2 research outputs found

    Housing issues in town-centre revitalization programmes

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    Wdra偶anie program贸w rewitalizacji w miastach prowadzi do mozaikowatej struktury obszaru rewitalizacji. Projekty mieszkaniowe, dotycz膮ce remont贸w, modernizacji, przebudowy budynk贸w mieszkalnych, z powodu braku finansowania nie s膮 prowadzone z intensywno艣ci膮 odpowiadaj膮c膮 udzia艂owi funkcji mieszkaniowych czy potrzebom w tym zakresie. Zaniechanie tych dzia艂a艅 wp艂ywa negatywnie na efekty innych projekt贸w rewitalizacji w sferze spo艂ecznej, gospodarczej, przestrzennej. Krajowe programy wsparcia w dziedzinie mieszkalnictwa s膮 niewielkie i w minimalnym stopniu mog膮 przyczyni膰 si臋 do poprawy sytuacji. R贸wnie偶 finasowanie unijne w ramach regionalnych program贸w operacyjnych nie prowadzi do zadowalaj膮cego zwi臋kszenia liczby i skali projekt贸w mieszkaniowych w rewitalizacji. Brak program贸w publicznych wsp贸艂finansuj膮cych projekty mieszkaniowe w rewitalizacji oznacza regres mieszkalnictwa i rewitalizacji rozumianej jako dzia艂anie zintegrowane i kompleksowe. Nale偶y d膮偶y膰 do tworzenia funduszy rozwoju mieszkalnictwa na szczeblu krajowym i regionalnym.Implementation of urban regeneration programmes causes a mosaic structure of effects on the area of regeneration. Housing projects, aimed at renovation, modernization or rebuilding of residential buildings, are not conducted proportionally to the scale of housing functions of the urban areas and needs of improvement in housing, due to the lack of financial resources. Neglect of such projects negatively influences the results of other types of intervention in the spheres of social, economic, and spatial renewal. National programmes supporting housing can insignificantly support urban regeneration, due to their low budgets. Also EU financing, available within the framework of Regional Operational Programmes, do not cause vital increase of the number or the scale of urban regeneration projects in housing. The deficiency of public programmes supporting housing projects causes recession in housing itself and diminishes the effects of urban regeneration as an integrated and complex approach. The creation of housing development funds at the national and regional levels should be considered by the policy makers to improve the process of urban regeneration

    Social housing in Poland: challenges and barriers

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    This article explores the need for more intensive development of social rental housing in Poland, especially communal rental housing and social rental housing provided by Social Housing Associations (TBSs). The first section briefly examines the terminology and addresses the main challenges in Polish housing in accordance with the goals of the housing policy programmes. The second section reports on the recent trends in social rental housing. The third section presents selected issues of the recent development of Polish social rental housing. Further, the author tries to evaluate the need for new housing construction by local authorities and by TBSs. Due to the lack of reliable information, the required amount of new housing can only be approximated indirectly. In the next section, she presents legislative initiatives regulating and supporting social rental housing, especially in terms of modifying financial instruments. The final section contains an assessment of progress in social rental housing and proposals for further reforms in Polish housing policy