2 research outputs found

    Essential cohomology modules

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    In this article, we give a generalization to injective modules by using ee-exact sequences introduced by Akray in [1] and name it ee-injective modules and investigate their properties. We reprove both Baer criterion and comparison theorem of homology using ee-injective modules and ee-injective resolutions. Furthermore, we apply the notion ee-injective modules into local cohomology to construct a new form of the cohomology modules call it essential cohomology modules (briefly ee-cohomology modules). We show that the torsion functor Ξ“a(βˆ’)\Gamma_a ( - ) is an ee-exact functor on torsion-free modules. We seek about the relationship of ee-cohomology within the classical cohomology. Finally, we conclude that they are different on the vanishing of their ithi_{th} cohomology modules

    Essential ideal transforms

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    It is our intention in this research generalized some concept in local cohomology such as contravarint functor extext, covariant functor ExtExt, covarian functor TorTor and ideal transforms with ee-exact sequences. The ee-exact sequence was introduced by Akray and Zebari \cite{AZ} in 2020. We obtain for a torsion-free modules BB, eextRn(P,B)=0_eext^n_R(P,B)=0 while eExtRn(A,E)=0_eExt^n_R(A,E)=0 for every module AA. Also for any torsion-free module BB we have an ee-exact sequence 0→Γa(B)→B→Da(B)→Ha1(B)→00\to \Gamma_{a}(B) \to B\to D_{a}(B)\to H^1_{a}(B)\to 0 and an isomorphisms between BB and rDa(B)r D_{a}(B). Finally we generalize Mayer-Vietories with ee-exact sequences in essential local cohomology, we get a special ee-exact sequences