1 research outputs found

    Association of Etiological and Pathological Features of Brain Abscess with Outcome

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    To study the etiological andpathological factors of brain abscess and to relatewith the final outcome.Methods: In this observational study patients withbrain abscess were observed in detail with theclinical profile, etiology, microbiology and theirfinal outcome after one year.Chi-square test wasapplied to associate etiological and pathologicalfactors with management outcome.Results: The majority of patients were in their 2ndand 3rd decade of life with two third proportioncomprising of males. The most frequent etiologicalfactor was chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)( 55%),followed by head injury (12% ) and congenitalheart disease (10%). Microbiological data revealed16% streptococci, 10% staph. aureus, 7% staph.epidermidis and 5% proteus as major pathogens inthe study patients. Head injury and CSOM werefound associated with death and morbidity in thisstudy.Conclusion: Brain abscess has multi dimensionalcauses. CSOM and head injury were foundassociated with death and severe morbidity ashemiparesis and fits. CT findings andmicrobiological data were not associated withoutcome