4 research outputs found
Regulated Health Professions: Outcomes by Place of Birth and Training
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Proprioceptive thalamus receiving forelimb and neck muscle spindle inputs via the external cuneate nucleus in the rat
- Author
- A Angel
- A Brodal
- A Mysicka
- A Yoshida
- Atsushi Yoshida
- Ayaka Oka
- C Ohye
- CG Phillips
- CJ Heath
- CX Li
- DP Friedman
- EG Jones
- EG Jones
- F Sato
- F Sato
- FA Lenz
- FA Lenz
- Fumihiko Sato
- G Macefield
- G Paxinos
- H Hummelsheim
- H Johansson
- H Johansson
- Haruka Ohara
- I Rosén
- I Rosén
- J Boivie
- J Boivie
- JI Johnson Jr
- JP Lund
- JS Low
- JT Francis
- L Kruger
- LA Mantle-St John
- M Fabri
- MA Sirisko
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- O Oscarsson
- PC Magherini
- PS Bolton
- R Dubner
- R Leiras
- R Maendly
- RW Dykes
- S Landgren
- S Landgren
- SA Andersson
- SC Gandevia
- SG Nord
- SI Wiener
- SK Campbell
- T Fujio
- T Fukushima
- Tahsinul Haque
- Takahiro Furuta
- Takashi Yamashiro
- WI Welker
- WL Neuhuber
- Y Iwamura
- Yong Chul Bae
- Yoshihisa Tachibana
- Yume Uemura
- Yumi Tsutsumi
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Occupational Regulation and Foreign Qualification Recognition: An Overview
- Author
- Adams T.L.
- AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency)
- Australian Medical Council
- Aydemir A.
- Aydemir A.
- Bartle I.
- Bayne L.
- Bellan L.
- Bonikowska A.
- Bourgeault I.L.
- Bourgeault I.L.
- Boyd M.
- Brockman J.
- Bryson A.
- Competition Bureau
- Cooney R.
- Cox C.
- European Commission
- European Commission
- Ferrer A.
- Finocchio L.J.
- Freidson E.
- Freidson E.
- Gavazza A.
- Girard M.
- Gonczi A.
- Green D.A.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Hawthorne L.
- Health Professions Council of British Columbia
- Health Professions Legislation Review
- Humphris A.
- Iredale R.
- Iredale R.
- Joint Standing Committee on Immigration
- Kleiner M.M.
- Kleiner M.M.
- Kleiner M.M.
- Kleiner M.M.
- Kugler A.D.
- Lahey W.
- Manitoba Law Reform Commission
- McDonald J.T.
- Meehan B.
- Mysicka R.
- North D.C.
- North D.C.
- Ogilvie S.
- Oreopoulos P.
- Pagliero M.
- Papademetriou D.
- Pendakur K.
- Picot G.
- Picot G.
- Prendergast Canice
- Productivity Commission
- Reitz J.G.
- Schaafsma J.
- Schultze R.
- Schuster A.
- Shapiro C.
- Shleifer A.
- Stange K.
- Timmons E.J.
- Wing C.
- Zietsma D.
- Publication venue
- 'University of Toronto Press Inc. (UTPress)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Cars, Congestion and Costs: A New Approach to Evaluating Government Infrastructure Investment
- Author
- Adam Found
- Alexandre Laurin
- Alexandre Laurin
- Andrew M Warner
- Anthony J Venables
- Antonio Ciccone
- Benjamin Dachis
- Benjamin Dachis
- Bev Dahlby
- Bev Dahlby
- Christopher Ragan
- Christopher Worswick
- Colin Busby
- Courtney Ward
- Daniel Boothby
- Daniel J Graham
- Daron Acemoglu
- David Aschauer
- David Card
- Desmond Beckstead
- Edward L Glaeser
- Edward L Glaeser
- Edward L Glaeser
- Gilles Duranton
- Gilles Duranton
- Glenn Ellison
- Harry Kitchen
- Henry Overman
- Ian Wallis
- James M Poterba
- Jane Jacobs
- Jason M Sutherland
- Jeffrey C Brinkman
- Jeffrey J Axisa
- Jorge De La Roca
- Kristian Behrens
- Kristian Behrens
- Krugman
- Marshall
- Metrolinx
- Metrolinx
- Nick Pantaleo
- Patricia Rice
- Paul Beaudry
- Paul Cheshire
- Paul R Masson
- Peter Howitt
- Peter Howitt
- Pierre-Philippe Combes
- Pierre-Philippe Combes
- Pierre-Philippe Combes
- Pierre-Philippe Combes
- Richard Arnott
- Richard Carson
- Robbie Brydon
- Robert Mcclelland
- Robert Mysicka
- Robin Lindsey
- Robin Lindsey
- Shihe Fu
- Stephen Gibbons
- Steven G Morgan
- Stuart S Rosenthal
- Thomas J Holmes
- Toronto Board Of Trade
- Victor Couture
- Victor Couture
- W Brown
- Wulong Gu
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2013
- Field of study