13 research outputs found

    Abnormal market return from real estate divestiture and acquisition announcements in a developing country

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    Real estate asset divestitures and acquisitions (D&A) are conducted as part of corporate restructuring. This study attempts to fill the knowledge gap on abnormal market return (AR) towards D&A activities during recession in a developing country. The samples are Malaysian listed non-real estate companies that conducted D&A during the 2008 financial crisis. Event study methodology is used to determine AR surrounding D&A announcements within (-10day, +10day) event window. Results show that both D&A announcements bring insignificant AR on and near the announcement date (-1 to +1). Prior to announcement, divesting (acquiring) companies incur negative (positive) AR, indicating that any leakage of information on divestiture (acquisition) is not favored (favored) by the market. Post-announcement results show that divesting companies continued to experience negative ARs even though majority of such companies divested at premium prices. However, acquiring companies experience significant and negative post-announcement AR. This is plausibly due to the majority of acquiring companies paid a premium above valuation for their acquisitions. In summary, the market frowns upon divestitures in general and acquisitions of real estate assets above their valuations during economic recessions

    An overview of the forecasting methods used in real estate housing price modelling

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    Forecasting is very fundamental in real estate where the past transactions become the evidences while decision making for the present and the future. Several techniques and validation approached that were commonly used in housing price index forecasting. Beside the appropriate forecasting method, error calculation is one of the critical constraints in accuracy out of all methods. This paper overview the available methods and the types of error being considered in forecasting techniques. Then the forecasting methods, namely Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) and Artificial Neural Network which are highly applied in forecasting modelling are compared over its error accuracy

    The Needs For Capacity Building In Local Government In Malaysia (With Regards To Property Taxation Administration)

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    Property tax is a widely used fiscal tool because it is a vital source of income for urban authorities in developing countries like Malaysia. The tax, levied on land and buildings and is based on either improved or annual value. Valuation of these properties is a tedious and continuous process. In Malaysia, the revaluation exercise is still carried out manually. Due to financial, labour, and time constraints, most Local Governments in Malaysia are unable to meet this requirement and only capable to carry out revaluation every 10 years or more. Property taxation administration involves and requires good and skilled administrators, efficient system (property tax administration system) and advanced or efficient technology. University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) has embarked on research and development of Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) for rating valuation to assist Department of Property Valuation in Local Governments to improve their capacity with regards to property taxation administration for the purpose of complying with the requirements of the Local Government Act 1976 which stipulated that every Local Government has to carry out revaluation every five (5) years. This paper discusses the capacity building in local governments in Malaysia and identifies areas in which they are lacking

    A prototype to recognise the drawing elements in construction drawings using artificial intelligence

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    The issues in two dimensional construction drawings that limit the integration and automation in construction among different phaseses of construction processes are identified. A framework designed in this study to recognise the drawing elements in construction drawing using artificial intelligence is briefly explained. The development of the element recognition prototype following the framework is highlighted. Finally, the performance of the element recognition prototype is tested against a commercial drawings consists thirty one drawing elements are validated. The prototype has successfully recognised

    The Importance of Outdoor Spaces during the COVID-19 Lockdown in Aotearoa—New Zealand

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    The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and its extensive variants have caused drastic changes to people’s habits and routines in many countries worldwide, including Aotearoa—New Zealand. The levels of lockdown and/or movement limitations affected how people used outdoor spaces, often keeping them away from nature’s benefits. The COVID-19 pandemic and the measures adopted to control it provide an interesting experiment investigating the links between nature exposure, recreational use of outdoor spaces, and people’s health and wellbeing under extreme conditions. Using an online survey distributed during lockdown and based on 212 responses, this article explores the different typologies of the outdoor spaces that people had access to during lockdown and the associated physical activities practised. It investigates how outdoor space affects our emotional response and how such space and related activities can help us cope with confinement. The results of this study enable us to better understand those spatial elements and characteristics of outdoor spaces that are essential to people’s wellbeing, especially in unusual circumstances where access is restricted. View Full-Tex

    The role of dams on water, food, and energy security issues: A global review and resolution for Indonesia

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    Surviving and struggling for lives are the major concerns of the people in the world. In order to survive, they highly depend upon water, food, and energy. Therefore, they are trying to povide to meet their needs. Increasing demand for water, food, and energy demand due to world population growth has directly contributed to focus on dams in many countries in the world. Hence, they play an important role in sustainable water resources management, such as flood control, industrial water supply, irrigation, fisheries, recreation, navigation, hydroelectricity, and other purposes. Predictedly, the number of dams will increase 51% of the total dams by 2050. This study aims to analyze the relationships among variables of water, food, and energy. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify the significance of interrelated relationships among variables of water consumption, energy consumption, irrigated areas, and the number of dams by using data from period 1960-2010. Meanwhile, number of dams had significant impact on energy consumption and the number of dams. This indicates that the development of dams will be contribute to increasing the ability to manage water resources and increasing energy consumption in various sectors in the world will have an impact on increasing water consumption. For Indonesia, currently focusing on food and energy securities.This study recommends that the construction of dams need accelerated. The urgency of water, food and energy securites has been the main driver for focusing investment on this facility as well as meeting the demands of providing other public infrastructure

    Securing the future: The vital role of risk detection and cyber security in modern computing systems

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    Risk detection and cybersecurity are critical components for the success of contemporary computing systems. With the increasing reliance on technology and the Internet, cyber threats have become more complex and sophisticated, posing a significant challenge to the security of computer systems. In this chapter, the authors examine the importance of risk detection and cybersecurity measures in contemporary computing, highlighting the potential risks and threats that can impact system performance and integrity. They explore various techniques and tools used in risk detection and cybersecurity, including intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and encryption methods. Additionally, the authors discuss the role of risk management in identifying and mitigating potential threats to computing systems. They conclude that risk detection and cybersecurity measures are essential for the successful operation of contemporary computing systems and highlight the need for continued investment and innovation in this critical area