17 research outputs found

    Assumptions for administration of cultural landscape in areas being under legal protection – the different ideas

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    According to encyclopedic definition – the administration, which us connected in this issue to subject it means to man – contains the special way of conduction of human’s activity who are employed for realization of choose task. It contains creation, control and fluent regulation of rules of use (of norms, plans, instructions) for actual needs of interaction of this task for society an vice versa. Creation of homogenous theory of administration seems to be impossible, so the optimal solutions are rather elaborated for selected problems then the whole system. It worth to be remind at the moment the thoughts of one of famous creator of polish school of landscape architecture – professor Zygmunt Novák, who had said, among others: Only the man is able to put the fire on and he opens with is the great idea and reality, which is called the civilization. He had added also: The civilization as the result gives us, as the sum of society life of human beings the never ending destruction, from one side, which general visual picture are the rubbers’ landscapes, from another one – it develops the artificial forms in lucky cases excellent improved in surroundings and useful for mankind. But parallel this author worn us that improvement of spatial order a priori can be the destructive one. In opposite – the organic improvement of spatial order in different developing activities can be constructive. The difference comes from that, that the first one develops from ready form while the second one – from alive essence which builds form for itself. We know that nowadays it is difficult to say about strict protection, is means about the administration which deals only with conservation and keeps the former state of landscape. Most common and obvious is the protection throughout the creation or together with it. So that in newest Law of protection and care on monuments from 2003, the definition of cultural landscape and the form of its protection by so called cultural park is put dawn on very beginning in first articles and points of this parliament document. So it is interesting in which scale and scope this regulations is next to real life on field of creation and administration of protection of cultural landscape through giving this task for local authorities (community or society of communities) with suport of plan instrumentation, as the element of local law. On that situation influence the rules of European Landscape Convention, being ratified by polish government in 2006, which specifies some of fundamental keywords like: landscape, protection of landscape, politics in landscape, landscape management and administration. At least the different forms with different result of their statement, of spatial way of protection of nature and landscape (including the cultural one), which come from law of nature protection are in Poland. They are: national parks, landscape parks, nature reserves, ecological areas, geological points, landscape‐natural complexes, and areas of protected landscape. In case of those last – in management, financial, planning reality and the administration and social practice – this form of protection of landscape seems to be the empty rule. In accordance to professional experience of author in elaboration of different tasks for national parks; the Tatra, Pieniny, Bieszczady and Świetokrzyski ones and for the landscape parks of Yura, in central and eastern viovodships of Poland and in scope of cultural parks in Cracow, Warsaw‐Wilanów, and of fortresses in Zamość and Przemyśl – he would to share of his thoughts on administration of cultural landscape on different examples. The main idea is the role of expert in activity of administration service on different levels: the central and regional ones (the ministry, the board of national or landscape park, the regional conservatory of monument or nature), the social organizations (councils on ministry level; the culture and environment ones, board of parks, NGOs) and by the local authorities (on level of voivodship, boards of towns or communities and their services) As the complementary subject are the examples of special instructions; for completion and preparing of plan of protection of cultural park, projects of acts of creation of these parks, he state program of protection of monuments an case studies of so called difficult investments in cultural landscapes on examples of historic monumental towns like Sandomierz, Carcow, Oświęcim, Lower Kazimierz or Szydłów

    Kraków - tezaurus długo oczekiwany czy wzorcowa gminna ewidencja zabytków?

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    Powszechnie wiadomo, że Kraków stanowi największy zespół zabytkowy w Polsce, którego wartość i ranga przesądziły o znalezieniu się miasta na Liście światowego Dziedzictwa UNESCO już w 1978 roku, podczas pierwszej kwalifikacji do tego prestiżowego wyróżnienia. Jednak ta powszechna świadomość nie miała do tej pory oparcia w specjalistycznej publikacji w pełni pokazującej, z jak ciekawą i zróżnicowaną materią mamy do czynienia.It is well known that Krakow is the largest collection of historic Poland, whose value and rank determined the finding to the city on the UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978, the first qualifications for this prestigious award. However, this universal consciousness was not so far back in a specialized publication fully showing, with interesting and diverse as the matter we have to deal with

    Cultural landscape – phenomenon of integrating cultural and natural heritage protection

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    Krajobraz można traktować jako „zewnętrzny” wyraz tworów przyrody – natury i dzieł ludzkich: cywilizacji – kultury, nagromadzonych odpowiednio przez miliony i tysiące lat. Jest zarówno otaczającym nas „zapisem” historii ziemi, jak i zarazem „żywym obrazem” dziejących się zmian, coraz częściej naznaczonych tak zwanym konfliktem interesów: publicznych – społecznych, grupowych czy indywidualnych – prywatnych. Nieodparcie kojarzy się z zapisaną i nadal pisaną księgą czy namalowanym i wciąż „przerabianym” obrazem… Dzieje ochrony krajobrazu w Polsce od czasu odzyskania niepodległości ukazują transformację przede wszystkim podmiotową tego fenomenu, jakim jest percepcja otaczającego nas świata i troska o jego piękno i harmonię. Od skali pojedynczego obiektu – elementu krajobrazu, poprzez widok „na” i widok”z” (czyli ekspozycję bierną i czynną), aż po całą strukturę krajobrazu, która obejmuje dzieje, procesy i postać przestrzeni, która jest nam dana do czytania i oglądania jak niezwykła księga czy obraz. W ujęciu encyklopedycznym – ochrona krajobrazu to działalność zapewniająca ochronę, utrzymanie lub restytucję naturalnych i kulturowych walorów określonego środowiska geograficznego; wiąże się zarówno z ochroną przyrody, jak i z ochroną zabytków kultury i sztuki, archeologii i folkloru, wkracza swoimi postulatami w dziedzinę planowania przestrzennego. Powinno istnieć ciągłe współdziałanie pomiędzy wyżej wymienionymi obszarami ochrony, a jego najpełniejszym wymiarem powinna być ochrona krajobrazu.Landscape can be treated as an “external” expression of creations of nature and those of man: civilisation - culture, accumulated throughout millions and thousands of years respectively. It is both a “record” of the history of the world surrounding us and a “living picture” of occurring changes, more and more frequently marked by the so called conflict of interest: public - social, group or individual – private. It is associated with a written book that is still being added to, or a painted yet still “improved” painting… The history of landscape protection in Poland since the time of regaining independence show the primarily subjective transformation of that phenomenon, which is the perception of the surrounding world and concern about its beauty and harmony. From an individual object – an element of landscape, through a view “of ” and a view “from” (i.e. passive and active exposition), to the whole structure of landscape including the history, processes and the form of space that is given to us to peruse and view as a unique book or picture. In encyclopaedic terms – landscape protection means activity ensuring the protection, maintenance or restitution of natural and cultural values of a specific geographic environment; it is related to both nature conservation and protection of monuments of art and culture, archaeology and folklore; with is demands it enters the area of spatial planning. Continuous cooperation should exist between the above mentioned areas of protection, and landscape protection ought to be its most complete aspect

    Registration of Cultural Heritage of Village on the Background of Transformation of Identity of Place in the Lanscape

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    In Poland, a new social and economic reality has been established, changes in the political system introduced, accompanied by a real yearning and urge for democracy. The latter is often seen as an unlimited freedom of action directed by a rapacious desire for possessions and aspirations to catch up on those lost decades. Those factors constitute a serious threat to landscape and its components: the cultural heritage and natural environment; they also hit the individual, community, and national identity. The main idea of this dissertation (qualifying for the degree of the assistant professor) was to prove that the landscape surrounding us is a projection of identity and a synthesis of everything that makes an environment which: Firstly - is perceived as an expression of the material space in respect of both: - its natural conditions (geological, geo-morphological, hydrological, climatic and natural ecological conditions), - and its cultural components (civilisation and social-economic that involve human works included here in the form of archeological and pre-historical, ethnographic, architectural issues, or in the form of themes referring to art works and city planning, also rural issues, policies of the Green Party, and finally, the architecture of landscape), and Secondly - is sensed as an expression of the material and spiritual (immaterial) space, determined and conditioned by anthropogenic actions (in respect of historical, philosophical, mythical issues, perceptive and semiotic problems). While developing this thesis three theoretical approaches considered by the author of this dissertation. The most essential have been discussed with reference to the practice within the research field of the landscape architecture. The are identity and place; identity and time (in the light of continuous changes and the "passing away of persons belonging to this world"); and, identity and landscape (with a special "inclination" towards the landscape of culture within those regions). There have been presented the elaboration from Cracow's school of landscape architecture among others: the chart of countryscape of jurassic villages and the chart of cultural heritage of locality as the instruments for activity in conservation of monuments, nature and spatial planning

    Międzynarodowy Kongres Polskich Architektów Krajobrazu. Sztuka ochrony i kształtowania środowiska. Twórczość - nauka - dydaktyka

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    Wydawnictwo kongresowe polskich architektów krajobrazu nie tylko stanowi swoisty dokument czasu odzwierciedlający najbardziej aktualny przegląd tego, co w tej specjalności dokonuje się we wszystkich zajmujących się architekturą krajobrazu ośrodkach akademickich w kraju, ale także przedstawia ten stan na tle i w powiązaniu z tym, co dokonuje się, zwłaszcza w zakresie kształcenia architektów krajobrazu, od dziesięciu lat w Polsce i na bieżąco w Europie.Publisher congress Polish landscape architects not only is a specific document of the time, reflecting the most recent overview of what in the specialty shall in all dealing with landscape architecture academic centers in the country, but also shows the state of the background and in conjunction with what is done, especially in education landscape architects, ten years in Poland and up to date in Europe

    Szydłów – niezwykły krajobraz warowny w skali Europy

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    The identity of place in landscape of suburban zone of protected area (on the example of Jurrasic Landscape Parks in Cracow's region)

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    Problem of protection of cultural heritage and looking for the new identity of landscape in Urban zone and particular - in suburban areas, which are under the format protection as, for example: the landscape parks or nature and landscape reservesis extremely actual in region of Jurrasic Landscape Parks north and west from city of Cracow and its fringe zone. The rules of sustainable development causes to take care of harmony and beauty of existing landscape from one hand, from another one - the pressure of private and public developers and their investments on the background of so cal led "spatial planning" appear sometimes as chaotic and disharmonious shape of space. The most popular are the telecommunications satellite towers antennas, which are mostly as dominants or subdominants in local landscape, the extraordinary, contemporary residences, the owners of which used to locate them in "ecological niches", tourist and agricultural centers and, of course - the highways. In actual legislation - one of most important and common way of making the landscape architectonic guidelines are the expert studies and analysis, which are elaborated in accordance to rules of local management plans on so called "plans of protection" of landscape parka, national parks or nature reserves, arrangements of which are obligatory as the guidelines for local plans or administrative proceeding and pragmatic. The contribution deals with some examples of such studies and expert works and with pragmatic and theoretic conclusions for solution in the light of contemporary landscape management

    Wśród cudów świata

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    Achievements and participation in development of mineral processesing and waste utulization by Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice

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    W artykule przedstawiono dorobek Zakładu Przeróbki Surowców Mineralnych i Utylizacji Odpadów na przestrzeni sześćdziesięciu pięciu lat działalności Instytutu Metali Nieżelaznych w Gliwicach, poczynając od prowadzonych w latach pięćdziesiątych ubiegłego wieku badań nad wzbogacaniem rud miedzi oraz cynku i ołowiu ze Starych Zagłębi kończąc na przedstawieniu aktualnie realizowanych kierunkach badawczych. Przedstawiono rozwój technologii wzbogacania aktualnie eksploatowanych złóż: rud miedzi LGOM-u i cynku i ołowiu rejonu Olkusz – Pomorzany. Szczególne miejsce zajmuje przedstawienie rozwoju konstrukcji maszyn flotacyjnych zarówno serii IZ jak i IF. Podano charakterystyki techniczne tych maszyn oraz dane dotyczące ich rozpowszechnienia, w tym eksportu. Wymieniono także nowe konstrukcje hydrocyklonów HC 500/12o ZAM-IMN. Przedstawiono szereg technologii wzbogacania opracowanych dla krajowych i zagranicznych złóż rud metali nieżelaznych, oraz surowców odpadowych. Przedstawiono badania i wdrożenia nowych odczynników flotacyjnych. Podkreślono znaczenie działań na arenie międzynarodowej. Zakład Przeróbki Surowców Mineralnych i Utylizacji Odpadów Instytutu Metali Nieżelaznych w Gliwicach zajmuje trwałe miejsce w rozwoju branży metali nieżelaznych i przeróbki w Polsce.The article presents the achievements of the Mineral Processing and Waste Utilization Department of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice, during the sixty five years of activity, beginning with the research conducted in the 1950s on the enrichment of copper and zinc and lead ores from Old Copper and Lead and Zinc Basin to the current research directions. The development of enrichment technology of currently exploited deposits: copper ore of LGOM and zinc and lead of Olkusz - Pomorzany region was presented. The development of the construction of both IZ and IF flotation machines takes a special place in this article. The technical characteristics of these machines and their distribution, including export, are given. New construction of HC 500 / 12o ZAM-IMN hydrocyclones was also mentioned. A number of enrichment technologies have been developed for domestic and foreign non-ferrous metal ores and waste materials. The research and implementation of new flotation reagents has been presented. The importance of action on the international scene has been emphasized. The Department of Mineral Processing and Waste Treatment of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in Gliwice occupies a permanent place in the development of the non-ferrous metal industry and processing in Poland