14 research outputs found

    Activity of drugs against dormant Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    AbstractObjective/backgroundHeterogeneous mixtures of cellular and caseous granulomas coexist in the lungs of tuberculosis (TB) patients, with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) existing from actively replicating (AR) to dormant, nonreplicating (NR) stages. Within cellular granulomas, the pH is estimated to be less than 6, whereas in the necrotic centres of hypoxic, cholesterol/triacylglycerol-rich, caseous granulomas, the pH varies between 7.2 and 7.4. To combat TB, we should kill both AR and NR stages of Mtb. Dormant Mtb remodels lipids of its cell wall, and so lipophilic drugs may be active against NR Mtb living in caseous, lipid-rich, granulomas. Lipophilicity is expressed as logP, that is, the logarithm of the partition coefficient (P) ratio Poctanol/Pwater. In this study, the activity of lipophilic drugs (logP>0) and hydrophilic drugs (logP⩽0) against AR and NR Mtb was measured in hypoxic conditions under acidic and slightly alkaline pHs.MethodsThe activity of drugs was determined against AR Mtb (5-day-old aerobic cells: A5) and NR Mtb (12- and 19-day-old hypoxic cells: H12 and H19) in a Wayne dormancy model of Mtb H37Rv at pH 5.8, to mimic the environment of cellular granulomas. Furthermore, AR and NR bacilli were grown for 40days in Wayne models at pH 6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6, to set up conditions mimicking the caseous granulomas (hypoxia+slightly alkaline pH), to measure drug activity against NR cells. Mtb viability was determined by colony-forming unit (CFU) counts.ResultsAt pH 5.8, lipophilic drugs (rifampin, rifapentine, bedaquiline, PA-824, clofazimine, nitazoxanide: logP⩾2.14) reduced CFU of all cells (H12, H19, and A5) by ⩾2log10. Among hydrophilic drugs (isoniazid, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, amikacin, moxifloxacin, metronidazole: logP⩽0.01), none reduced H12 and H19 CFUs by ⩾2log10, with the exception of metronidazole. When Mtb was grown at different pHs the following Mtb growth was noted: at pH 6.6, AR cells grew fluently while NR cells grew less, with a CFU increase up to Day 15, followed by a drop to Day 40. AR and NR Mtb grown at pH 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6 showed up to 1 log10 CFU lower than their growth at pH 6.6. The pHs of all AR cultures tended to reach pH 7.2–7.4 on Day 40. The pHs of all NR cultures remained stable at their initial values (6.6, 7.0, 7.4, and 7.6) up to Day 40. The activity of drugs against H12 and H19 cells was tested in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH. Under these conditions, some lipophilic drugs were more active (>5 log CFU decrease after 21days of exposure) against H12 and H19 cells than clofazimine, nitazoxanide, isoniazid, pyrazinamide, amikacin (<1 log CFU decrease after 21days of exposure). Testing of other drugs is in progress.ConclusionLipophilic drugs were more active than hydrophilic agents against dormant Mtb in hypoxic conditions at pH 5.8. The Wayne model under slightly alkaline conditions was set up, and in hypoxic conditions at a slightly alkaline pH some lipophilic drugs were more active than other drugs against NR Mtb. Overall, these models can be useful for testing drug activity against dormant Mtb under conditions mimicking the environments of cellular and caseous granulomas

    Targeting Dormant Bacilli to Fight Tuberculosis Review

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    Review sulla tubercolosi latenteTuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), which kills about 2 million people annually. Furthermore, 2 billion people worldwide are latently infected with this organism, with 10% of them reactivating to active TB due to re-growth of nonreplicating (dormant) Mtb residing in their tissues. Because of the huge reservoir of latent TB it is important to find novel drugs/drug combinations killing dormant bacilli (microaerophiles, anaerobes and drug-tolerant persisters) surviving for decades in a wide spectrum of granulomatous lesions in the lungs of TB patients. Antibiotic treatment of drug-susceptible TB requires administration of isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol for 2 months, followed by isoniazid and rifampin for 4 months. To avoid reactivation of dormant Mtb to active pulmonary TB, up to 9 months of treatment with isoniazid is required. Therefore, a strategy to eliminate dormant bacilli needs to be developed to shorten therapy of

    Activities of drug combinations against Mycobacterium tuberculosis grown in aerobic and hypoxic acidic conditions.

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    Mycobacterium tuberculosis is exposed to hypoxia and acidity within granulomatous lesions. In this study, an acidic culture model of M. tuberculosis was used to test drug activity against aerobic 5-day-old (A5) and hypoxic 5-, 12-, and 19-day-old (H5, H12, and H19, respectively) bacilli after 7, 14, and 21 days of exposure. In A cultures, CFU and pH rapidly increased, while in H cultures growth stopped and pH increased slightly. Ten drugs were tested: rifampin (R), isoniazid (I), pyrazinamide (Z), ethambutol (E), moxifloxacin (MX), amikacin (AK), metronidazole (MZ), nitazoxanide (NZ), niclosamide (NC), and PA-824 (PA). Rifampin was the most active against A5, H5, H12, and H19 bacilli. Moxifloxacin and AK efficiently killed A5 and H5 cells, I was active mostly against A5 cells, Z was most active against H12 and H19 cells, and E showed low activity. Among nitrocompounds, NZ, NC, and PA were effective against A5, H5, H12, and H19 cells, while MZ was active against H12 and H19 cells. To kill all A and H cells, A5- and H5-active agents R, MX, and AK were used in combination with MZ, NZ, NC, or PA, in comparison with R-I-Z-E, currently used for human therapy. Mycobacterial viability was determined by CFU and a sensitive test in broth (day to positivity, MGIT 960 system). As shown by lack of regrowth in MGIT, the most potent combination was R-MX-AK-PA, which killed all A5, H5, H12, and H19 cells in 14 days. These observations demonstrate the sterilizing effect of drug combinations against cells of different M. tuberculosis stages grown in aerobic and hypoxic acidic conditions

    A Rapid Unraveling of the Activity and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Mycobacteria

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    The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a worldwide health-related emergency that calls for new tools to study the bacterial metabolism and to obtain fast diagnoses. Indeed, the conventional analysis time scale is too long and affects our ability to fight infections. Slowly growing bacteria represent a bigger challenge, since their analysis may require up to months. Among these bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, has caused more than 10 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths in 2016 only. We employed a particularly powerful nanomechanical oscillator, the nanomotion sensor, to characterize rapidly and in real time tuberculous and nontuberculous bacterial species, Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guerin and Mycobacterium abscessus, respectively, exposed to different antibiotics. Here, we show how high-speed and high-sensitivity detectors, the nanomotion sensors, can provide a rapid and reliable analysis of different mycobacterial species, obtaining qualitative and quantitative information on their responses to different drugs. This is the first application of the technique to tackle the urgent medical issue of mycobacterial infections, evaluating the dynamic response of bacteria to different antimicrobial families and the role of the replication rate in the resulting nanomotion pattern. In addition to a fast analysis, which could massively benefit patients and the overall health care system, we investigated the real-time responses of the bacteria to extract unique information on the bacterial mechanisms triggered in response to antibacterial pressure, with consequences both at the clinical level and at the microbiological level

    A Rapid Unraveling of the Activity and Antibiotic Susceptibility of Mycobacteria.

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    The development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria is a worldwide health-related emergency that calls for new tools to study the bacterial metabolism and to obtain fast diagnoses. Indeed, the conventional analysis time scale is too long and affects our ability to fight infections. Slowly growing bacteria represent a bigger challenge, since their analysis may require up to months. Among these bacteria, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of tuberculosis, has caused more than 10 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths in 2016 only. We employed a particularly powerful nanomechanical oscillator, the nanomotion sensor, to characterize rapidly and in real time tuberculous and nontuberculous bacterial species, Mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin and Mycobacterium abscessus, respectively, exposed to different antibiotics. Here, we show how high-speed and high-sensitivity detectors, the nanomotion sensors, can provide a rapid and reliable analysis of different mycobacterial species, obtaining qualitative and quantitative information on their responses to different drugs. This is the first application of the technique to tackle the urgent medical issue of mycobacterial infections, evaluating the dynamic response of bacteria to different antimicrobial families and the role of the replication rate in the resulting nanomotion pattern. In addition to a fast analysis, which could massively benefit patients and the overall health care system, we investigated the real-time responses of the bacteria to extract unique information on the bacterial mechanisms triggered in response to antibacterial pressure, with consequences both at the clinical level and at the microbiological level.G.L., S.D., and M.G. were funded by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, short-term mobility program no. CUP B53C17001680005. S.K., G.D., and L.V. were funded by the Swiss National Grants 200021-144321 and 407240_167137, the Gebert Rüf Stiftung GRS-024/14, and NASA NNH16ZDA001N-CLDTCH