402 research outputs found

    Super-giant Romashkinskoye oil field development: The past, the present, the future

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    Super-large Romashkinskoye oil field development stages, reflected in four General schemes of the development, are considered. The results and problems of each stage are shown. The main principles of the oil field development at the present stage and its prospects of the further operation are determined. © R.Kh. Muslimov, 2008

    How the new classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases can influence the work of petroleum branch?

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    The new classification of reserves and resources of oil and combustible gases is officially introduced in Russia from 2016. The advantages and disadvantages of the new classification are examined. Its comparison with the previously acted in the Russian Federation classifications, and also with the basic analogous classifications of the western countries is executed. Conclusion about the need for the radical processing of the new classification of reserves is made

    Experience and problems of perfection of oil fields development designing in the Republic of Tatarstan

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    Results of work of territorial branch of the Central commission on Republic of Tatarstan oil fields development in 2008 are given. The problems, which need to be solved for the further perfection of development, increase of production level, final oil recovery factor, are designated

    Nanotechnologies in geology and increase of efficiency of development of deposits with hard-to-recover and residual oil reserves

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    Classification of residual oil reserves and the circuitry of lithologic-geochemical balance in oil - reservoir system are given. Various effect of surface-active substances injection on the oil displacement in different geological conditions is shown. The availability of nanotechnologies for the solution of questions of flooded layers water shutoff is marked. © R.Kh. Muslimov, 2009

    Methods of increasing an oil fields development efficiency at a late stage

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    Features and problems of fields development at a finishing stage are considered. It is noted, that IV stage of development is the most long-term one. At this stage it is possible to increase essentially an oil recovery ratio due to application modern methods of the oil recovery and development regulation technologies. Examples from experience of Romashkinskoye field development are given. © R.Kh. Muslimov, 2008

    Fundamental problems of oil industry

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    The current state of the oil industry requires an urgent solution to fundamental problems. Based on the foundation of the modern petroleum science, it's necessary to calculate reserves and to accomplish a design, taking into account geological, balance, off-balance, and recoverable reserves. The geological models should be built on a new basis in accordance with these categories, the filtration models - in accordance with current concepts of filtration processes. Design should be accomplished on the basis of the effective pore space concept, using models that take into account the geological reserves and all the peculiarities of the geological structure of deposits. Development should be carried on the principles of innovative design, taking into account the new criteria of optimality and rationality

    Problems of innovative design of development of especially complex fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves

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    The classification of oil deposits by the complexity of their development and classification of enhancing reservoirs recovery (by R.Kh. Muslimov) are given. The considerable role of matrix solid material, and most importantly, of an active mineral phase, forming the paltry part of the entire rock, in oil displacement Is shown. Some measures, the Implementation of which would contribute to the effective development of fields with hard-to-recover oil reserves are recommended

    Once again about the energy strategy of Russia until 2030

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    It Is noted, that the main Integral indicators of the state and the development of the petroleum industry are the degree of the reserves reproduction and oil recovery. Oil fields reserves structure classification by the degree of recovery (by R.Kh. Muslimov) is given. A general increase in reserves and the Increase in reserves due to the oll recovery are considered. It is concluded that the strategy should be aimed at improving the efficiency of oil output and its use

    Improving geological study of subsoils - The basis of innovation and modernization of the oil industry in the Energy Strategy of the Republic of Tatarstan up to 2030

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    The state of oil Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan was analyzed at Energy Strategy - 2030 substantiation, disadvantages and problems are revealed. The analysis of the state and structure of reserves and resources of the republic is fulfilled by the method, taking Info account quantitative and qualitative components. Multivariant calculations of oil recovery on the basis of proven methods and technologies of the development and production of oil are conducted. The possibility and technical and economic efficiency of high-volume oil production at achieved volumes of development drilling are established. The need of modernization of the oil industry of the republic and the development of innovative technologies of mining is noted
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