24 research outputs found

    Application of Bacteria as a Prominent Source of Biofertilizers

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    There are different types of microorganisms are used in the biofertilizers. Biofertilizers being essential components of organic farming play vital role in maintaining long-term soil fertility and sustainability; biofertilizers would be the viable option for farmers to increase productivity per unit area. These potential biological fertilizers would play a key role in productivity and sustainability of soil and also in protecting the environment as eco-friendly and cost-effective inputs for the farmers. At the same time, overlooking the significance of ensuring and maintaining a high quality standard of the product will have negative impact. Hence, a proper knowledge of bio-inoculants and its functioning will pave way to tape the resources in a better way. Thus, the chapter provides overview knowledge about different bacterial biofertilizers, its associations with plants and transformations of nutrients in soil. Adopting a rational approach to use and management of microbial fertilizers in sustainable agriculture thrives vast potential for the future

    Role of Legumes in Improving Soil Fertility Status

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    Legume plants have a probably important role to play in growing indigenous nitrogen production besides meeting human demands for protein and energy. Some legumes have the capability to solubilize in any other case unavailable phosphate by excreting organic acids from their roots, in addition to improving soil fertility. Legumes also assist to restoration of soil natural matter and limit pest and disease issues when used in rotation with nonleguminous crops. Research has shown that the organic nitrogen fixation procedure is the most environment friendly way to grant the giant amounts of nitrogen wished through legumes to produce high-yielding crops with an excessive protein content. For the fixation technique to occur, legume vegetation must enter into a “symbiotic” or collectively beneficial partnership with sure microorganism known as rhizobia. Soon after legume seeds germinate, rhizobia current in the soil or delivered as seed inoculum invade the root hairs and go through an infection thread toward the root. The bacteria multiply rapidly in the root, causing the swelling of root cells to structure nodules

    Appel Ă  contributions "Pour un Ă©tat des lieux de l'anarchisme en situation coloniale au Maghreb"

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    Dans l'historiographie de l'Algérie coloniale, l'anarchisme[1] sur la terre algérienne fut peu étudié par les universitaires et chercheurs des deux rives de la Méditerranée. Malgré ce constat, la présence de l'anarchisme politique dans les trois pays du Maghreb, et plus particulièrement en Algérie fut attestée par la constitution de groupes politiques organisés[2], de tournées de conférences de « figures » du mouvement, de publication de journaux libertaires|3] et d’un militantisme ouvrier se..


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      The chronic effect of use of the plant oxysterol homobrassinolide, a brassinosteroid isoform, was investigated employing tissues of albino wistar strain male rats. Changes in tissue protein content and histopathology were noted when this compound was administered (50 µg, 333µg/k.b.wt) for 30 consecutive days by oral gavage. The tissue responses were determined at the end of the 30th day in control and treated rat tissues selected for the purpose and using established methods. Protein content of each tissue changed significantly and the cytotoxic effects of this compound were visible in the histology sections of the treated tissues when viewed under light microscope

    Investigation of role of aspartame on apoptosis process in HeLa cells

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    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used as an alternate for sugar in several foods and beverages. The study reports that consumption of aspartame containing product could lead to cancer. However, the effect of aspartame on apoptosis process in cancer is not yet understood clearly. HeLa cells were exposed to different concentrations (0.01–0.05 mg/ml) of aspartame for 48 h. Cytotoxicity of aspartame on cancer cells was determined by SRB assay. The result indicates no significant changes on cell viability. Aspartame suppresses apoptosis process in cancer cells by down-regulation of mRNA expression of tumor suppressor gene p53, and pro-apoptotic gene bax. It up-regulates anti-apoptotic gene bcl-2 mRNA expression. In addition, Ki 67 and PCNA mRNA, and protein expressions were determined. Taking all these together, we conclude that aspartame may be a potent substance to slow-down the apoptosis process in HeLa cells. Further works are ongoing to understand the biochemical and molecular mechanism of aspartame in cancer cells

    Extreme effects of Seabuckthorn extracts on influenza viruses and human cancer cells and correlation between flavonol glycosides and biological activities of extracts

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    Seabuckthorn is a medicinal plant that is used to prevent cold. It was tested for its metabolic content followed by activity against cancer and virus. The metabolic distribution of different polarity solvent extractions from the leaves was analyzed by LC–MS/MS. Flavonol glycoside contents in EA and Bu extracts were higher than MeOH and DW was observed. MeOH and EA extracts recorded high activity against influenza A/PR virus with IC50 of 7.2 μg/mL and 10.3 μg/mL compared with known drug Oseltamivir of 60.3 μg/mL. A similar trend showed in influenza A/Victoria virus. In case of influenza B viruses such as B/Lee and B/Maryland, EA extract (2.87 μg/mL and 4.5 μg/mL of IC50) emerged strongest among other extracts and Oseltamivir (103.73 μg/mL and 71.6 μg/mL). Each extract showed potent anticancer activities. Interestingly, Bu extract showed stronger anticancer activity against human cancer cells such as NCL-H1299, HeLa, SKOV and Caski (8.2 μg/mL, 8.6 μg/mL, 18.2 μg/mL and 9.2 μg/mL of IC50) respectively. Correlation study reveals that aglycones and flavonol mono-glycosides highly correlated with anti-influenza activities but not correlated with anticancer activities. Reversely, di-glycosides and tri-glycosides have a high correlation with cytotoxic effect with both normal and cancer cells. Therefore, this study provides significant information concerning Seabuckthorn for further medicinal drug development