10 research outputs found


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    Gotovo sve zemlje Europske unije, a i većina zemalja u tranziciji u posljednjem su desetljeću, a neke i ranije, pokrenule proizvodnju biogoriva i to biodizelskoga goriva i etanola. Na temelju pregleda brojnih rezultata istraživanja u svijetu, u ovom se radu analiziraju najvažnija svojstva biodizelskoga goriva, njegova dosadašnja primjena kao alternativnog goriva za dizel motore, te utjecaj njegova sagorijevanja na okoliš u odnosu na mineralno dizel gorivo. Kako je osnovna sirovina za proizvodnju biodizela iz obnovljivih resursa ulje uljane repice, detaljno se analizira postojeća struktura sjetve i udio uljane repice na obradivim površinama u Hrvatskoj, te realne mogućnosti proizvodnje ove kulture za neprehrambeni lanac, odnosno mogućnosti proizvodnje biodizela u Hrvatskoj.Practically all the countries in the European Union and most of the transition countries have in the last decade, and some even earlier than that, started off the production of biofuels, that is, of biodiesel fuel and ethanol. On the basis of a survey of numerous results of investigations in the world, in this work the most important properties of biodiesel fuel are reviewed, its employment to date as alternative fuel for diesel engines, and the environmental impact of its combustion as compared with that of mineral diesel fuel. Since the basic raw material for the production of biodiesel from renewable resources is the oil of oilseed rape, a detailed analysis is given of the existing structure of the crop and the percentage of the cultivable land in Croatia given over to oilseed rape, as well as the realistic opportunities for the production of this crop for the non-food chain, in other words, the opportunity for the production of biodiesel in Croatia


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    Postoje pokušaji ponovnog uvođenja predivog lana u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju u nas, te smatramo korisnim ukazati na neka njegova važnija svojstva, U radu se iznose rezultati postignutih morfoloških i fenoloških svojstava predivog lana. Pokusi s predivim lanom izvedeni su tijekom dvije godine (2002-2003) u Maksimiru i Posavskim Bregima. U pokusu je bilo zastupljeno pet sorata i to: četiri češke sorte (Jitka, Texa, Merkur i Bonet) i jedna nizozemska sorta (Viola). Odabrane sorte sijane su u dvije gustoće (2000 i 2500 sjemenki /m2). Na osnovi dobivenih dvogodišnjih istraživanja morfoloških i fenoloških svojstava predivog lana na dvije lokacije utvrđeno je da postoje signifikantne razlike između istraživanih sorata i između gustoća sjetve. Signifikantno najveće prinose sjemena ostvarile su sorte Merkur i Bonet. U rjeđem sklopu ostvarene su više vrijednosti prinosa sjemena, broja tobolaca, broja sjemenki u tobolcu i mase 1000 sjemenki. Sorte Jitka i Texa pripadaju sortama rane vegetacijske skupine sazrijevanja, dok Viola, Merkur i Bonet pripadaju sortama kasne vegetacijske skupine.Since attempts are made to reintroduce fiber flax into agricultural production of Croatia, it seems useful to point to some of its major properties and economic importance. This paper presents the results of the achieved morphological and phenological traits of fiber flax. Cultivar trials with fiber flax were set up in two years (2002-2003) and on two locations (Maksimir and Posavski Bregi). The trials involved five cultivars: four Czech cultivars (Jitka, Texa, Merkur and Bonet) and one Dutch cultivar (Viola). All cultivars were sown in two densities (2000 and 2500 seeds/m2). According to the results of the two-years research into the morphological and phenological traits of fiber flax on two locations, significant differences were established between the cultivars and the planting densities under study. Significantly highest values for seed yield were recorded in cultivars Merkur and Bonet. Higher values of the seed yield, number of capsules, number of seed per capsules and 1000 seed weight were obtained with the lower planting density. Cultivars Jitka and Texa belong to the early vegetation ripening group, while cultivars Viola, Merkur and Bonet belong to the full vegetation ripening group


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    Postoje pokušaji ponovnog uvođenja predivog lana u poljoprivrednu proizvodnju u nas, te smatramo korisnim ukazati na neka njegova važnija svojstva, U radu se iznose rezultati postignutih morfoloških i fenoloških svojstava predivog lana. Pokusi s predivim lanom izvedeni su tijekom dvije godine (2002-2003) u Maksimiru i Posavskim Bregima. U pokusu je bilo zastupljeno pet sorata i to: četiri češke sorte (Jitka, Texa, Merkur i Bonet) i jedna nizozemska sorta (Viola). Odabrane sorte sijane su u dvije gustoće (2000 i 2500 sjemenki /m2). Na osnovi dobivenih dvogodišnjih istraživanja morfoloških i fenoloških svojstava predivog lana na dvije lokacije utvrđeno je da postoje signifikantne razlike između istraživanih sorata i između gustoća sjetve. Signifikantno najveće prinose sjemena ostvarile su sorte Merkur i Bonet. U rjeđem sklopu ostvarene su više vrijednosti prinosa sjemena, broja tobolaca, broja sjemenki u tobolcu i mase 1000 sjemenki. Sorte Jitka i Texa pripadaju sortama rane vegetacijske skupine sazrijevanja, dok Viola, Merkur i Bonet pripadaju sortama kasne vegetacijske skupine.Since attempts are made to reintroduce fiber flax into agricultural production of Croatia, it seems useful to point to some of its major properties and economic importance. This paper presents the results of the achieved morphological and phenological traits of fiber flax. Cultivar trials with fiber flax were set up in two years (2002-2003) and on two locations (Maksimir and Posavski Bregi). The trials involved five cultivars: four Czech cultivars (Jitka, Texa, Merkur and Bonet) and one Dutch cultivar (Viola). All cultivars were sown in two densities (2000 and 2500 seeds/m2). According to the results of the two-years research into the morphological and phenological traits of fiber flax on two locations, significant differences were established between the cultivars and the planting densities under study. Significantly highest values for seed yield were recorded in cultivars Merkur and Bonet. Higher values of the seed yield, number of capsules, number of seed per capsules and 1000 seed weight were obtained with the lower planting density. Cultivars Jitka and Texa belong to the early vegetation ripening group, while cultivars Viola, Merkur and Bonet belong to the full vegetation ripening group


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    Prije nekoliko godina započeo je ponovni uzgoj predivog lana na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske s krajnjom svrhom očuvanja kulturne baštine. S tim u vezi istraživana je mogućnost introdukcije stranih kultivara predivog lana u nizinsko kontinentalno područje RH. Pokusi su postavljeni tijekom dvije godine (2002-2003) na dvije lokacije (Maksimir i Posavski Bregi). U pokusu je bilo zastupljeno pet sorata i to: četiri češke sorte (Jitka, Texa, Merkur i Bonet) i jedna nizozemska sorta (Viola). Sve sorte sijane su u dvije gustoće (2000 i 2500 klijavih sjemenki /m2). Prema dobivenim dvogodišnjim istraživanjima agronomskih i morfoloških svojstava predivog lana na dvije lokacije utvrđeno je da postoje signifikantne razlike između istraživanih sorata i između gustoća sjetve. Interakcija između ova dva faktora nije bila signifikantna niti za jedno svojstvo. Signifikantno najveće vrijednosti za većinu agronomskih i morfoloških svojstava imala je sorta Viola. U rjeđem sklopu ostvarene su više vrijednosti istraživanih svojstava.With the aim to preserve the cultural heritage, fiber flax culture was resumed in northwestern Croatia a few years ago. Possibilities of introducing foreign fiber flax cultivars in the lowland continental part of Croatia were investigated for this purpose. Cultivar trials were set up in two years (2002-2003) and on two locations (Maksimir and Posavski Bregi). The trials involved five cultivars: four Czech cultivars (Jitka, Texa, Merkur and Bonet) and one Dutch cultivar (Viola). All cultivars were sown in two densities (2000 and 2500 seeds/m2). According to the results of the two-years research into the agronomic and morphological traits of fiber flax on two locations, significant differences were established between the cultivars and the planting densities under study. Interaction between these two factors was not significant for any trait. Significantly highest values for agronomic and morphological traits were recorded in the cultivar Viola. Higher values of the traits studied were obtained with the lower planting density


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    Prije nekoliko godina započeo je ponovni uzgoj predivog lana na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske s krajnjom svrhom očuvanja kulturne baštine. S tim u vezi istraživana je mogućnost introdukcije stranih kultivara predivog lana u nizinsko kontinentalno područje RH. Pokusi su postavljeni tijekom dvije godine (2002-2003) na dvije lokacije (Maksimir i Posavski Bregi). U pokusu je bilo zastupljeno pet sorata i to: četiri češke sorte (Jitka, Texa, Merkur i Bonet) i jedna nizozemska sorta (Viola). Sve sorte sijane su u dvije gustoće (2000 i 2500 klijavih sjemenki /m2). Prema dobivenim dvogodišnjim istraživanjima agronomskih i morfoloških svojstava predivog lana na dvije lokacije utvrđeno je da postoje signifikantne razlike između istraživanih sorata i između gustoća sjetve. Interakcija između ova dva faktora nije bila signifikantna niti za jedno svojstvo. Signifikantno najveće vrijednosti za većinu agronomskih i morfoloških svojstava imala je sorta Viola. U rjeđem sklopu ostvarene su više vrijednosti istraživanih svojstava.With the aim to preserve the cultural heritage, fiber flax culture was resumed in northwestern Croatia a few years ago. Possibilities of introducing foreign fiber flax cultivars in the lowland continental part of Croatia were investigated for this purpose. Cultivar trials were set up in two years (2002-2003) and on two locations (Maksimir and Posavski Bregi). The trials involved five cultivars: four Czech cultivars (Jitka, Texa, Merkur and Bonet) and one Dutch cultivar (Viola). All cultivars were sown in two densities (2000 and 2500 seeds/m2). According to the results of the two-years research into the agronomic and morphological traits of fiber flax on two locations, significant differences were established between the cultivars and the planting densities under study. Interaction between these two factors was not significant for any trait. Significantly highest values for agronomic and morphological traits were recorded in the cultivar Viola. Higher values of the traits studied were obtained with the lower planting density


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    Tijekom 2003.-2005. godine obavljena je evaluacija proizvodnih vrijednosti 42 eksperimentalna i priznata hibrida šećerne repe na lokaciji Zagreb. U pokuse su bili uključeni hibridi šest selekcijskih kuća koje plasiraju sjeme šećerne repe u R. Hrvatskoj. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da između istraživanih hibrida šećerne repe postoji značajna razlika u prinosu i kvaliteti korijena. Međutim, veliki broj hibrida dao je po vrijednosti isti rezultat, tj. razlika koja među njima postoji je unutar statistčki dopuštenog odstupanja. Po visokom prinosu šećera istakli su se hibridi Georgina i Buda u 2003., Sofarizo i Takt u 2004. te Merak, Impact i Europa u 2005. godini. Po prinosu korijena najrodniji hibridi bili su Dioneta, Buda i Georgina u 2003., Sofarizo, Takt, HI 0191 i Dorotea u 2004. te Impact i SES 2371 u 2005. godini. Najveći sadržaj šećera u korijenu imali su hibridi Zitai Evelina u 2003., Cyntia, Diamant i Belinda u 2004. te Merak, Belinda i Cyntia u 2005. godini.Production values of 43 experimental and recognized sugar beet hybrids were conducted on the Zagreb location in the period 2003-2005. The trials included hybrids from six breeding institutions that sell sugar beet seed in the Republic of Croatia. Research results have revealed significant differences in yields and root quality among inve- stigated sugar beet hybrids. However, the results of a large number of hybrids were equal in value; namely, the dif- ference between them was within the statistically allowable deviation. The hybrids KW 0148 HR and Buda in 2003, Sofarizo and Takt were distinguished by high sugar yields in 2004, whereas Merak, Impact and Europa in 2005. The highest root yields were recorded for hybrids Dioneta, Buda and KW 0148 HR in 2003, Sofarizo, Takt, HI 0191 and Dorotea in 2004, Impact and SES 2371 in 2005. The highest root sugar contents were determined in hybrids Zita and Evelina in 2003, Cyntia, Diamant and Belinda in 2004, and Merak, Belinda and Cyntia in 2005

    Application of nano-based systems for drug delivery and targeting: a review

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