3 research outputs found

    Теоретичні основи професійної підготовки майбутнього вчителя на основі компетентісного підходу

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    The article studies the essence of the concept of «professional competence of a future teacher». It was determined that, in a broad sense, competence is interpreted as a level of the formation of person’s social and practical experience, a level of learning social and individual forms of activity, which enables the individual to function successfully in the society within the limits of his abilities and status. Competence is the ability to solve professionally and effectively certain problems that arise during the life of any person. Analysis of the approaches to the definition of the concept of competence suggested by other authors in the psychological and pedagogical literature was carried out. It was concluded that the existing interdisciplinary exchange of opinions regarding the understanding of "competence" enables researchers to substantiate and form a new meaning of the concept, based on the goals and interests of certain studies. The structure of the competences is defined as internal, potential, hidden psychological newly obtained knowledge, skills, action algorithms, systems of values and relationships that manifest themselves in human competence. On the basis of theoretical and empirical studies, it was analyzed that professional competence is a subject of special study. Four blocks in the structure of the concept are systematized: professional, psychological and pedagogical knowledge; professional pedagogical skills; professional psychological attitudes and settings of a teacher; personal qualities that ensure the mastery of professional knowledge and skills by the teacher. It was established that the systemic characteristics of teacher's professional competencies are his personal qualities (pedagogical self-awareness, individual style, creativity), pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical thinking, pedagogical intuition, pedagogical improvisation, pedagogical imagination, pedagogical optimism, pedagogical reflection, mastering of which in the complex contributes to the teacher's implementation of the functions of an educator, diagnostician, self-diagnostician, methodologist, the subject of the pedagogical work, which are  important components of professional competencies.У статті висвітлено питання сутності поняття «професійні компетентності майбутнього вчителя». Визначено, що компетентність – це здатність професійно й ефективно розв’язувати ті чи інші проблеми, які виникають у процесі життєдіяльності будь-якої людини. Систематизовано чотири блоки в структурі поняття: професійні  психологічні та педагогічні знання; професійні  педагогічні вміння; професійні психологічні позиції, установки вчителя; особистісні властивості, що забезпечують оволодіння вчителем професійними знаннями та вміннями. З’ясовано, що систeмними хapaктepистикaми пpoфeсiйних кoмпeтeнтнoстей учителя є його oсoбистіснi якості, пeдaгoгiчнa epудицiя, пeдaгoгiчнe мислeння, пeдaгoгiчнa iнтуїцiя, пeдaгoгiчнa iмпpoвiзaцiя, пeдaгoгiчна уява, пeдaгoгiчний oптимiзм, пeдaгoгiчнa peфлeксiя, зaсвoєння яких у кoмплeксi спpияє peaлiзaцiї вчитeлeм функцiй пpeдмeтникa, дiaгнoстa, сaмoдiaгнoстa, мeтoдистa, суб’єктa свoєї пeдaгoгiчнoї пpaцi, є вaжливими пoкaзникaми пpoфeсiйних кoмпeтeнтносте

    European Reformation and Distinguishing Features of the Institutional Design of the Early Protestant Currents in the Ukrainian Lands

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    The article analyses the socio-historical background of the European Reformation ideas development and dissemination, which influenced the institutional design of the Evangelical-Protestant communities in Ukrainian lands in the late 16th – early 17th centuries. Social and religious determinants of the Reformation-Protestant theological thought development, as well as the reaction of the Orthodox Church to the Protestant religious and theological system formation are analysed. The authors had outlined the consequences of the Reformation movement for the Ukrainian society

    Physical Rehabilitation Program for Students of the Special Medical Group

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    Most of the current programs of physical rehabilitation of students of a special medical group (hereinafter - SMG) are aimed only at a separate contingent depending on the type of nosology, which complicates the work of the teacher and reduces the effectiveness of classes for other students. In fact, no physical rehabilitation programs have been developed for female students who have the highest reproductive potential. Therefore, the creation of a rehabilitation program that will not only be able to cover students with various diseases, but will also be useful for the prevention of risk factors for chronic noncommunicable diseases (CHD) as the most acute demographic problem is relevant. The purpose of the study is to develop, scientifically substantiate and test the program of physical rehabilitation of students of a special medical group, taking into account motor disorders. The developed program of physical rehabilitation of SMG students taking into account motor impairments had a complex character and included the following elements: lifestyle modification, kinesitherapy (with stoppage of fitness yoga, functional training, aerobic training) (swimming, fitness, jogging, health) self-massage with the Lyapko applicator. The control group included 24 individuals, the experimental group consisted of two groups of 24 individuals. The following methods were used to solve the research tasks: analysis of scientific and special literature, surveys and questionnaires, pedagogical testing, methods of determining indicators of physical development, physical fitness and functional state of the organism, methods of mathematical statistics. After the implementation of the developed program of physical rehabilitation for female students, a decrease in the number and intensity of modified risk factors for CHD due to increased physical activity, reduction of bad habits was determined; reducing the number of complaints. Studies on the effectiveness of the program of physical rehabilitation of female students, taking into account motor impairments, tested on a sufficient number of female students of the special medical group, have confirmed data and can serve as a basis for practical implementation of this program.</em