69 research outputs found

    Arrests for Drug Offenses in Alaska: 2000-2011

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    This fact sheet presents data on arrests for drug offenses made by Alaska police agencies for the period 2000 through 2011. The report presents drug offense arrest information for both adults and juveniles for the 12-year period, including number of drug offense arrests, drug offense arrests as a percentage of all arrests, drug offense arrest rate, and drug offense types. Data is drawn from the annual Crime in Alaska report of the Alaska Department of Public Safety, which represents the State of Alaska's contribution to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeThe frequency of arrests for drug offenses / Drug offense arrests, by offense type / Drug offense arrests, by type of drug / Summary / Note

    State and Local Law Enforcement Personnel in Alaska: 1982–2011

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    This fact sheet presents data for 1980–2011 on state and local law enforcement personnel in Alaska. Data is drawn from the annual Crime in Alaska report of the Alaska Department of Public Safety and the annual Crime in the United States report of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, both of which are part of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeAgency size / Civilianization / Women in Alaska policing / Summary / Note

    Officer Drug- and Alcohol-Related Workload Daily Activity Log: User's Guide

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    Results from this study were published in "Drug and Alcohol-Related Workload of Anchorage Patrol Officers: Results from Two Patrol Officer Surveys" by Brad A. Myrstol, N.E. Schafer, and Matthew J. Giblin. Anchorage, AK: Justice Center, University of Alaska Anchorage, Jan 2003. (JC 0210.01). (https://scholarworks.alaska.edu/handle/11122/3731).This guide provides instructions to officers of the Anchorage Police Department for recording daily log forms as part of a study of the extent to which Anchorage patrol officer activities are the result of, or are in some way associated with, drugs and/or alcohol. Data collection was conducted over a seven-day period in August 2002

    High Referral Rate for VPSO-Assisted Sex Assault Cases

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    This article also appeared on p. 1–4 of the Spring 2018 print edition.This article reports findings from a recent study examining the impact of Alaska’s Village Public Safety Officer (VPSO) program on the criminal justice response to sexual abuse of a minor (SAM) and sexual assault (SA) cases closed by the Alaska State Troopers (AST) between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2011 in western Alaska. The study found that the likelihood that a sexual assault or sexual assault of a minor case will be accepted for prosecution in western Alaska is enhanced when VPSOs are first responders. [This article also appeared on p. 1–4 of the Spring 2018 print edition.]Grant No. 2013-VW-CX-001 awarded by the National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of JusticeState-funded paraprofessional police / VPSO first responders and more / VPSOs involved in 1 out of 7 cases / VPSO cases more likely to be referred / 79.7 percent of paraprofessional cases referred / VPSO first responder cases most likely to be accepted for prosecution / Expanded understanding of VPSO role / Funding disclosure / Reference

    Firearm Use in Violent Crime in the U.S. and Alaska, 1980-2011

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    This fact sheet presents national and statewide statistics from the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports program on the prevalence of murder in the U.S. and Alaska from 1980 to 2011, as well as data on the use of firearms in murders (both for the U.S. as a whole, and Alaska), aggravated assaults (Alaska only), and robberies (Alaska only) over the same period.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeMurder rates in the U.S. / Firearm use in U.S. murders / Firearm use in U.S. murders / Firearm use in Alaska murders / Firearm use in Alaska murders / Firearm use in Alaska robberies / Summary / Note

    Assaults Committed against Alaska Police Officers, 2002–2011

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    This fact sheet presents information reported to the Alaska Department of Public Safety (DPS) by Alaska police agencies on the frequency of assaults committed against police officers for the period 2002–2011. Data were extracted from DPS's annual Uniform Crime Reporting publication Crime in Alaska. Aspects of assaults on police examined include rates of assault, percentage of assaults resulting in injury, weapons used in assaults, and officers killed in the line of duty (1960–2011).Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeAssaults committed against Alaska police officers / Officer injury / Weapon use in assaults against police / Type of police activity / Number of officers present / Time of day / Officers killed in the line of duty / Summar

    Alaska Offender Profile: Adult Probation/Parole, 2002–2012

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    This fact sheet presents data on characteristics of offenders under the supervision of the Alaska Department of Corrections, Division of Probation and Parole (DOC-PP) for the period 2002–2012, and briefly describes how probation and parole operate in Alaska. Data were extracted from the annual Offender Profile publication of the Alaska Department of Corrections. Data presented include total numbers of adult probationers and parolees, rates of adult probation/parole supervision, percentage breakdowns of the probation/parole population by sex and race, and distribution of probation/parole cases among the three largest DOC-PP offices. There has been a notable increase in the total number of persons subject to probation/parole supervision in Alaska over the 11-year period, but this increase has not outpaced the state’s population growth.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeOffenders on Probation/Parole / Probation/Parole Supervision Rates / Offender Race / Probation/Parole Caseloads / Summar

    Alaska Superior Court Felony Case Processing, 2005–2012

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    This fact sheet presents a summary of Superior Court felony case filing and disposition information published by the Alaska Court System (ACS) in its annual statistical reports for the period FY 2005 to FY 2012. Over the 8-year period, the total number of felony case filings increased 13.1 percent, but the percentage of all case filings that were felonies remained stable. The percentage of felony cases that were for violent (person) crimes, drug crimes, and other crimes declined during the 8-year period, while the percentage that were for property crimes increased. A large majority of Superior Court felony cases resulted in a disposition of "guilty," with most such dispositions the result of a plea. Only 2.9 percent of felony cases filed in Superior Court go to trial; of these, nearly 80 percent resulted in a finding of guilt.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeComposition of Felony Case Filings / Disposition of Felony Cases / Summary / Not

    Contacts Between Anchorage Adults and Police

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    This article presents selected results from a pilot study of police–citizen contacts conducted in Anchorage, Alaska in May 2013. The pilot study was part of a larger effort to establish a statewide police–public contact survey that will allow for comparison between Alaska-specific and national police–public contact estimates.[Introduction] / Preliminary Findings / Traffic Stops / Non-Traffic Stop Encounters / Searches / Use of Force by Police / Summary / Limitations of This Study / Moving Forward / [SIDEBAR:] Notes on the Phase I Pilot MethodologyYe

    DUI/DWI Arrests in Alaska: 2000–2011

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    This fact sheet presents data on driving under the influence (DUI) and driving while intoxicated (DWI) arrests made by Alaska police agencies for the period 2000 through 2011. The report describes overall rates of arrest for DUI/DWI during the 12-year period, as well as DUI/DWI arrest rates by major law enforcement agency, by sex, and by race. Data is drawn from the annual Crime in Alaska report of the Alaska Department of Public Safety, which represents the State of Alaska's contribution to the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) program.Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of JusticeDUI/DWI arresst in Alaska, 2000–2011 / DUI/DWI Arrests in Anchorage, 2000–2011 / Summary / Note
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