3 research outputs found
Malnutrition: A selected review of its effects on the learning and behaviour of children
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
An anthropological view of western women's prodigious fasting: A review essay
- Author
- Barthes Roland
- Berger John
- Boskind‐White Marlene
- Brown Judith K.
- Bruch Hilde
- Bruch Hilde
- Bruch Hilde
- Carole M. Counihan
- Cauwels Janice M.
- Chemin Kim
- Chemin Kim
- Chernin Kim
- D'Andrade Roy
- Dally Peter
- Davis William N.
- Delaney Janice
- Douglas Mary
- Douglas Mary
- Douglas Mary
- Fancber Mollie
- Firth Raymond
- Freud Anna
- Freud Sigmund
- Garfinkel Paul E.
- Geertz Clifford
- Gilligan Carol
- Goody Jack
- Gordon Richard A.
- Holmberg Allan R.
- Kahn Miriam
- Katona‐Apte Judit
- Lawrence Marilyn
- Lee Richard B.
- Lee Richard B.
- Levenkron Steven
- Levenkron Steven
- Liu Aimee
- Lévi‐Strauss
- Lévi‐Strauss Claude
- Mackenzie Margaret
- Macleod Sheila
- Malinowski Bronislaw
- Marshall Lorna
- Mauss Marcel
- Mead Margaret
- Meigs Anna S.
- Messer Ellen
- Millman Marcia
- Minuchin Salvador
- Murphy Yolanda
- Nochlin Linda
- Orbach Susie
- Orbach Susie
- Palazzoli Marie Selvini
- Pandian Jacob
- Paul Lois
- Peacock James L.
- Powdermaker Hortense
- Richards Audrey I.
- Sahlins Marshall
- Schwartz Hillel
- Shostak Marjorie
- Siskind Janet
- Stack Carol B.
- Styles Marvalene H.
- Taggart James M.
- Thomas Elizabeth Marshall
- Turnbull Colin M.
- Tylor Sir Edward Burnett
- Weiner Annette
- Weismantel M. J.
- Winnick Myron
- Wolf Eric
- Young Michael W.
- Young Michael W.
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Uma visão antropológica do prodigioso jejum de mulheres ocidentais
- Author
- Barthes Roland
- Bell Rudolph M
- Berger John
- Bordo Susan
- Boskind-Lodahl Marlene
- Boskind-White Marlene
- Brown Judith K
- Bruch Hilde
- Bruch Hilde
- Bruch Hilde
- Brumberg Joan Jacobs
- Bynum Caroline Walker
- Carole M. Counihan
- Chernin Kim
- Chernin Kim
- Chernin Kim
- Counihan Carole M
- Counihan Carole M
- D'Andrade Roy
- Dally Peter
- Davis William N
- Delaney Janice
- Douglas Mary
- Douglas Mary
- Douglas Mary
- Douglas Mary
- Emmons Lillian
- Firth Raymond
- Freud Anna
- Freud Sigmund
- Garfinkel Paul E
- Geertz Clifford
- Gilligan Carol
- Goody Jack
- Gordon Richard A
- Holmberg Allan R
- Hsu L. K. George
- Kahn Miriam
- Katona-Apte Judit
- Lawrence Marilyn
- Lee Richard B
- Lee Richard B
- Levenkron Steven
- Liu Aimee
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- Lévi-Strauss Claude
- Mackenzie Margaret
- Macleod Sheila
- Malinowski Bronislaw
- Marshall Lorna
- Mauss Marcel
- Mead Margaret
- Meigs Anna
- Messer Ellen
- Messina Maria
- Minuchin Salvador
- Murphy Yolanda
- Nochlin Linda
- Orbach Susie
- Orbach Susie
- Palazzoli Maria Selvini
- Pandian Jacob
- Parker Sheila
- Paul Lois
- Peacock James L
- Powdermaker Hortense
- Richards Audrey
- Sahlins Marshall
- Schwartz Hillel
- Shack Dorothy N
- Shack William A
- Shostak Marjorie
- Siskind Janet
- Stack Carol B
- Striegel-Moore Ruth H
- Styles Marvalene H
- Taggart James M
- Tambiah S.J
- Thomas Elizabeth M
- Thompson Becky W
- Turnbull Colin M
- Tylor Sir Edward Burnett
- Verdier Yvonne
- Weiner Annette
- Weinsmantel M.J
- Winnick Myron
- Wolf Eric
- Young MichaelW
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study