266 research outputs found

    Temperature distribution and anomalies in the crystalline basement of the Tataria arch

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    We made temperature measurements in the crystalline basement of the superdeep and deep boreholes located in the central-eastern part of the East European platform. The basement in the studied region is characterized by an average heat flow of 60 mW m-2. Our experiments have revealed temperature anomalies in the crystalline basement that we interpreted as un consolidated zones. The studies indicate that fluid injection anomalies, sheet flow and overflow zones and gas anomalies can be detected by temperature measurements. © 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Impact of neutron star oscillations on the accelerating electric field in the polar cap of pulsar: or could we see oscillations of the neutron star after the glitch in pulsar?

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    Pulsar "standard model", that considers a pulsar as a rotating magnetized conducting sphere surrounded by plasma, is generalized to the case of oscillating star. We developed an algorithm for calculation of the Goldreich-Julian charge density for this case. We consider distortion of the accelerating zone in the polar cap of pulsar by neutron star oscillations. It is shown that for oscillation modes with high harmonic numbers (l,m) changes in the Goldreich-Julian charge density caused by pulsations of neutron star could lead to significant altering of an accelerating electric field in the polar cap of pulsar. In the moderately optimistic scenario, that assumes excitation of the neutron star oscillations by glitches, it could be possible to detect altering of the pulsar radioemission due to modulation of the accelerating field.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures. Presented at the conference "Isolated Neutron Stars: from the Interior to the Surface", London, April 24-28, 2006; to appear in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Magnetic Fields of Spherical Compact Stars in Braneworld

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    We study the dipolar magnetic field configuration in dependence on brane tension and present solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal and external background spacetime of a magnetized spherical star in a Randall-Sundrum II type braneworld. The star is modelled as sphere consisting of perfect highly magnetized fluid with infinite conductivity and frozen-in dipolar magnetic field. With respect to solutions for magnetic fields found in the Schwarzschild spacetime brane tension introduces enhancing corrections both to the interior and the exterior magnetic field. These corrections could be relevant for the magnetic fields of magnetized compact objects as pulsars and magnetars and may provide the observational evidence for the brane tension through the modification of formula for magneto-dipolar emission which gives amplification of electromagnetic energy loss up to few orders depending on the value of the brane tension.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Management of initial structuring in connection zones of concrete fillers in hydrotechnical construction

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    In the article, the stages of formation of joint zones during the natural hardening of hydraulic concrete, the connections between cement stone and filler surface, and the influence of the mineralogical composition of fillers and external surface parameters on the structuring of cement stone in joint zones are studied by conducting laboratory tests. The development of high-performance technologies that accelerate the structuring of cement stone in the contact zones of hydraulic concrete fillers is considered urgent, and it is considered urgent to conduct scientific and practical research on the management of the spatial structuring mechanism arranged in the contact zones of fillers. The purpose of scientific and practical research is to study the possibilities of ensuring that hydraulic concrete strength reaches 70% within two days and to study the mechanisms affecting the kinetics of structuring in the contact zone

    Mechanisms for High-frequency QPOs in Neutron Star and Black Hole Binaries

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    We explain the millisecond variability detected by Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) in the X-ray emission from a number of low mass X-ray binary systems (Sco X-1, 4U1728-34, 4U1608-522, 4U1636-536, 4U0614+091, 4U1735-44, 4U1820-30, GX5-1 and etc) in terms of dynamics of the centrifugal barrier, a hot boundary region surrounding a neutron star. We demonstrate that this region may experience the relaxation oscillations, and that the displacements of a gas element both in radial and vertical directions occur at the same main frequency, of order of the local Keplerian frequency. We show the importance of the effect of a splitting of the main frequency produced by the Coriolis force in a rotating disk for the interpretation of a spacing between the QPO peaks. We estimate a magnitude of the splitting effect and present a simple formula for the whole spectrum of the split frequencies. It is interesting that the first three lowest-order overtones fall in the range of 200-1200 Hz and match the kHz-QPO frequencies observed by RXTE. Similar phenomena should also occur in Black Hole (BH) systems, but, since the QPO frequency is inversely proportional to the mass of a compact object, the frequency of the centrifugal-barrier oscillations in the BH systems should be a factor of 5-10 lower than that for the NS systems. The X-ray spectrum formed in this region is a result of upscattering of a soft radiation (from a disk and a NS surface) off relatively hot electrons in the boundary layer. We also briefly discuss some alternative QPO models, including a possibility of acoustic oscillations in the boundary layer, the proper stellar rotation, and g-mode disk oscillations.Comment: The paper is coming out in the Astrophysical Journal in the 1st of May issue of 199

    Bottom topography, length, chamber structure of timergazin canyon-like valley and problems of oil and gas exploration in basement

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    In this article there are specified: a sub-latitudinal valley bottom topography of South Tatar arch, valley length and a position of directive pallial-crustal first order fracture. The valley bottom chamber was considered as continental rift structure with fracture-block tectonics in plan. The possible contribution of the valley to hydrocarbon transit from deep formations is estimated. The Subkhankulovsky swell is specified as possible hydrocarbon deposit within the basement. © 2009

    The acid-base properties and the complexation of tributyl [aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid)] in aqueous solution

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    © 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.The acid-base and complexing properties of tributyl [aminotris(methylenephosphonic acid)] (H3L) with divalent metals were investigated in aqueous solution via the potentiometric titration method. The formation of 1:1 species partially protonated [MH2L] and totally deprotonated [ML−] as well as hydroxo species [M(OH)L2−] has been established

    Technological qualities of natural bitumens of Tatarstan depending on chemical and geochemical characteristics of their composition

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    A variety of composition of natural bitumens of the Permian sediments of Tatarstan territory is given. The necessity of differentiation of the given raw by chemical and geochemical parameters of their composition is proved. Perspective lines of use of various types of natural bitumens are considered

    Constraints on pulsar magnetospheric and wind parameters for the compact nebulae of Vela and PSR B1706-44

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    We present a new model for the synchrotron compact nebular emissions for Vela and PSR B1706-44, and derive fundamental pulsar/plerion parameters such as the pair production multiplicity, M, and wind magnetization parameter, sigma. The pair cascade above the pulsar polar cap, combined with the energy from the pulsar wind, injects a pair plasma into the surrounding environment. This wind, consisting of particles and fields, is shocked by the environment, resulting in synchrotron emission from "thermalized" pairs in a compact nebula. The broad band nebular spectrum depends crucially on the spindown power, distance, pair multiplicity, pulsar wind shock radius and sigma at this shock. We construct such a model for the particle spectra in the compact X-ray nebula of Vela and PSR B1706-44. Fits to the multiwavelength spectra of these sources indicate that 300<M<1000, whereas 0.05<sigma<0.5 for Vela. The same sigma interval (as for Vela) was independently derived from the radial gradients of the X-ray compact nebular emission from both Vela and PSR B1706-44, giving us confidence in our results. The M we derive for Vela is too small to be explained by curvature losses in the open magnetoshere of Vela, but the presence of optical pulsed photons could modify the predicted multiplicity.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    PSR 0943+10: a bare strange star?

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    Recent work by Rankin & Deshpande strongly suggests that there exist strong ``micro-storms'' rotating around the magnetic axis of the 1.1s pulsar PSR 0943+10. Such a feature hints that most probably the large-voltage vacuum gap proposed by Ruderman & Sutherland (RS) does exist in the pulsar polar cap. However, there are severe arguments against the formation of the RS-type gap in pulsars, since the binding energies of both the Fe ions and the electrons in a neutron star's surface layer is too small to prevent thermionic ejection of the particles from the surface. Here we propose that PSR 0943+10 (probably also most of the other ``drifting'' pulsars) might be bare strange stars rather than normal neutron stars, in which the ``binding energy'' at the surface is merely infinity either for the case of ``pulsar'' or ``anti-pulsar''. It is further proposed that identifying a drifting pulsar as an anti-pulsar is the key criterion to distinguish strange stars from neutron stars.Comment: 4 pages, no figures, LaTeX, accepted 1999 July 9 by ApJ Letter