83 research outputs found

    Universal Approximation Property of Fully Convolutional Neural Networks with Zero Padding

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    The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is one of the most prominent neural network architectures in deep learning. Despite its widespread adoption, our understanding of its universal approximation properties has been limited due to its intricate nature. CNNs inherently function as tensor-to-tensor mappings, preserving the spatial structure of input data. However, limited research has explored the universal approximation properties of fully convolutional neural networks as arbitrary continuous tensor-to-tensor functions. In this study, we demonstrate that CNNs, when utilizing zero padding, can approximate arbitrary continuous functions in cases where both the input and output values exhibit the same spatial shape. Additionally, we determine the minimum depth of the neural network required for approximation and substantiate its optimality. We also verify that deep, narrow CNNs possess the UAP as tensor-to-tensor functions. The results encompass a wide range of activation functions, and our research covers CNNs of all dimensions

    Generative Modeling through the Semi-dual Formulation of Unbalanced Optimal Transport

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    Optimal Transport (OT) problem investigates a transport map that bridges two distributions while minimizing a given cost function. In this regard, OT between tractable prior distribution and data has been utilized for generative modeling tasks. However, OT-based methods are susceptible to outliers and face optimization challenges during training. In this paper, we propose a novel generative model based on the semi-dual formulation of Unbalanced Optimal Transport (UOT). Unlike OT, UOT relaxes the hard constraint on distribution matching. This approach provides better robustness against outliers, stability during training, and faster convergence. We validate these properties empirically through experiments. Moreover, we study the theoretical upper-bound of divergence between distributions in UOT. Our model outperforms existing OT-based generative models, achieving FID scores of 2.97 on CIFAR-10 and 5.80 on CelebA-HQ-256.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figure

    Analyzing and Improving Optimal-Transport-based Adversarial Networks

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    Optimal Transport (OT) problem aims to find a transport plan that bridges two distributions while minimizing a given cost function. OT theory has been widely utilized in generative modeling. In the beginning, OT distance has been used as a measure for assessing the distance between data and generated distributions. Recently, OT transport map between data and prior distributions has been utilized as a generative model. These OT-based generative models share a similar adversarial training objective. In this paper, we begin by unifying these OT-based adversarial methods within a single framework. Then, we elucidate the role of each component in training dynamics through a comprehensive analysis of this unified framework. Moreover, we suggest a simple but novel method that improves the previously best-performing OT-based model. Intuitively, our approach conducts a gradual refinement of the generated distribution, progressively aligning it with the data distribution. Our approach achieves a FID score of 2.51 on CIFAR-10 and 5.99 on CelebA-HQ-256, outperforming unified OT-based adversarial approaches.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figure

    Spatial-and-Frequency-aware Restoration method for Images based on Diffusion Models

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    Diffusion models have recently emerged as a promising framework for Image Restoration (IR), owing to their ability to produce high-quality reconstructions and their compatibility with established methods. Existing methods for solving noisy inverse problems in IR, considers the pixel-wise data-fidelity. In this paper, we propose SaFaRI, a spatial-and-frequency-aware diffusion model for IR with Gaussian noise. Our model encourages images to preserve data-fidelity in both the spatial and frequency domains, resulting in enhanced reconstruction quality. We comprehensively evaluate the performance of our model on a variety of noisy inverse problems, including inpainting, denoising, and super-resolution. Our thorough evaluation demonstrates that SaFaRI achieves state-of-the-art performance on both the ImageNet datasets and FFHQ datasets, outperforming existing zero-shot IR methods in terms of LPIPS and FID metrics

    Feature-aligned N-BEATS with Sinkhorn divergence

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    In this study, we propose Feature-aligned N-BEATS as a domain generalization model for univariate time series forecasting problems. The proposed model is an extension of the doubly residual stacking architecture of N-BEATS (Oreshkin et al. [34]) into a representation learning framework. The model is a new structure that involves marginal feature probability measures (i.e., pushforward measures of multiple source domains) induced by the intricate composition of residual operators of N-BEATS in each stack and aligns them stack-wise via an entropic regularized Wasserstein distance referred to as the Sinkhorn divergence (Genevay et al. [14]). The loss function consists of a typical forecasting loss for multiple source domains and an alignment loss calculated with the Sinkhorn divergence, which allows the model to learn invariant features stack-wise across multiple source data sequences while retaining N-BEATS's interpretable design. We conduct a comprehensive experimental evaluation of the proposed approach and the results demonstrate the model's forecasting and generalization capabilities in comparison with methods based on the original N-BEATS

    MARA-Net: Single Image Deraining Network with Multi-level connections and Adaptive Regional Attentions

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    Removing rain streaks from single images is an important problem in various computer vision tasks because rain streaks can degrade outdoor images and reduce their visibility. While recent convolutional neural network-based deraining models have succeeded in capturing rain streaks effectively, difficulties in recovering the details in rain-free images still remain. In this paper, we present a multi-level connection and adaptive regional attention network (MARA-Net) to properly restore the original background textures in rainy images. The first main idea is a multi-level connection design that repeatedly connects multi-level features of the encoder network to the decoder network. Multi-level connections encourage the decoding process to use the feature information of all levels. Channel attention is considered in multi-level connections to learn which level of features is important in the decoding process of the current level. The second main idea is a wide regional non-local block (WRNL). As rain streaks primarily exhibit a vertical distribution, we divide the grid of the image into horizontally-wide patches and apply a non-local operation to each region to explore the rich rain-free background information. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world rainy datasets demonstrate that the proposed model significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models. Furthermore, the results of the joint deraining and segmentation experiment prove that our model contributes effectively to other vision tasks
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