13 research outputs found

    Studi Kinetika Efektifitas Minyak Daun Cengkeh (Syzigium aromaticum) Sebagai Antifungi Candida albicans

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    Kinetic studies effectiveness clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) oil as antifungal Candida albicans have been done. The study have purpose to determine the reaction order, reaction constants (k) and relationship the concentration of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) oil every time (At) with the initial concentration of of clove (Syzigium aromaticum) oil (Ao) and time (t) and equipped determination of the minimum concentration of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum)oil effective anti-fungus Candida albicans. The results shows the anti-fungal activity clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) oil on Candida albicans for each variation of the concentration 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% are 14.2 mm, 12.2 mm, 10.8 mm and 10.4 mm respectively. Reaction order as antifungal of the clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) oil on Candida albicans is 0.2112 with k = 5.0594. The minimum concentration of clove leaf (Syzigium aromaticum) oil as anti-fungal Candida albicans is 17.86%

    Studi Kinetika Antibakteri dari Hasil Pirolisis Cangkang Biji Jambu Mete terhadap Staphylococcus aureus

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    Research on kinetics antibacterial from pyrolysis product of cashew nut shell againts Staphylococcus aureus have been carried out. Cashew nuts are prepared by separating the shell and seeds for pyrolysis. The results of S. aureus antibacterial activity test results pyrolysis pyrolysis products shell cashew nut showed inhibition is different for each variation of the concentration of 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% with inhibition of successive 0.87; 0.97; 1.38; 1.47 and 1.61 (cm). Based on these results it can be said that the result of the pyrolysis of cashew nut shells provide a response inhibition that were at concentrations of 12.5 and 25%. While the concentration of 50%, 75%, and 100% response inhibitory power is included in the strong category on the growth of S. aureus. Order the reaction of the antibacterial activity of S. aureus from the pyrolysis products obtained cashew nut shell 0,3 with activity rate constant of 0.38. The concentration of pyrolysis products of pyrolysis results cashew nut shell the minimum recommended for use as an antibacterial S.aureus

    Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) Dengan Etanol

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    A study has been conducted on the transesterification of Calophyllum innophyllum seed oil with ethanol. The purpose of this research is to determine the comparison of concentration of phosphoric acid used to remove the gum on the oil, ester content is produced in the process of transesterification with ethanol, the ester yield obtained after the final stage of the transesterification process, the viscosity of the biodiesel produced, moisture content of biodiesel is produced, and density of biodiesel was produced. This research is taken based on consideration production biodiesel by direct transesterification process. Based on research result of good phosphoric acid concentration used to remove oil gum is 85%, volume of biodiesel produced at transesterification equal to 150 mL with yield 80,89%, biodiesel quality parameter measured that viscosity = 0,05 mm2 / s not fulfill Indonesian National Standart (INS), moisture content = 0.045 meets the INS and the density = 0.881 g / cm3 meets the IN

    Kinetika Kimia Antibakteri Fraksi Alkana Alifatik Hasil Pirolisis Cangkang Biji Jambu Mete (CNS)

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    Chemical kinetics research antibacterial of aliphatic alkane fraction from the results of pyrolysis Cashew Nut Shell (CNS) (Annacardium occidentale L.) on Eschericia coli have been carried out. Cashew nuts are prepared by separating the shell and seeds for pyrolysis and purifying using a fractional distillation device. The results of E. coli anti-bacterial activity test from aliphatic alkane fractional distillation results of cashew nut shell pyrolysis products showed that the inhibitory power was different from each concentration variation of 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%, and 12.5%, with inhibitor zone: 8.02; 7.16; 5.56; 4.52 dan 4.26 mm which indicates that the inhibition is weak category for 12.5% and 25%, medium category for 50%, 75% and 100%. The clear zone that has been formed are calculated in terms of its chemical kinetics including the reaction order and the activity rate constant. The reaction order (n) antibacterial of aliphatic alkane fraction from the results of pyrolysis CNS on E. coli was 0.3145 with a constant activity rate of (k) = 1,7791.&nbsp

    Biodiesel Hasil Transesterifikasi Minyak Biji Nyamplung (Calophyllum inophyllum) Dengan Metanol

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    Study of the transesterification of Calophyllum innophyllum seed oil from Kendari with methanol has been conducted. The purpose of the research to determine of the yield of ester produced in transesterification process with methanol, the viscosity of biodiesel produced, moisture content of biodiesel produced, density of biodiesel produced. The methods used in this study are sample preparation, transesterification process, biodiesel quality parameter test consisting of viscosity, moisture content and density. The results showed that good concentration of phosphoric acid was used to remove the gum is 85%, the yield of ester produced in the process of transesterification with methanol is 111,647%, parameter of biodiesel quality measured that viscosity = 0,315 mm2/ s not fulfill Indonesian National Standart (INS), water content is 0.02 meets the INS and the density = 0.8725 g / cm3 meets the INS standar

    Waktu Optimum Hidrolisis Pati Limbah Hasil Olahan Ubi Kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz var. Lahumbu) Menjadi Gula Cair Menggunakan Enzim α-Amilase Dan Glukoamilase

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    This study aims to determine optimum time of action of the enzyme α-amylase and glucoamylase needed in hydrolyze of starch from waste processed cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz var. Lahumbu). This research was conducted through three main stages, namely the gelatinization, liquefaction and saccharification. The method was used method are liquefaction and  saccharification. The variation time of the stage liquefaction: 12; 24; 36; 48; 60; and 72 minutes and the saccharification stage are: 9; 18; 27; 36; 45; 54; and 63 hours. The results showed that the optimum time required for stage liquefaction using α-amylase enzyme is 48 minutes on the condition of a temperature of 80 oC with a value of 0.09% amylose levels were measured using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The optimum time required for saccharification step using a glucoamylase which is 54 hours on the conditions of a temperature of 50oC with the amount of reducing sugar concentration of 9.186 g/L as measured using a UV-Vis spectrophotometer

    Synthesis of Methyl Ester Nitrate from Mahogany Seed Oil (Swietenia mahagoni Linn)

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    Nitration of methyl ester from mahogany oil (Swietenia mahagoniLinn) can be produced by Methyl Ester Nitrate (MEN), an additive that is useful for increasing Cetane Numbers in diesel fuel. This study aims to determine the yield of MEN that can be produced from mahogany seed oil after esterification, trans-esterification, and nitration and to identify the MEN compounds produced. Mahogany oil is obtained by pressing mahogany seeds and then degumming to remove the gum. Mahogany oil-free gum is esterified using methanol with the mole ratio of oil: methanol (1: 6), then trans-esterified, also using methanol with mole ratio (1:15) and a methyl ester is obtained. Then the methyl ester was nitrated with HNO3, sulfuric acid, and acetic anhydride to obtain a translucent reddish colored MEN product with a yield of 24.99%. The success of the synthesis was shown by the FTIR spectrophotometer in the presence of absorption at 1550 cm-1 which indicated the presence of the C-ONO2 group, the absorption at 1365 cm-1 indicated the presence of the NO2 group, and at 1118 cm-1 indicated the presence of the C-N group. The reaction mechanism that occurs during the predicted nitration reaction is an electrophilic substitution reaction and nucleophilic addition

    Tinjauan Kinetika Kimia Daya Hambat Minyak Daun Cengkeh (Syzygium aromaticum) dan Hasil Mikroenkapsulasinya Terhadap Eschericia coli

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    The secondary metabolite compounds contained in clove leaves oil have the potential to be antibacterial Escherichia coli. The kinetic analysis is based on the inhibition zone formed as a result of the inhibition of clove leaves oil and the results of microencapsulation on E. coli bacteria. The determination of the inhibition zone uses the disk diffusion method by using amoxicillin as a positive control and tween oil as a negative control. The kinetic review is intended to find out the antibacterial inhibitory reaction process by determining the reaction order (n), rate constant (k) as well as the At-Ao-t relationship of clove leaves oil and the results of its microencapsulation. Based on the research results obtained by the reaction order (n) of clove oil as an antibacterial E. coli is n = 0.1913; with the rate constant k = 5.7679. The reaction order (n) results of microencapsulation as antibacterial E. coli are 0.5039; with the rate constant k = 4.7323.&nbsp


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap reaksi hidrodesulfurisasi (HDS) tiofen menggunakan katalis CoMo/H-zeolit Y. Proses hidrodesulfurisasi (HDS) tiofen dilakukan dalam reaktor sistem batch dengan variasi temperatur 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 oC dan variasi laju alir gas pembawa (H2) 40, 55, 70, 85, 100 mL/menit. Produk cair dianalisis dengan gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Konversi produk gas dihitung berdasarkan persentase berat produk gas terhadap umpan. Hasil analisis GCMS produk hasil reaksi hidrosulfurisasi tiofen menunjukkan adanya 1 puncak utama tiofen pada waktu retensi 3,764 menit. Konversi gas maksimum tercapai pada suhu 350oC sebesar 82,07% (b/b) dengan konstanta laju reaksi (k) sebesar 49,56 menit-1

    Preparasi dan Karakterisasi Katalis CoMo/H-Zeolit Y

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    Preparation and characterization of catalyst CoMo/H-zeolite Y has been done. Catalyst was prepared from NH4Y-zeolite then heated 115oC for 1 h to eliminate water then calcined at 550oC for 2 h to evaporate ammonia, produced HY-zeolite (HYZ) sample. Impregnation of CoMo metals on the HYZ sample was done by co-impregnation method, where the HYZ (10 g) was mixed with (NH4)6MO7O24.4H2O in 24 mL aquabidest and 3 mL of ammonia then stirred of 60oC for 2 h. This mixture was then mixed with Co(NO3)2.6H2O in 24 mL aquabidest and 3 mL of ammonia then stirred of 60oC for 2 h. The resulting sample was filtered and dried. The dried sample was then calcined under N2 stream at temperature of 550oC for 2 h, followed by oxidized with O2 then reduced with H2 stream at temperature 400oC for 2 h, respectively produced CoMo/HY catalyst. Characterization of the catalyst included analysis of NH3 groups was done with by infra red spectrofotometry (IR), the crystallinity with Xray diffraction (XRD) and the acidity was calculated with NH3 absorption by gravimetry method, metal content on the catalyst was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). FTIR result of CoMo/HY catalyst showed that disappeared ammonia was after heating. The XRD date indicated the increase of catalyst crystallinity as the following: NH4Y< died NH4Y < HY< CoMo/HY. CoMo/HY catalyst has average acidity = 6,87 mmol/g where as the HY has average acidity = 7,66 mmol/g. The metal content in the HY was 8023 and 7681 ppm, for Co and Mo respectively