13 research outputs found

    Corynebacterium equi: in vitro susceptibility to twenty-six antimicrobial agents

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    The capsules of Corynebacterium equi and Streptococcus equi

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    Some problems associated with the identification of Corynebacterium equi

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    One hundred strains of Corynebacterium equi were examined using standard laboratory procedures. Variations in colonial morphology were noted. The ability to reduce nitrate and to produce urease was shown to be valuable for confirmation of identification of C. equi. Production of hydrogen sulphide was a variable characteristic of C. equi. It is concluded that for those situations where the source of the organism gives no clue as to its identify, positive identification of C. equi may be difficult because of variability in colonial appearance and biochemical reactions

    The effect of immunosuppression on resistance to Rhodococcus equi in mice

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    Rhodococcus equi, a natural pathogen of horses, produces lesions in mice following experimental infection. The effect of various immunosuppressing agents on the sequential development of these lesions has been assessed by measuring the growth of R. equi following intravenous or intranasal challenge and by histological examination. Cyclophosphamide treatment of mice, challenged intranasally, resulted in the development of lesions not unlike that seen in experimental and natural infection in foals. Cortisone acetate also impaired bacterial clearance from the lungs and affected the accumulation of mononuclear cells at infective foci. Most of the agents chosen to impair macrophage function failed to affect the resistance of mice to R. equi. Carbon, carrageenan and silica failed to alter significantly the growth kinetics of R. equi. Dextran sulphate depressed the rate of pulmonary clearance of organisms and affected the ability of animals to eliminate R. equi following rechallenge. Overall, these results support other evidence that cell mediated immunity is involved in host resistance to R. equi and that activated macrophages play a role in acquired immunity to this organism

    The immunological response of foals to Rhodococcus equi: A review

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    • Normal horses of all ages regularly show evidence of having responded immunologically to R. equi, thus adding serological support to epidemiological evidence that this organism is a normal intestinal inhabitant. More animals from "diseased" farms show a stronger antibody response when compared with foals from "healthy" farms. • Various serological tests have been used to detect evidence of infection and to release antibody level to severity of disease. Anti-R. equi IgG antibody levels, as measured by ELISA, are raised significantly during natural infection. Clinical severity of pneumonia can be correlated with lower specific antibody responses. Following experimental infection, immunological responses can be detected by complement fixation, indirect immunofluorescence, ELISA, lymphocyte blastogenesis and skin testing. • Very little work has been carried out to evaluate vaccines against R. equi infection and results have not been encouraging. Success in treatment has been reported following passive immunisation. Administration of immune leucocyte extracts has had no effect on morbidity or mortality rates. • The widespread distribution of this organism, together with the relative infrequency of disease caused by it, suggest that R. equi may initiate infection only in such circumstances as a very high infectious challenge, immunological immaturity or deficiency in the host and genetic predisposition

    Experimental infection of mice with Rhodococcus equi: Differences in virulence between strains

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    The growth kinetics in outbred mice of clinical and environmental isolates of Rhodococcus equi were followed by serial bacterial enumeration of organ homogenates. Clinical isolates multiplied until Day 4 before being progressively cleared, but could still be recovered from the liver at 3-4 weeks post-infection. Intravenous inoculation of clinical strains was associated with histopathological responses very similar to those elicited by intravenous infection with various facultative intracellular parasites. Whereas lesions in mice and foals at 7-9 days following respiratory infection are those of severe bronchopneumonia with massive consolidation, a week later the patterns of host response have diverged as the murine lesions resolve. The type strain, NCTC 1621 and 4-6 environmental isolates were eliminated without prior multiplication and these strains caused negligible lesions. The two environmental strains which behaved as the clinical strains were recovered from a stud with an R. equi problem. No association of colonial morphology of R. equi with virulence was apparent

    Early events associated with experimental infection of the murine lung with Rhodococcus equi

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    Pneumonia due to Rhodococcus equi was induced in the murine lung by deposition of a known dose of organisms. From serial estimations of bacterial numbers in the lungs of inoculated mice, analysis of the cellular composition of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and morphological examination of the lungs, events in the host-parasite interaction were followed until day 7. Early bacterial clearance from the lung was dose-dependent but was not sustained. A proportion of the inoculated R. equi was susceptible to the early nonspecific phagocytic cell response, and the contribution of neutrophils to bacterial clearance appeared largely limited to the first 24 hours. A substantial fraction of the organisms survived in the alveoli, probably within macrophages. The contribution phagocytes make to resistance against R. equi is similar to that which prevails in infection with Listeria monocytogenes