11 research outputs found

    PAs in the Republic of Ireland

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    The physician associate/assistant (PA) profession was introduced into the Republic of Ireland following a 2-year pilot project with the Irish Department of Health between 2015 and 2017. Four PAs from North America were recruited into four designated surgical services at a large teaching hospital in Dublin. To date, the PA numbers are small in Ireland, with one university, in Dublin, running the program and 61 graduates working mostly in the hospital setting, with a small number in primary care. The cautious introduction of PAs partly is due to a delay in follow-up from the Department of Health after the pilot project and in the university's decision to increase the student intake slowly to ensure all graduates secure employment. </p

    Pipeline to the Physician Assistant Profession: A Look to the Future

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    The current pipeline of physician assistant (PA) school applicants reflects the future workforce of the profession, which is why the admissions process with all its components and variables is so important. Many studies have shown that a workforce that represents the patients it cares for leads to improved health outcomes, especially among underrepresented minority populations. Yet, PA programs have made little progress over the past 2 decades in increasing the diversity of matriculants and graduates. As a profession, it is our collective responsibility to intentionally advance diversity, equity, and inclusion, and examining the admissions process would be the most logical place to start

    Time to pivot: a guide to holistic admissions

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    As an ever-increasing number of physician assistant (PA) programs moves toward holistic admissions, a better understanding of how to achieve their stated admission goals becomes more important. With the June 2023 US Supreme Court decision effectively ending affirmative action in higher education, navigating holistic admissions is now an even greater challenge. In this article, the PA Education Association's Presidents Commission offers a guide for programs to use in implementing holistic admissions at their institutions and key considerations. Is the process mission-driven? Does it follow principles of quality improvement and incorporate ongoing assessment of that process? Using data can be a constructive and insightful way to inform the process. The authors hope that tools, resources, and recommendations offered in this article will serve as valuable resources for any program attempting to institute or improve its holistic admissions process. </p