31 research outputs found

    Research Notes : U.S.S.R. : Subunit composition of glycinin from various samples of cultivated and wild soybean

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    The major storage protein of llS class of soybean seeds, glycinin, has a complex subunit structure. Each of the six subunits is composed of two pro-tein molecules (acidic and basic), linked via disulphide bonds (Badley et al., 1975). Depending on subunit, the acidic moiety molecular weight varies from 37,000 to 42,000, with one exception (m.w. 10,000)

    Theoretical and methodological aspects of personal brand formation in the digital environment

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    The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a personal brand, describes modern approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of brand and personality brand. The main structural elements of a personal brand are analysed, its socio-psychological essence is determined. The emphasis is made on the practical significance of the formation of a personal brand, the components, properties and areas of application of a personal brand are considered.The models of personality brand formation in both offline and online environment are described in accordance with the structural and substantive transformations currently taking place in the information sphere and the factors that influence the effectiveness of communication through a personal brand. These are, first of all, such factors as the widespread of artificial intelligence technologies into everyday life, tools for logical data integration, a significant increase in the number of Internet users. All of the above factors largely determine the nature and degree of social influence of influencers on the behavior of individuals in society.In addition, much attention is paid to the analysis of existing models of personal brand formation, which form the theoretical and methodological basis of a personal brand. If we consider a brand as a tool that stimulates the consumer to a certain action, then in the case of a product brand, such an action will be the fact of buying a product or service directly. If we are talking about a personal brand, then the frequency of consumption of content created by a particular media personality will act as an action. In turn, it is possible to increase the frequency of content consumption by choosing the optimal model of brand communication with consumers. That is why it is especially relevant to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a personal brand through online tools in the process of creating a personal brand


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    This article presents the results of studying the effect of homogeneous model meat systems produced using enzyme preparation containing fungal protease and microbiological starter culture of Lactobacillus plantarum on the allergic reactions within specific immunity in vivo. According to the results, it is established that experimental products have no negative effect on the clinical parameters of laboratory animals. During the experiment, with the introduction of experimental products into diet, the dynamics of body weight changes in all groups of animals was positive. At the end of the experiment, there were smaller increase in the weight of rats and lower values of weight gain (Group 1 — 14.0 %, Group 2 — 15.9 %, Group 3 — 20.2 %). This is possibly due to the adaptation processes occurring in response to introduction of meat systems into the diet, which confirms the leveling of the daily weight gain of experimental and intact animals since the 16th day of the experiment. According to the results of clinical blood analysis of the animals consuming experimental products, an increase is detected in leukocytes and lymphocytes by up to 18 %; in granulocytes by up to 35 %; and in monocytes by up to 8 %; in hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration by more than 3 %; in red cell distribution width and mean corpuscular volume by up to 2 %, in comparison with intact animals. The correlation of these data with ELISA parameters for serum of experimental animals (histamine and immunoglobulin E) allowed to suggest the expression of reaginic antibodies and interaction on the surface of basophils and mast cells, which led to the degranulation and release (increase) of histamine, as a vasoactive factor, by 40 % compared with intact animals.The overall conclusion of the studies is that experimental model meat systems may trigger the activation of specific immune responses in laboratory animals. This is possibly due to protease-mediated formation of greater amount of indigestible polypeptides and peptides that invoke local adaptation responses.В данной статье представлены результаты изучения влияния гомогенных мясных модельных систем, полученных с применением ферментного препарата грибной протеазы и микробиологической стартовой культуры Lactobacillus plantarum, на аллергическую реакцию специфического иммунитета in vivo. По результатам исследований установлено, что опытные продукты не оказывают негативного влияния на клиническое состояние лабораторных животных. На протяжении эксперимента динамика изменения массы тела животных всех групп была положительной, при введении опытных образцов в рацион, отмечены меньший прирост веса крыс и меньшие значения привесов животных в конце эксперимента (у крыс 1 группы — 14,0 %, 2 группы — 15,9 %, у животных 3 группы — 20,2 %). Возможно это связано с  адаптационными процессами, происходящими в ответ на введение в рацион мясных систем, что подтверждает нивелирование ежесуточного привеса опытных и интактных животных начиная с 16-х суток эксперимента. По результатам общего клинического анализа крови животных, потреблявших опытные продукты, выявлено увеличение лейкоцитов и  лимфоцитов до 18 %, гранулоцитов до 35 % и  моноцитов до 8 %, концентрации гемоглобина, уровня гематокрита и средней концентрации гемоглобина в  эритроците свыше 3 %, ширины распределения эритроцитов и среднего объема эритроцита до 2 % по сравнению с  интактными животными. Соотношение этих данных с  анализом иммуноферментных показателей сыворотки крови опытных животных (гистамин и иммуноглобулин Е) позволило высказать предположение об экспрессии реагиновых антител и взаимодействии на поверхности базофилов и  тучных клеток, приводящих к  дегрануляции и  высвобождению (увеличению) гистамина, как вазоактивного фактора, на 40 % в сравнении с интактной группой.  Общий вывод исследований указывает на то, что опытные мясные модельные системы могут вызывать активацию специфических иммунных реакций у лабораторных животных. Возможно, это связано с образованием под действием протеаз большего количества сложноусваеваемых полипептидных и  пептидных соединений, вызывающих местные адаптационные реакции

    The development of entrepreneurial capacity and business activity of students of educational establishments using information and communication technologies

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    The article is devoted to problems of organizational and methodical process modeling of the entrepreneurial potential and business activity of students of educational institutions through the use of Smart-technologies. It is noted that the successful implementation of enterprise and business projects are the basis of economic development of society, with the main factor for the development of entrepreneurship in the country in the long term is to develop the entrepreneurial mindset of young people. Entrepreneurial younger generation reserve created for the period of study, will provide the subsequent decades of business operation, incomenot only to the owner, but also the composition of personnel of the company and, in general, the country. The specifics of perception of the new generation of knowledge, learning and the formation of professional skills is that their effectiveness depends, sometimes completely determined by the degree of use of information and communication technologies, not only in the preparation and implementation of knowledge by the learners, but also in the work themselves teachers. Therefore, an effective and modern instrument for achieving the development goals of the business potential and business students to provide such forms of work with students, which would stimulate their interest in entrepreneurship through the active use of information technologies. The organizational and methodological training model and a set of measures aimed at developing the entrepreneurial potential and business activity of the young generation. To a large extent the elements of our model successfully implemented in REU them. GV Plekhanov at the Faculty of “Marketing Business School and Entrepreneurship”, to carry out training business technologies in relevant areas of knowledge for the information society and the modern state of the economy – business intelligence, innovation and creative business, crisis and risk management, technological Strategic Management (MBA program and a mini-MBA, retraining and refresher courses, professional orientation of varying lengths; trainings and workshops). The main purpose – to form students practical skills and competence for business management in modern conditions. The goal of the entrepreneurial potential and business activity of youth should help to improve the system of vocational guidance work with students, the creation of a continuous training system, the integration of general and further education for the development of entrepreneurship and business activity in the educational institutions of higher and secondary levels of education. A number of recommendations on the organization of professional space ICT teacher and the use of various forms of work with students in order to effectively transfer knowledge, determine their entrepreneurial potential, and the development of entrepreneurial activity. Modern professional space ICT teacher, especially in applications such areas as business training, should be focused on mutual transfer of technologies in an integrated chain: education - science - practice

    Research Notes : U.S.S.R. : Subunit composition of glycinin from various samples of cultivated and wild soybean

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    The major storage protein of llS class of soybean seeds, glycinin, has a complex subunit structure. Each of the six subunits is composed of two pro-tein molecules (acidic and basic), linked via disulphide bonds (Badley et al., 1975). Depending on subunit, the acidic moiety molecular weight varies from 37,000 to 42,000, with one exception (m.w. 10,000).</p

    Усиление экономических позиций российской электроники: механизмы и возможности

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    The research analyzes the changes in economic relations between the state and economic entities in the electronics market. It is for the first time when we discuss the author’s classification, which identifies four types of models of interaction between the state and Russian electronics companies depending on changes in the business cycle and instability of the economy: an inert or passive observer, a crisis model, dynamic and rational participation, and a model of active and multi-agency interactions. Specific characteristics of the proposed models are identified, and the features of interaction between government structures and companies are systematized. The research shows an increasing role of the state in supporting and financing new directions of the development of integrated structures in electronics, despite the processes of globalization and liberalization of the national economy. The novelty of the research is in the development of a comprehensive view on the institutional structure of state support for electronics. An active process of formation of complex-structured economic entities at the industry, inter-industry and interregional levels on the basis of state strategies for the development of electronics is analyzed. The specificity of modern behaviour of Russian electronics companies in the digital economy and the coronavirus pandemic is revealed on the basis of generalization of stylized facts of the specific companies’ activitiesИсследование посвящено анализу изменений хозяйственных отношений между государством и субъектами экономики на рынке электроники. Впервые обсуждается авторская классификация, выделяющая четыре типа моделей взаимодействия государства и российских компаний электроники в зависимости от изменения делового цикла и нестабильности экономики: инертного или пассивного наблюдателя, кризисная, динамичного и рационального участия, модель активных и мультиагентских взаимодействий. Выявлены специфические характеристики предложенных моделей, систематизированы особенности взаимодействия властных структур и компаний. Показано возрастание роли государства в поддержке и финансировании новых направлений развития интегрированных структур в электронике, несмотря на процессы глобализации и либерализации национальной экономики. Новизна исследования заключается в разработке комплексного представления об институциональной структуре государственной поддержки электроники. Анализируется активный процесс формирования сложноструктурированных хозяйствующих субъектов отраслевого, межотраслевого и межрегионального уровней на базе государственных стратегий развития электроники. Обсуждается современное поведение российских компаний электроники в условиях цифровой экономики и пандемии коронавируса на основе обобщения стилизованных фактов деятельности конкретных компани