11 research outputs found

    Intermediate-level waste transfer line decommissioning project. Final report

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    The Intermediate-Level Waste (ILW) transfer line at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was an integral part of the liquid radioactive waste disposal system, operating from 1952 until 1975. This line was used to transport ILW from the waste processing facilities in the Bethel Valley area at ORNL to final disposal sites in the adjacent Melton Valley. During the history of pipeline operations, approximately 45 million gallons of liquid waste, containing over 1.5 million curies of mixed fission products, were transferred through the line to waste disposal trenches and to the ORNL hydrofracture facility. Use of the line was discontinued in 1975 when a new, doubly-contained line was installed to service the expanded hydrofracture program. Since 1976, the ILW line has been under the control of the ORNL Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP). Due to the presence of contaminated soil at two former leak sites along the line, and the potential for radionuclide migration from that portion of the abandoned line that traverses White Oak Creek and the floodplain, decommissioning of the ILW line was given a high priority by the ORNL SFMP. In 1979, plans were initiated for corrective action along those portions of the line. The decommissioning activities havemore » now been completed, with the abandoned line being placed in a condition that significantly reduces the hazards associated with it. The portion of the line in the White Oak Creek floodplain was removed, and the two leak sites entombed. This report presents the results of the ILW line decommissioning project, outlining the scope of the effort, describing the decommissioning experiences, and summarizing the project costs and schedules. 14 references, 30 figures, 3 tables.« l