81 research outputs found

    Consommation d’énergies et croissance du PIB dans les pays de l’UEMOA : Une analyse en données de panel

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    This paper analyze the causal relationship between energy consumption and economic growth,as well as the relationship between energy sources for a panel of four WAEMU countries; Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Senegal and Togo, for the period 1970-2005. Econometric analysis results indicate that there are: a bi-directional causality between oil consumption and economic growth, for the panel as a whole, but no causality between electricity and economic growth, and no substitution between energy sources at the short run. At the long run, there is a bi-directional causality between economic growth and both the energy sources which become substitutable. These results not only underline the energy dependence of the economic growth, and the rigidity of energy consumption behaviors of these four countries at the short run, but also support regional energy policies which must take account some countries specificities

    Adding new pieces to the Azadinium (Dinophyceae) diversity and biogeography puzzle: Non-toxigenic Azadinium zhuanum sp. nov. from China, toxigenic A. poporum from the Mediterranean, and a non-toxigenic A. dalianense from the French Atlantic

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    The marine planktonic dinophyceaen genus Azadinium is a primary source of azaspiracids, but due to their small size its diversity may be underestimated and information on its biogeography is still limited. A new Azadinium species, A. zhuanum was obtained from the East China Sea and Yellow Sea of China by incubating surface sediments. Five strains were established by isolating single germinated cells and their morphology was examined with light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Azadinium zhuanum was characterized by a plate pattern of Po, cp, X, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6C, 5S, 6′′′, 2′′′′, by a distinct ventral pore at the junction of Po, the first and fourth apical plates, and a conspicuous antapical spine. Moreover, Azadinium poporum was obtained for the first time from the Mediterranean by incubating surface sediment collected from Diana Lagoon (Corsica) and a new strain of Azadinium dalianense was isolated from the French Atlantic. The morphology of both strains was examined. Small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA), large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA) and internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences were obtained from cultured strains. In addition, LSU sequences were obtained by single cell sequencing of two presumable A. poporum cells collected from the French Atlantic. Molecular phylogeny based on concatenated SSU, LSU and ITS sequences revealed that A. zhuanum was closest to A. polongum. French A. poporum from Corsica (Mediterranean) and from the Atlantic showed some genetic differences but were nested within one of the A. poporum ribotypes together with other European strains. Azadinium dalianense from France together with the type strain of the species from China comprised a well resolved clade now consisting of two ribotypes. Azaspiracid profiles were analyzed for the cultured Azadinium strains using LC–MS/MS and demonstrate that the Mediterranean A. poporum strain produced AZA-2 and AZA-2 phosphate with an amount of 0.44 fg cell−1. Azadinium zhuanum and A. dalianense did not produce detectable AZA. Results of the present study support the view of a high diversity and wide distribution of species belonging to Azadinium. The first record of AZA-2 producing A. poporum from the Mediterranean suggests that this species may be responsible for azaspiracid contaminations in shellfish from the Mediterranean Sea

    The dinophycean genus Azadinium and related species – morphological and molecular characterization, biogeography, and toxins

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    Peer-reviewed.Azaspiracids (AZAs) are the most recently discovered group of lipophilic marine biotoxins of microalgal origin. It took about twelve years from the first human poisoning event until a culprit for AZA production was unambiguously identified and described as a novel species, Azadinium spinosum, within a newly created genus. Since then, knowledge on the genus has increased considerably, and an update on the current circumscription of the genus is presented here including various aspects of morphology, phylogeny, biogeography, and toxin production. There are currently five described species: A. spinosum, A. obesum, A. poporum, A. caudatum, and A. polongum. As indicated by molecular sequence variation detected in field samples, there are probably more species to recognize. Moreover, Amphidoma languida has been described recently, and this species is the closest relative of Azadinium based on both molecular and morphological data. Amphidoma and Azadinium are now grouped in the family Amphidomataceae, which forms an independent lineage among other monophyletic major groups of dinophytes. Initially, azaspiracids have been detected in A. spinosum only, but AZA production within the Amphidomataceae appears complex and diverse: A new type of azaspiracid, with a number of structural variants, has been detected in A. poporum and Amphidoma languida, and AZA-2 has now been detected in Chinese strains of A. poporum

    Sampling bias misrepresents the biogeographical significance of constitutive mixotrophs across global oceans

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    Aim Most protist plankton are mixotrophic, with potential to engage in photoautotrophy and phagotrophy; however, the ecology of these organisms has been misdiagnosed for over a century. A large proportion of these organisms are constitutive mixotrophs (CMs), with an innate ability to photosynthesize. Here, for the first time, an analysis is presented of the biogeography of CMs across the oceans. Location Global marine ecosystems. Time period 1970–2018. Major taxa studied Marine planktonic protists. Methods Records for CM species, primarily from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS), were grouped by taxonomy and size to evaluate sampling efforts across Longhurst's oceanic provinces. Biases were evaluated through nonparametric tests and multivariate analysis. Biogeographies of CMs from OBIS data were compared with data from studies that specifically targeted these organisms. Results Constitutive mixotrophs of different taxonomic groups, across all size ranges, are ubiquitous. However, strong database biases were detected with respect to organism size, taxonomic groups and region. A strong bias was seen towards dinophytes. Species Main conclusions Constitutive mixotrophs are dominant members of organisms traditionally termed “phytoplankton”. However, lack of routine protocols for measuring phagotrophy in “phytoplankton” protists has led to widespread misrepresentation of the fundamental nature of marine planktonic primary producers; most express both “animal‐like” and “plant‐like” nutrition. Our results have implications for studies of the global biogeography of plankton, of food web dynamics (including models) and of biogeochemical cycling in the oceans

    Pseudo-nitzschia physiological ecology, phylogeny, toxicity, monitoring and impacts on ecosystem health

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    This paper is not subject to U.S. copyright. The definitive version was published in Harmful Algae 14 (2012): 271-300, doi:10.1016/j.hal.2011.10.025.Over the last decade, our understanding of the environmental controls on Pseudo-nitzschia blooms and domoic acid (DA) production has matured. Pseudo-nitzschia have been found along most of the world's coastlines, while the impacts of its toxin, DA, are most persistent and detrimental in upwelling systems. However, Pseudo-nitzschia and DA have recently been detected in the open ocean's high-nitrate, low-chlorophyll regions, in addition to fjords, gulfs and bays, showing their presence in diverse environments. The toxin has been measured in zooplankton, shellfish, crustaceans, echinoderms, worms, marine mammals and birds, as well as in sediments, demonstrating its stable transfer through the marine food web and abiotically to the benthos. The linkage of DA production to nitrogenous nutrient physiology, trace metal acquisition, and even salinity, suggests that the control of toxin production is complex and likely influenced by a suite of environmental factors that may be unique to a particular region. Advances in our knowledge of Pseudo-nitzschia sexual reproduction, also in field populations, illustrate its importance in bloom dynamics and toxicity. The combination of careful taxonomy and powerful new molecular methods now allow for the complete characterization of Pseudo-nitzschia populations and how they respond to environmental changes. Here we summarize research that represents our increased knowledge over the last decade of Pseudo-nitzschia and its production of DA, including changes in worldwide range, phylogeny, physiology, ecology, monitoring and public health impacts

    Morphology and molecular phylogeny of Prorocentrum consutum sp. nov. (Dinophycae), a new benthic dinoflagellate from South Brittany (Northwestern France)

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    International audienceA new marine benthic Prorocentrum species from sandy habitats of South Brittany (northwestern France), P. consutum sp. nov., is described using LM and SEM and molecular phylogenetic analyses. Cells have a subcircular to broadly ovoid shape and are plainly flattened. They are 57–61 μm long and 52–55 μm wide. A central pyrenoid is present, and the kidney-shaped nucleus is positioned in the posterior region. In right valve view, the periflagellar area is deeply excavated, and the left valve forms a prominent apical ridge. The periflagellar area consists of nine platelets, and a small narrow collar is present around the flagellar pore. The ornamentation of this new species is very peculiar and is characterized by a ring of round areolae located at the periphery of the valves, each areola containing three or four pores. Apart from this ring of areolae, the cell surface is smooth and with scattered pores. Pores are not present in the center of the right or left valve. The intercalary band is generally narrow and faintly striated horizontally. The molecular phylogenetic position of P. consutum sp. nov. was inferred using SSU and LSU rDNA. In both analyses, this species branched with high support in the clade comprising species with a symmetric shape and appeared to be a sister group to that formed by P. lima and other tropical benthic species, such as P. arenarium, P. belizeanum, P. hoffmannianum, and P. maculosu

    First record of Amphidoma languida and Azadinium dexteroporum (Amphidomataceae, Dinophyceae) from the Irminger Sea off Iceland

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    Species of dinophycean Amphidomataceae are producers of phycotoxins classified as azaspiracids. We provide the first records of two of their constituent species, Amphidoma languida and Azadinium dexteroporum, for the Irminger Sea off Iceland. Morphological examination and molecular characterization, including uncorrected mean pairwise distances between sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS), doubtlessly assigned the sub-Arctic strain 2A11 to the reference of Amphidoma languida. Strain 2A11 produced AZA-38 and AZA-39, corresponding to the toxin profile described for the type material. The sub-Arctic isolate 1D12 differed significantly in terms of ITS genetic distance (p = 0.04) from a Mediterranean Azadinium dexteroporum strain, but our morphological analysis did not reveal any major or stable diagnostic traits between the reference strain of Azadinium dexteroporum and the new strain described here. In contrast to the Mediterranean strain of Azadinium dexteroporum, the sub-Arctic strain 1D12 did not produce any known azaspiracids. The new records of Amphidoma languida and Azadinium dexteroporum from the Irminger Sea imply an important range extension of the species, formerly known from the northern and eastern Atlantic (Amphidoma languida) and from the Mediterranean area (Azadinium dexteroporum) only. Together with three new species of Azadinium recently described from the same expedition, the results clearly show that the biodiversity of the Amphidomataceae in the sub-Arctic is remarkably large

    First record of Azadinium from the Shetland Islands including the description of A. polongum sp. nov.

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    Azadinium is a dinophycean genus capable of producing azaspiracids (AZAs), a recently discovered group of lipophilic phycotoxins causing human intoxication via mussel consumption. Although initially described from the North Sea, the genus currently consisting of four described species is probably distributed worldwide. Here we report on Azadinium from the Shetland Islands, which are located in the northernmost part of the North Sea and are largely influenced by the Atlantic Ocean. Two strains of Azadinium were isolated from a single water sample. One strain was identified as Azadinium spinosum based on morphology and sequence data and had an AZA cell quota of about 20 fg per cell, similar to all other described strains of the species. The toxin profile consisted of AZA-1 and AZA-2 in a 2.3:1 ratio and a yet undescribed AZA of 715 Da. The other strain represents a new species and is here described as Azadinium polongum sp. nov. Like A. spinosum, but different to Azadinium obesum and Azadinium poporum, A. polongum has an antapical spine. A. polongum differs from A. spinosum by an elongated shape of the pore plate (Po), and X-plate, the location of the ventral pore, and the absence of a distinct pyrenoid with starch sheath. Molecular analysis based on SSU, LSU, and ITS sequencing supported separation of A. polongum at the species level. Detailed LC–MS analysis showed that A. polongum does not produce any known AZAs in measureable amounts