was associated with the lesions in the nervous system. Discussion: Data concerning polycystic kidney disease on cetaceans and wild animals is limited, and no primary genetic pathway was associated. In the present study, the gross and histological aspects observed on two animals (1 and 2) are similar to the characteristics found in the human adult form of PKD, while the characteristics observed on animal 3 are consistent with usual cystic disease. In addition, the animals are aged like humans where the end stage renal disease occurs in patients around 70 years old. The kidney histological aspects observed in all animals are similar, however, animal 3 showed no renomegaly, a characteristic of PKD.  Considering the genetic pathway involved in humans and some animal’s breeds, investigation on gene mutations in S. bredanensis could help to define if this is also a genetic disorder and increase the knowledge about PKD. Keywords: kidney, delphinidae, PKD, diagnostic pathology, cystic disease, rough toothed dolphin

    Recovery of Oil in Limestone with Cationic Surfactant: Investigation of the Adsorption, Wettability, and Spontaneous Imbibition

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    The performance of petroleum recovery methods is dependent on the characteristics of the reservoir rock, oil quality, and formation water. One fundamental feature for considering petroleum recovery methods is the wettability of the rock reservoir. Also, this feature impacts the displacement of fluids in the rock reservior. In the case of the limestone, which normally features oil wettability, enhanced recovery methods are responsible for altering surface wettability. In this study, the effect of concentration of a cationic surfactant in the oil recovery from limestone is shown. In these tests, finite-bath technique was used to investigate adsorption by varying the amount of adsorbent and contact time. By carrying out contact angle assays, the wettability of the limestone was assessed. In addition, the oil recovery was effected by spontaneous imbibition. In this study, the limestone samples with solutions of CTAB in the concentrations of 0.8596 g/L and 1.2280 g/L, using a 2% KCl solution are treated. The results showed enhanced adsorption of CTAB at the CMC. The nature of this phenomenon did not induce changes in the wettability of the rock, which was confirmed by the contact angle measurements. In the spontaneous imbibition, more oil could be recovered when using a CTAB below the CMC, possibly due to less intense adsorption by the limestone

    Liver damage of autopsied patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and antirretroviral therapy effect

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    Aim: To evaluate steatosis percentage and hepatic interstitial fibers of autopsied patients with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS), relating to the use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods: 62 liver fragments from patients with and without AIDS autopsied from 1996 to 2017, matched by age (18-49), gender and race. These patients were divided in two groups: patients with AIDS (n=31) and patients without AIDS (n=31). Patients with AIDS were analyzed according to treatment on ART (n=15) or non-ART (n=16). In the histomorphometric analysis sections were made and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, picrosirius and reticulin for steatosis, type I and type III collagen analysis, respectively. Results: Patients with AIDS showed significantly larger steatosis percentage (26.05 vs 21.95%, p<0.001), type I collagen (1.63 vs 1.01%, p<0.001) and type III collagen (8.68 vs 7.83%, p<0.001). Patients with AIDS on ART showed significantly lower steatosis percentage (25.45 vs 26.36%, p<0.001) and type I collagen (1.52 vs 1.75%, p<0.001). Patients with AIDS on ART showed lower percentage of type III collagen (8.52 vs 8.77%, p<0.96), however it was not statistically significant. Conclusion: AIDS increases in hepatocyte fat accumulation and steatosis and liver fibrosis. However, ART has a decreased beneficial role in hepatocyte fat accumulation and fibrosis development since the medication detains both processes

    Sexualidade de idosos com demência: representações sociais de estudantes de enfermagem

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    Objective: to learn about the social representation of nursing students about the sexuality of elders with dementia. Methods: qualitative study, based on the Theory of Social Representations, developed with 20 Nursing Graduation students from a Brazilian higher education institution. Data was collected through a focal group, processed in the software IRAMUTEQ and analyzed using a Descending Hierarchical Classification. Results: four semantic classes emerged: Sexuality as a right, The theme was insufficient in graduation, Meanings attributed to sexuality, and Care from the perspective of students. Conclusion: the study showed that the nursing students investigated had polysemic representations about the sexuality of elders with dementia, among which discriminatory and stigmatizing conceptions stood out, socially constructed and anchored in common sense.Objetivo: apreender as representações sociais de estudantes de enfermagem acerca da sexualidade de idosos com demência. Métodos: estudo qualitativo, fundamentado na Teoria das Representações Sociais, desenvolvido com 20 estudantes de Graduação em Enfermagem de uma instituição de ensino superior brasileira. Os dados foram coletados por meio de grupo focal, processados no software IRAMUTEQ e analisados por Classificação Hierárquica Descendente. Resultados: emergiram quatros classes semânticas: A sexualidade como um direito, Temática insuficiente na graduação, Significados atribuídos à sexualidade e O cuidado na perspectiva de estudantes. Conclusão: o estudo demonstrou que os estudantes de enfermagem investigados possuíam representações polissêmicas sobre a sexualidade de idosos demenciados, em que se destacaram concepções discriminatórias e estigmatizantes, ancoradas no senso comum e construídas socialmente.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    No bojo do capitalismo, devido, principalmente, à apropriação capitalista da natureza, o surgimento de conflitos socioambientais é comum, povos lutam por acesso ou mesmo pela manutenção de bens naturais que o capital ameaça. Dentre esses conflitos, temos subdivisões. No nosso artigo, trabalharemos uma delas, os conflitos pela água. O estudo a seguir objetiva analisar o conflito pela água na comunidade de Uiraponga em Morada Nova/CE, que ocorreu por falta de acesso dos moradores à água da obra hídrica Eixão das Águas. Para isso, como procedimento metodológico realizou-se levantamento bibliográfico e documental associado a trabalhos de campo na comunidade de Uiraponga e em órgãos governamentais relacionados à gestão das águas; e usaram-se também geotecnologias para a confecção de mapas. A partir do percurso metodológico, foi possível obter os seguintes resultados: provou-se que o conflito pela água é uma subdivisão dentro dos conflitos socioambientais; constatou-se que as grandes obras hídricas no Ceará objetivam atender, principalmente, aos interesses do capital em detrimento dos do camponês; e concluiu-se que o conflito pela água em Uiraponga surgiu não só devido à falta de acesso à água, mas também porque os moradores têm uma forma de compreender a água diferenciada da forma capitalista

    “Ser estudante” no ensino superior: aspectos valorativos da experiência na perspectiva discente

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    The present study had as its objective to analyse the students’perceptions about positive and negative aspects of the academic experience in higher educaction. For that so, we applied an open virtual questionnaire and obtainned 305 answers from academicals students.The most relevant results indicated the satisfaction that the students feel when they realize their own development (31,5% of the participants) and the difficulties they face with the university teacher’s didactic perform (36,4%). These results reinforce the need of institutional policies and pedagogical practices that increases the curriculum of the courses to enable the obstacles to academic engagement of the studant.El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre los aspectos positivos y negativos de la experiencia académica en la enseñanza superior. Para esto, aplicamos un cuestionario virtual abierto y obtuvimos 305 respuestas de estudiantes universitarios. Los resultados más relevantes indicaron la satisfacción que sienten los estudiantes al percibir su propio desarrollo (31.5% de los participantes); y las dificultades que enfrentan con la actuación didáctica de los profesores universitarios (36,4%). Estos resultados refuerzan la necesidad de políticas institucionales y practicas pedagógicas que incrementen el curriculum de los cursos al fin de superar obstáculos al compromiso académico de los estudiantes.O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as percepções dos estudantes sobre aspectos positivos e negativos da experiência acadêmica no ensino superior. Para tanto, aplicamos um questionário virtual aberto e obtivemos 305 respostas de estudantes universitários. Os resultados mais relevantes indicaram a satisfação que as/os estudantes sentem ao perceber o próprio desenvolvimento (31,5% dos participantes); e as dificuldades que enfrentam com desempenho didático das/os professoras/es da universidade (36,4%). Esses resultados reforçam a necessidade de políticas institucionais e práticas pedagógicas que incrementem o currículo dos cursos a fim de possibilitar a superação de obstáculos ao engajamento acadêmico do/a estudante