53 research outputs found

    Impact of Intracanal Calcium Hydroxide or Triple Antibiotic Paste on Bond Strength of Root Canal Sealers: An In Vitro Study

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    Objectives:The aim of this study is to compare the effects of intracanal treatments with calcium hydroxide (CH) or triple antibiotic paste (TAP) on bond strength of a calcium silicate-based sealer (MTA Fillapex) and an epoxy resin- based sealer (MM Seal). Materials and Methods: Sixty extracted maxillary central incisors were prepared with a rotary system to size 40. The specimens were randomly divided into two groups, which received either intracanal CH or TAP. After rinsing, the teeth in each group were further divided into two additional groups, which were obturated with gutta percha and either the MTA Fillapex or MM Seal root canal sealer. Then, slices were obtained from three sections of the canal (coronal, middle, and apical). A push-out test was performed to measure the bond strength between the root canal dentin and the sealer. Results: The push-out bond strengths of the root canal sealers were significantly affected by the type of intracanal medicament. Both the sealers showed bond strengths that were nearly two-fold higher after TAP application than after CH application, and these results were independent of the position along the canal.  Conclusions: The use of TAP rather than CH improves the bond strength of calcium silicate- and epoxy resin-based sealers throughout the root canal

    Is it safe to use YouTube (TM) to learn about root canal preparation? Analysis of content and quality of videos

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    Aim: This study assessed the quality, educational content, and demographics of root canal preparation videos on YouTube (TM). Methodology: The study was performed for root canal preparation using the keywords "root canal shaping," "root canal preparation," and "root canal instrumentation" on YouTube (TM). In total, 108 English language videos shorter than 15 minutes were acquired. After evaluating the demographic characteristics, the viewing rates of the videos were estimated. The quality of the videos was assessed using DISCERN, the Global Quality Scale (GQS), and the Video Power Index (VPI). Statistical analyses of the evaluated results were performed. Results: Endodontists uploaded the most videos (32%), mainly shot on the teeth of patients (30%). The number of views and the VPI were significantly higher for the videos uploaded by commercial companies than by endodontists (p0.05). While a positive and meaningful relationship was found between DISCERN and the GQS (p0.05). Conclusion: It was highlighted that a high-quality contribution from uploaders is needed for videos posted on YouTube (TM) about root canal preparation. It is crucial to refer to high-quality sources of information

    Incidence of dentinal crack formation during root canal preparation with two NiTi instruments activated by adaptive motion and continuous rotation: An in vitro study

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate dentin crack incidence after root canal instrumentation usingProTaper Next (PT Next; Dentsply Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland) and Twisted File Adaptive (TF Adaptive;Sybron Endo, Orange, California, USA) at different kinematics.Methods: Sixty human extracted premolar teeth were selected and divided into 4 main groups. Group 1: PTNext with continuous rotation (n = 15); Group 2: PT Next with adaptive motion (n = 15); Group 3: TF Adaptivewith continuous rotation (n = 15); Group 4: TF Adaptive with adaptive motion (n = 15). Fifteen unpreparedteeth were used as control group. Crowns of the teeth were removed and roots were sectioned at 3, 6, and 9mm from the apex using a diamond saw. Finally root dentin pieces were evaluated under stereomicroscope atx25 magnification. Digital images were evaluated by 2 researchers.Results: No cracks were observed in the control group. In groups 2 and 4 no fracture was observed at the levelof 9 mm and similarly in group 4 at 6 mm level. Group 3 showed a significantly higher dentin crack formationfollowed by Group 1, 2, 4 and control group respectively (p < 0.039). There was no significant differencebetween groups at 6 mm and 9 mm levels (p = 0.497) except for only 3 mm level (p < 0.035).Conclusions: It was concluded, both adaptive motion and continuous rotationpromoted dentinal defect.Adaptive motion produced less dentinal defects all dentin levels but there was no significant difference

    A bibliometric analysis of current trends, hotspots, and future aspects of endodontic-periodontal lesions

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    Aim: This study aims to examine the present findings, contemporary developments, and productivity of endodontic-periodontal (endo-perio) lesions based on the top 50 most-cited articles between 1990 and 2022. Methodology: An electronic search was carried out in the " Clarivate Analytics Web of Science, All Databases". After ranking the articles in descending order based on their citation counts, the first 50 relevant articles were selected. Parameters such as citation density, publication year, journal, country, institution, author, study design, evidence level, and keywords were analyzed. Spearman's correlation was used to determine associations between the number of citations and citation density. Results: There was a significant positive correlation between citation number and the age of publication (p<0.05). Articles were mostly published between 2011 and 2022. The Journal of Endodontics had the largest number of publications. The United States and The University of Southern California made the highest contribution. The majority of the articles were case reports. Ilan Rotstein, Se-Lim Oh, and Maryam Pourhajibagher were the most frequent first authors. Studies were frequently designed as case reports with evidence level V. "Endo-perio lesions" followed by "guided tissue regeneration" were mostly-used keywords. Conclusion: Regenerative procedures along with endodontic treatments have been utilized in the last decade to manage endo-perio lesions due to the developments in materials and techniques. Case reports could guide dental practitioners by demonstrating updated information in this field

    Farklı kor materyalleri ile restore edilmiş fibersite ile relyx fiber postlarının diş dokusuna bağlanma dayanımlarının incelenmesi

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    Objective: This study aimed to assess the pull-out bonding resistance of FiberSite and RelyX Fiber posts constructed from core structures using various resin cement. Materials and Methods: Sixty mandibular premolar teeth were horizontally sectioned to create a root canal length of 15 +/- 1 mm. Up to size #40, samples were prepared and obturated with gutta-percha and root canal sealer. Three groups of specimens (n=20) were formed. FiberSite posts were luted and built-up using Clearfil DC Core Plus in Group 1, RelyX Fiber posts were luted and built-up using Clearfil DC Core Plus in Group 2, and RelyX Fiber Posts were luted and built-up using Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior in Group 3. Each specimen was vertically positioned in a universal testing machine and rotated at 0.5 mm/min until it dislodged. Oneway ANOVA and post hoc tests were used to evaluate the data. Results: The bonding strength of FiberSite posts was higher than that of RelyX Fiber posts (p<0.05). Clearfil DC Core Plus-built RelyX Fiber Posts exhibited higher bond strength than Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior-built posts (p<0.05). Conclusion: FiberSite posts provide better root canal dentin retention than RelyX Fiber posts with different core materials.Amaç: Bu çalışmada farklı rezin simanlar ile kor yapıları oluşturulmuş FiberSite ve RelyX Fiber Post sistemlerinin kök kanalına bağlanma kuvvetlerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Altmış adet mandibular premolar diş, 15±1 mm kök kanal uzunluğu elde etmek için yatay olarak kesildi. Örneklerin kök kanalları #40’a kadar prepere edildi ve guta-perka ve kanal patı kullanılarak kök kanal dolguları yapıldı. Örnekler daha sonra 3 gruba ayrıldı (n=20). Grup 1’de FiberSite postları Clearfil DC Core Plus ile simante edildi. Grup 2’de RelyX Fiber postlarının simantasyonu ve kor yapıları, Clearfil DC Core Plus ile yapıldı. Grup 3’te, Clearfil DC Core Plus ile simante edilen RelyX Fiber postlarının kor yapıları Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior ile yapıldı. Tüm örneklere, universal test cihazında kırılma gerçekleşinceye kadar dikey yönde 0,5 mm/dak sabit kuvvet uygulandı. Verilere tek yönlü varyans analizi yapıldı ve post hoc testleri ile analiz edildi. Bulgular: FiberSite postlarının bağlanma dayanımı, RelyX Fiber postlarından anlamlı ölçüde daha yüksek bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Clearfil DC Core Plus ile kor yapıları oluşturulan RelyX Fiber postları, Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior (p<0,05) ile kor yapısı oluşturulan RelyX Fiber postlarından daha fazla bağlanma dayanımı göstermiştir. Sonuç: FiberSite postları, farklı rezin simanlar ile kor yapıları oluşturulan RelyX Fiber postlarından kök kanal dentinine daha yüksek bağlanma kuvvetine sahiptir

    Bir Türk alt popülasyonunda kalıcı üst azı dişlerinin kök kanal konfigürasyonunun değerlendirilmesi: Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi çalışması

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    Objective: Maxillary molars may be challenging for root canal treatment due to their complex canal anatomy and additional root canals, especially in the mesiobuccal root. The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of root and root canal numbers of maxillary molar in a selected Turkish population. Materials and Methods: A total of 905 first and second maxillary molars were evaluated using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The number of roots and canals was recorded and the mesiobuccal canal was further evaluated with the Vertucci classification. Results: A total of 394 teeth had a second mesiobuccal (MB2) canal (43.5%). While 90.4% of all maxillary molars had three roots, 44% had four root canals. The most common root canal anatomy of mesiobuccal root canals was Type II (42.6%) followed by Type IV (31.5%) and Type III (22.1%). Conclusions: It is clear that the second mesial root canal in permanent maxillary molars should be carefully searched for the long-term success of root canal treatments. It is seen that CBCT sections will be beneficial in diagnosis and treatment in better understanding the anatomical structure of the teeth and determining possible anatomical deviations.Amaç: Üst çene azı dişleri, karmaşık kök kanal anatomisi ve özellikle mezial kökteki ek kök kanal sayıları nedeniyle endodontik tedaviyi zorlaştırabilir. Bu nedenle başarılı bir kanal tedavisi için üst çene azı dişlerinin anatomik özelliklerinin analiz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, seçilmiş bir Türk nüfusunda üst çene azı dişlerinin kök ve kök kanal sayılarının prevalansını araştırmaktır. Materyal ve Metot: Konik ışınlı bilgisayarlı tomografi (KIBT) kullanılarak toplam 905 birinci ve ikinci kalıcı üst azı dişi değerlendirildi. Kök ve kök kanal sayıları kaydedilerek mezyobukkal meziobukkal kök kanalı Vertucci sınıflamasına göre değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Toplam 394 üst azıda ikinci bir mezial (MB2) kök kanalı (% 43,5) vardı. Tüm üst büyük azı dişlerinin %90,4' ünde üç adet kök varken, %44'ünde ise 4 kök kanalı vardı. Mezial kök kanallarının en yaygın kök kanal anatomisi Tip II (% 42,6) iken, bunu Tip IV (% 31,5) ve Tip III (% 22,1) takip etti. Sonuç: Üst daimi azı dişlerindeki ikinci mezial kök kanalının, kanal tedavilerinin uzun dönem başarısı için dikkatlice aranmasında büyük fayda olduğu açıktır. Dişlerinin anatomik yapısının daha iyi anlaşılmasında ve olası anatomik sapmaların belirlenmesinde KIBT kesitlerinin teşhis ve tedaviye oldukça yardımcı olacağı görülmektedir

    Shaping ability of novel nickel-titanium systems in printed primary molars

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    Background Manual or mechanized instruments can be used for root canal preparation. Manual instrumentation using K-files is widely used in primary teeth, but there are many limitations. Mechanized root canal preparation can lead to easy access to all canals, decrease instrumentation time, and result in more funnel-shaped root canals, resulting in a more predictable uniform paste fill. Aim This study aimed to evaluate the shaping ability and instrumentation time of VDW.ROTATE (TM) and EdgeTaper Platinum (TM) during the preparation of resin-printed primary molars. Hand K-files were used as a reference for comparison. Design Sixty-six resin-based maxillary second primary molars, obtained from extracted tooth cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) image and printed on a three-dimensional printer, were divided into three groups: VDW.ROTATE (TM), EdgeTaper Platinum (TM), and K-files. The specimens were scanned using CBCT imaging before and after root canal preparation. Images were registered using a dedicated software, and changes (Delta) in the canal area, volume, and untouched canal surface were calculated. Instrumentation time was evaluated. Data were statistically analyzed using the SPSS program. Results There was no significant difference among the tested file systems for Delta canal volume and area (p > .05). VDW.ROTATE (TM), however, showed significantly lower untouched canal surface area than other systems in all roots (p < .001). The VDW.ROTATE (TM) was found to be significantly faster (6.47 +/- 0.39 min) than EdgeTaper Platinum (TM) (7.71 +/- 0.73 min) and K-files (8.22 +/- 0.72 min), (p < .05). Conclusions The shaping ability and the instrumentation time were directly influenced by the root canal instrumentation system used during the preparation of resin-printed primary molars, with VDW.ROTATE (TM) being the faster system and associated with the lower amount of untouched canal surface area.Afyonkarahisar Health Sciences University Scientific Research Project Management Uni

    COVID-19 pandemisinin endodontistlerin sürekli mesleki gelişimleri üzerine etkisinin etkisi: Kapsamlı bir anket çalışması

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    Objective: Continuing professional development (CPD) is a lifelong process that continues despite all kinds of obstacles. The aim of this study was to evaluate of endodontists’ attitudes towards CPD during the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic and online educa tional resources (OERs). Material and Methods: A questionnaire on demographic data and preferred resources before and after the pan demic was sent to 554 potential participants via e-mail. A chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression test were conducted on the ob tained data at a 5% significance level. Results: One hundred seventy five participants responded to the survey. Of all the participants, 67% were women and 45% were academicians. Since the pandemic began, OERs have been preferred over traditional resources, but traditional ones were considered more useful than OERs. Most of the respondents believed that contagion concerns represented the greatest obstacle to CPD. Gender and experience were related to the perception that the pandemic affected the respondents’ CPD activities (p<0.001). Spe cialty/PhD students tended to benefit more than others from OERs (p<0.05). The respondents mostly considered that OERs are comfort able and advantageous in terms of time, cost, professional knowledge and skill. Conclusion: The resources endodontists chose for CPD ac tivities seemed to have changed in favour of OERs during the pandemic despite their lower perceived usefulness as compared with traditional resources.Amaç: Sürekli mesleki gelişim (SMG), her türlü engele rağ men yaşam boyu devam eden bir öğrenme sürecidir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, endodontistlerin koronavirüs hastalığı-2019 pandemisi sırasında SMG’ye ve online eğitim kaynaklarına (OEK) yönelik tutumlarını de ğerlendirmektir. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Beş yüz elli dört katılımcıya pandemi öncesi ve sonrası olmak üzere demografik veriler ve tercih edilen kaynaklar hakkında hazırlanmış bir anket e-posta yoluyla gön derildi. Elde edilen veriler üzerinde %5 anlamlılık düzeyinde ki-kare testi ve çok değişkenli lojistik regresyon analizi yapıldı. Bulgular: Yüz yetmiş beş katılımcı anketi cevaplamıştır. Tüm katılımcıların %67’si kadın ve %45’i akademisyendi. Pandemi başlangıcından itibaren OEK geleneksel kaynaklara tercih edilmiş, ancak geleneksel olanlar OEK’den daha kullanışlı kabul edilmiştir. Ankete katılanların çoğu, bulaş endişesini SMG’nin önündeki en büyük engel olarak görmüştür. Cinsiyet ve deneyim, pandeminin katılımcıların SMG faaliyetlerini et kilediği algısıyla ilişkili bulunmuştur (p<0,001). Uzmanlık/doktora öğ rencileri OEK’den daha fazla yararlanma eğiliminde bulunmuştur (p<0,05). Ankete katılanlar OEK’nin zaman, para, mesleki bilgi ve be ceri düzeyleri açısından rahat ve avantajlı olduğunu düşünmektedirler. Sonuç: Her ne kadar endodontistler pandemi döneminde SMG için OEK tercih etmiş olsalar da geleneksel kaynakları OEK’ye göre daha kullanışlı olduklarını düşünmektedirler

    Bending resistance and cyclic fatigue life of Reciproc Blue, WaveOne Gold, and Genius files in a double (S-shaped) curved canal

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    Background. This study compared the cyclic fatigue resistance, bending resistance and cross-sectional areas of Reciproc Blue (RPC Blue), WaveOne Gold (WOG), and Genius File (GF) NiTi rotary systems. Methods. Forty RPC Blue R25 (25/.08), 40 WOG Primary (25/.07) and 40 GF (25/.04) files were used in the present study. Flexibility of the files was determined by 45° bending test. The instruments were also subjected to cyclic fatigue resistance, calculating the number of cycles to fracture (NCF) in an S-shaped artificial stainless steel canal. Also the cross-sectional areas of the files were measured at D5 level. The length of the fractured file tips was measured. The fracture surface of all the fragments was examined with a scanning electron microscope. Data was statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey tests. Results. In both the apical and coronal curvatures, the NCF of the GF was significantly higher than that of the RPC Blue and WOG files. There was no significant difference between the GF, WOG and Reciproc Blue files with respect to the lengths of the fractured file fragments in either the apical or coronal curvature. The bending resistance of the GF was signif-icantly higher than that of the RPC Blue and WOG files. The RPC Blue had the largest cross-sectional area, and the GF had the smallest cross-sectional area. Conclusion. Within the limitations of the present study, the GF NiTi system exhibited the highest cyclic and bending re-sistance among the experimental groups