3 research outputs found
Visual Communication in Sustainability Action: Public understanding through human behavior and attitude
The study aims to explore the essential elements of an idea in designing visual marketing, advertising, or design developments to impose sustainable efforts. The final data is distributed into four categories: Behavior and Attitude in Visual Development, Mechanism in Public Information, Process of Public Understanding, and Public Understanding in Visual Sustainability. The research suggests creators of visual communications consider how their work shapes attitudes and behaviours about sustainability. With awareness around information, public understanding, and connections between visual media and sustainability, designers can promote responsible, eco-conscious messages. This framework proposes the development process should cultivate mindfulness about communicating sustainability effectively
The study of mosque architecture in Sarawak under the leadership of Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud / Jamil Haji Hamali... [et al.]
This research aims at identifying mosques with distinctive design concepts and architecture in Sarawak built or reconstructed under the leadership of the Chief Minister Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud and then reproducing these mosques in pictorial representations for the purpose of documentation and recording. The information and documentations gathered will then be compiled in a database system for future use. Producing a database on mosques in Sarawak is significant in the context of UiTM Sarawak as The Borneo Islamic Research and Propagation Centre, the base for research work and experiences on Islamic propagation in Borneo. It is a known fact that the aesthetic and architectural values and roles of mosques in Peninsular Malaysia have been well documented. However, there is a dearth in attempts to capture and study the design concepts and architectural forms as well as the roles of mosques in Sarawak, and as such this study is proposed. Only mosques that have distinctive design concepts and architecture will be studied. A random survey on the possible locations of the mosques in Sarawak which have aesthetic designs and architectural concepts will be conducted, guided by the book on the profile of the mosques in Sarawak (2009) produced by the Majlis Islam Sarawak. Photographic study will be carried out to establish the different design concepts and architectural elements of the selected mosques in Kuching, Samarahan/Asajaya, Serian, Lundu, Sri Aman Sibu, Mukah, Bintulu, Belaga, Miri, Bario, Lawas, Bakelalan, Long Semdoh, Limbang, Marudi, Long Bedian and Mulu. The study is significant in that the published work, particularly, the pictorial documentation that will be produced will be able to provide the views and evidence of mosques in Sarawak which have distinctive design concepts and architectural elements
Estetika, Seni, dan Media: Bunga Rampai Purnatugas Alexandri Luthfi R.
Buku bunga rampai purnatugas Estetika, Seni, dan Media ini diterbitkan sebagai wujud representasi perjalanan karier Drs. Alexandri Luthfi Rahman, M.S. (AL) sebagai seniman-akademisi selama kurun waktu dari 1986 hingga 2023. Sosok yang akrab disapa Alex, Alex Luthfi, atau Abah Alex ini lahir di Surabaya pada 12 September 1958. Menempuh pendidikan sarjana pada tahun 1978-1983 di STSRI āASRIā, ISI Yogyakarta dan menyelesaikan kuliah pascasarjana di bidang seni tahun 1989-1992 di Fakultas Seni Murni, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jawa Barat.
AL mengawali karier akademik seninya sebagai dosen pada tahun 1986 di Jurusan Seni Murni, Fakultas Seni Rupa, ISI Yogyakarta sampai pada tahun 1994. Pada tahun yang sama ia pindah mengajar di Jurusan Film dan Televisi, Fakultas Seni Media Rekam, ISI Yogyakarta. Pernah menjabat sebagai Dekan Fakultas Seni Media Rekam selama dua periode, yakni 2008-2012 dan 2012-2016.
Buku bunga rampai ini tersusun atas 18 artikel ilmiah yang merupakan kontribusi para kolega AL, baik yang berasal dari ISI Yogyakarta di FSR, FSP, dan FSMR maupun para kolega dari seniman dan akademisi berbagai perguruan tinggi di Indonesia. Bahkan, ada satu tulisan dari kolega AL, Andrialis Abdul Rahman dkk. dari Universiti Teknologi MARA.
Hadirnya buku ini dapat pula dimaknai sebagai bentuk ungkapan refleksi atas kiprah AL sebagai seniman dan akademisi. Selain itu, beberapa artikel mengulas estetika seni serta estetika dan media. Tulisan yang dimuat diklasifikasi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu tulisan estetika seni secara umum; tulisan tentang estetika dan media; serta tulisan yang membahas refleksi atas diri AL. Tulisan dari berbagai pihak tersebut disajikan dan diurutkan dari yang general ke yang spesifik. Sebelum masuk ke bagian inti, AL menulis esai tentang autobiografi dirinya dengan sudut subjektif untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pembaca