458 research outputs found

    School Principals\u27 Learnings From Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Covid-19 pandemic, which broke out in the late 2019 and we are still facing today, has made an enormous impact throughout the world and directly caused an extraordinary disruption of many systems globally including educational ones and affected the lives lots of students and families all over the world. Different kinds of measures were abruptly taken in order to ensure that students, teachers and school principals continued their educational processes safely and also to lessen the crisis situation and chaos. One of these measures was country-wide school closures and along with Turkey, most of the countries chose to close schools and make a quick transition to remote learning. During those weeks, several policy responses aimed at making sure that students attended online classes regularly and that they felt well. In the meantime, diverse stakeholders of educational systems (students, teachers, educational leaders etc.) have learned some lessons from this terrifying pandemic. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the learnings that Turkish school principals experienced during that school closure period in Turkey. Within the scope of maximum diversity sampling, one of the purposeful sampling methods, a sampling frame was established and 105 school principals working in primary, secondary and high schools in different provinces participated in the study. In the study, in which qualitative online survey method was used, a Google drive form with open-ended questions was exploited. Based on the findings obtained in the study, main themes have been created. These are personal, organizational and educational learnings

    ST segment elevation following sinoventricular rhythm in a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis

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    Diabetic ketoacidosis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with insulin dependent diabetes. Myocardial infarction is an uncommon but well-recognised precipitating cause of diabetic ketoacidosis, accounting for 1% of cases. Many diabetic patients with ketoacidosis initially present with hyperkelamia, which may affect the electrocardiographic morphology. We present a patient with diabetic ketoacidosis and hyperkalemia, whose initial electrocardiogram showed a sinoventricular rhythm and subsequently pseudoinfarction pattern. (Cardiol J 2007; 14: 497-499

    A Revision of the Impacts of Covid 19

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    The Covid-19 and quarantine conditions caused great changes in people’s lives. In addition, it deeply affected human life in different aspects. Many negative effects of Covid 19 emerged over time and caused many damages. First of all, this process, which had a deep impact on people’s psychology, caused people to suffer from many psychological, mental and physiological diseases. It also left very deep economic effects and brought all sectors to a standstill in many countries of the world. Its economic effects deeply shook states as well as individuals. Although not as effective as the others, it left some political effects. In addition, it had some adverse effects on children and turned some negative behaviors into addiction. Thus, computer and internet addiction emerged in some children. The only observed positive effect of the process was on the environment. Due to the slowdown in industrial activities, some positive improvements were seen in nature again

    Suggestopedia: A Relaxed and Immersive Language Learning Environment

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    Suggestopedia is based on the idea that learning is most effective in a relaxed, and comfortable environment with music. It employs a range of techniques such as music, drama, and visualization to create learners an immersive and engaging learning environment. Suggestopedia uses the power of suggestion to eradicate negative feelings that hamper learning. Positive affirmations and suggestions are significant tools not only for the development of self-confidence but also their belief in their ability to learn which is a key factor for success. This review paper attempts to explore the advantages of employing Suggestopedia in language learning

    Yüzyıl dönümünde bir valide sultan : Safiye Sultan’ın hayatı ve eserleri

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.III. Mehmed'in 1595 yılında tahta çıkmasıyla Valide Sultan olan Safiye Sultan, dönemin en önemli karakterlerinden biri olmuştur. III. Mehmed'in validesine olan bağlılığının fazla olması Safiye Sultan'ı padişah ve onun kararları üzerinde etkin bir hale getirmiştir. Sarayda nüfuzunu artıran Valide Safiye Sultan İngiltere Kraliçesi I. Elizabeth ile yakın bir dostluk kurarak ve Venedik ile temaslarda bulunarak Osmanlı sınırları dışında da etkin bir figür olmuştur. Özellikle oğlu üzerindeki etkisi sayesinde devlet kadrolarındaki azil ve tayinlerde son sözü söyleyen kişi konumuna gelmiştir. 16. yüzyılda Hürrem Sultan ile başlayan 17. yüzyılda Valide Hatice Turhan Sultan ile sona eren, kadınların yönetimde ağırlığının olduğu dönem, Valide Safiye Sultan'ı da kapsamaktadır. Hürrem Sultan, Nurbanu Sultan, Kösem Sultan ve Hatice Turhan Sultan hakkında belirli sayıda araştırma olmasına karşın, Safiye Sultan için neredeyse hiçbir müstakil araştırma yoktur. Önemli bir Valide Sultan olmasına rağmen yeterli düzeyde araştırmanın bulunmaması, bizi bu hanım sultanın hayatını çalışmaya yönlendirmiştir. Safiye Sultan çeşitli vakıflar kurmuş, camiler ve çeşitli hayır eserleri yaptırmış bir Valide Sultan'dır. Kanuni Sultan Süleyman'ın son yıllarına, Sultan II. Selim zamanına, Sultan III. Murad ve Sultan III. Mehmed'in saltanatlarına tanık olan Safiye Sultan, torunu Sultan I. Ahmed'in, Sultan I. Mustafa ve Sultan II. Osman'ın da saltanatlarına tanık olarak, takriben yarım asır sarayda bulunmuş ve döneme etki etmiştir. Şüphesiz Safiye Sultan edindiği tecrübelerle ve yaşantısıyla kudretli bir Valide Sultan olarak anılmıştır. Çalışmamızla mevcut harem literatürüne, Safiye Sultan'ın hayatı ve Valide Sultanlık dönemine ilişkin literatüre yeni bilgiler katılacağı umulmaktadır.Safiye Sultan, who became the Valide Sultan after his son Mehmed III ascended the throne in 1595, became one of the most important characters of the period. The great devotion Mehmed had for his mother made Safiye Sultan very effective on the Sultan and his decisions. Increasing her influence in the Palace, Valide Safiye Sultan also became an active figure outside the Ottoman borders by establishing a close friendship with Queen Elizabeth I of England and having contacts with Venice. Due to her influence on her son, she reached the position where she had the last word on dismissals and appointments in state cadres. This era, when women had weight in the state governance began in the 16th century with Hürrem Sultan and ended in the 17th century with Valide Hatice Turhan Sultan, included Valide Safiye Sultan as well. Although there's a noteworthy number of researches about Hürrem Sultan, Nurbanu Sultan, Kösem Sultan and Hatice Turhan Sultan, there is almost no independent research on Safiye Sultan. This lack of adequate research on her directed us to study the life and works of Safiye Sultan. Safiye Sultan established various charitable foundations and financed many mosques and buildings around the mosques. Witnessing the last years of Kanuni Sultan Süleyman and the first years of her grandchild Sultan Ahmed I's reign in additions to the whole reigns of Sultan Selim II, Sultan Murad III, Sultan Mehmed III, Safiye Sultan was residents in the palace for almost half a century. Safiye Sultan has been remembered as a mighty Valide Sultan thanks to her palace experience. With this study, it is expected that valuable new information will be added to Harem literature and to the literature related to the life and the era of Safiye Sultan

    The Advantages of using Literary Texts in the Language Classroom

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    The use of literature was the ultimate goal in the language classroom when the grammartranslation method was popular in language teaching. In the 1960s and 1970s the use of literature in the language classroom lost its prestige because the grammar-translation method fell into disuse. The widespread assumption was that literature was complex hence only linguistically competent learners were able to understand it. However, in the 1970s and 1980s literature emerged as a contributing force in language teaching and since then it has been used in the language classroom to promote language proficiency development. Although its incorporation in language teaching is still a matter of debate today, literature has the potential to foster language learning. Literature is a potentially worthwhile source to help learners with language development, cultural improvement and personal growth. This article explores the benefits of using literature in the language classroom. More specifically, the article focuses on the contributions of literature to language acquisition

    The Ongoing Debate over Teacher Centered Education and Student Centered Education

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    Teacher-centered education and student-centered education are two different approaches to teaching and learning that have been widely debated in the field of education. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages. Teacher-centered education, also known as traditional education, is an approach to teaching in which the teacher is the primary source of knowledge and authority in the classroom. Student-centered learning on the other hand helps students become active participants in their own discovery process. This paper compares these two approaches and endeavours to summarize their advantages

    Study of Language Use, Language Attitudes, and Identities in Two French Speaking Communities in the United Kingdom

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    It is a socio-linguistically-oriented explanation of the speech usage pattern and attitude of two French-speaking groups in Leeds and Ealing, London. Two related case studies make up this collection. Pupil, parents, and instructors as of two French supplemental schools are included in the study. There are no burly claims to generalize further than the learning participant; however, addition of adults and children in the study helps shed light on the sociolinguistic status of French ancestry people living in the United Kingdom, a community that has been understudied. It is also a good way to look at things from different generations. This article has covered a wide variety of topics related to the history, population, locations, and socioeconomic classes of French communities in the United Kingdom. Also, the study looked at the connections between French culture's language, religion, and self-identity. "French people still struggle with how to identify themselves, as a group and/or individually, as well as how to belong to a group and yet present a separate identity," Fighting for words is at the core of this conflict. This focuses on the importance of French in the construction of both national and European identities. The researchers also look at the connection between French language proficiency and French diaspora identities as part of this project