14 research outputs found

    Ultrasensitive Kilo-Pixel Imaging Array of Photon Noise-Limited Kinetic Inductance Detectors Over an Octave of Bandwidth for THz Astronomy

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    We present the development of a background-limited kilo-pixel imaging array of ultrawide bandwidth kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) suitable for space-based THz astronomy applications. The array consists of 989 KIDs, in which the radiation is coupled to each KID via a leaky lens antenna, covering the frequency range between 1.4 and 2.8 THz. The single pixel performance is fully characterised using a representative small array in terms of sensitivity, optical efficiency, beam pattern and frequency response, matching very well its expected performance. The kilo-pixel array is characterised electrically, finding a yield larger than 90% and an averaged noise-equivalent power lower than 3 × 10- 19 W/Hz1 / 2. The interaction between the kilo-pixel array and cosmic rays is studied, with an expected dead time lower than 0.6% when operated in an L2 or a similar far-Earth orbit.Tera-Hertz Sensin

    Phonon-Trapping-Enhanced Energy Resolution in Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors

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    A noiseless, photon-counting detector, which resolves the energy of each photon, could radically change astronomy, biophysics, and quantum optics. Superconducting detectors promise an intrinsic resolving power at visible wavelengths of R=E/δE≈100 due to their low excitation energy. We study superconducting energy-resolving microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs), which hold particular promise for larger cameras. A visible and near-infrared photon absorbed in the superconductor creates a few thousand quasiparticles through several stages of electron-phonon interaction. Here we demonstrate experimentally that the resolving power of MKIDs at visible to near-infrared wavelengths is limited by the loss of hot phonons during this process. We measure the resolving power of our aluminum-based detector as a function of photon energy using four lasers with wavelengths between 1545-402nm. For detectors on thick SiN/Si and sapphire substrates the resolving power is limited to 10-21 for the respective wavelengths, consistent with the loss of hot phonons. When we suspend the sensitive part of the detector on a 110-nm-thick SiN membrane, the measured resolving power improves to 19-52, respectively. The improvement is equivalent to a factor 8±2 stronger phonon trapping on the membrane, which is consistent with a geometrical phonon propagation model for these hot phonons. We discuss a route towards the Fano limit by phonon engineering.Tera-Hertz SensingQN/van der Zant La

    Sub-mm-Wave Superconducting On-Chip Filter Bank for Astronomy

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    A superconducting on-chip microstrip filter bank spectrometer prototype for Far-Infrared (FIR) Astronomy is presented. The measurements showcase its capabilities towards moderate spectral resolution (f/\Delta f\sim 500) broadband FIR spectroscopy. In this sub-mm-wave filter bank, each spectral channel consists of an 'I-shaped' microstrip THz bandpass filter that couples the radiation to a Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) for a background limited detection and a scalable frequency-multiplexed microwave readout.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Tera-Hertz SensingQN/van der Zant LabQN/Quantum Nanoscienc

    Combined ultraviolet- and electron-beam lithography with Micro-Resist-Technology GmbH ma-N1400 resist

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    We present a "mix-and-match"process to create large structures with submicrometer features by combining UV contact lithography and 100 kV electron-beam lithography in a single layer of negative-tone resist: Micro-Resist-Technology ma-N1405. The resist is successfully applied for the fabrication of an on-chip terahertz spectrometer, where the design requires 450 nm wide lines and 300 nm wide trenches in a 150 nm thick niobium-titanium-nitride layer, tolerating errors of ± 30 nm. We use a resist thickness of 500 nm, optimized to allow reliable SF 6/O 2-based reactive ion etching of structures with 30 nm accuracy. We find that resist requires an electron-beam cross-linking dose of 1100 μ C / c m 2 for an acceleration voltage of 100 kV in combination with a 180 s 100 °C bake on a hot plate and 45 s development. The smallest resist bars made with our dedicated recipe are 100 nm wide, with the smallest gaps about 300 nm. The difference between the designed and realized feature size is between 2 and 30 nm for structures up to 700 nm wide. The optical exposure dose is 300 m J / c m 2 for the same development time and is optimized to produce a positive sloped edge profile allowing good step coverage for subsequent layers. The resist can be applied, shipped, and processed in a time span of a couple of days without notable deterioration of patterning quality. Tera-Hertz Sensin

    Strong reduction of quasiparticle fluctuations in a superconductor due to decoupling of the quasiparticle number and lifetime

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    We measure temperature-dependent quasiparticle fluctuations in a small Al volume, embedded in a NbTiN superconducting microwave resonator. The resonator design allows for readout close to equilibrium. By placing the Al film on a membrane, we enhance the fluctuation level and separate quasiparticle effects from phonon effects. When lowering the temperature, the recombination time saturates and the fluctuation level reduces by a factor ∼100. From this we deduce that the number of free quasiparticles is still thermal. Therefore, the theoretical, inverse relation between the quasiparticle number and recombination time is invalid in this experiment. This is consistent with quasiparticle trapping, where on-trap recombination limits the observed quasiparticle lifetime.Tera-Hertz Sensin

    Simulating the Radiation Loss of Superconducting Submillimeter Wave Filters and Transmission Lines Using Sonnet EM

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    Superconducting resonators and transmission lines are fundamental building blocks of integrated circuits for millimeter-submillimeter astronomy. Accurate simulation of radiation loss from the circuit is crucial for the design of these circuits because radiation loss increases with frequency, and can thereby deteriorate the system performance. Here we show a stratification for a 2.5-dimensional method-of-moment simulator Sonnet EM that enables accurate simulations of the radiative resonant behavior of submillimeter-wave coplanar resonators and straight coplanar waveguides (CPWs). The Sonnet simulation agrees well with the measurement of the transmission through a coplanar resonant filter at 374.6 GHz. Our Sonnet stratification utilizes artificial lossy layers below the lossless substrate to absorb the radiation, and we use co-calibrated internal ports for de-embedding. With this type of stratification, Sonnet can be used to model superconducting millimeter-submillimeter wave circuits even when radiation loss is a potential concern.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Tera-Hertz Sensin

    Model and Measurements of an Optical Stack for Broadband Visible to Near-Infrared Absorption in TiN MKIDs

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    Typical materials for optical Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detetectors (MKIDs) are metals with a natural absorption of ∼ 30–50% in the visible and near-infrared. To reach high absorption efficiencies (90–100%) the KID must be embedded in an optical stack. We show an optical stack design for a 60 nm TiN film. The optical stack is modeled as sections of transmission lines, where the parameters for each section are related to the optical properties of each layer. We derive the complex permittivity of the TiN film from a spectral ellipsometry measurement. The designed optical stack is optimised for broadband absorption and consists of, from top (illumination side) to bottom: 85 nm SiO2, 60 nm TiN, 23 nm of SiO2, and a 100 nm thick Al mirror. We show the modeled absorption and reflection of this stack, which has >80% absorption from 400 to 1550 nm and near-unity absorption for 500–800 nm. We measure transmission and reflection of this stack with a commercial spectrophotometer. The results are in good agreement with the model.Tera-Hertz SensingEKL Equipmen

    Superconducting Microstrip Losses at Microwave and Submillimeter Wavelengths

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    We present a lab-on-chip experiment to accurately measure losses of superconducting microstrip lines at microwave and submillimeter wavelengths. The microstrips are fabricated from Nb-Ti-N, which is deposited using reactive magnetron sputtering, and amorphous silicon which is deposited using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Submillimeter wave losses are measured using on-chip Fabry-Perot resonators (FPRs) operating around 350 GHz. Microwave losses are measured using shunted half-wave resonators with an identical geometry and fabricated on the same chip. We measure a loss tangent of the amorphous silicon at single-photon energies of tan⁡δ=3.7±0.5×10-5 at approximately 6GHz and tan⁡δ=2.1±0.1×10-4 at 350 GHz. These results represent very low losses for deposited dielectrics, but the submillimeter wave losses are significantly higher than the microwave losses, which cannot be understood using the standard two-level system loss model.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Tera-Hertz Sensin

    Characterization of low-loss hydrogenated amorphous silicon films for superconducting resonators

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    Superconducting resonators used in millimeter-submillimeter astronomy would greatly benefit from deposited dielectrics with a small dielectric loss. We deposited hydrogenated amorphous silicon films using plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition, at substrate temperatures of 100°C, 250°C and 350°C. The measured void volume fraction, hydrogen content, microstructure parameter, and bond-angle disorder are negatively correlated with the substrate temperature. All three films have a loss tangent below 10−5 for a resonator energy of 105 photons, at 120 mK and 4–7 GHz. This makes these films promising for microwave kinetic inductance detectors and on-chip millimeter-submilimeter filters.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Tera-Hertz SensingSanitary Engineerin

    Ultra-sensitive THz microwave kinetic inductance detectors for future space telescopes

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    Aims. Future actively cooled space-borne observatories for the far-infrared, loosely defined as a 1-10 THz band, can potentially reach a sensitivity limited only by background radiation from the Universe. This will result in an increase in observing speed of many orders of magnitude. A spectroscopic instrument on such an observatory requires large arrays of detectors with a sensitivity expressed as a noise equivalent power NEP = 3 × 10-20 W√ p Hz. Methods. We present the design, fabrication, and characterisation of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (MKIDs) for this frequency range reaching the required sensitivity. The devices are based on thin-film NbTiN resonators which use lens-antenna coupling to a submicron-width aluminium transmission line at the shorted end of the resonator where the radiation is absorbed. We optimised the MKID geometry for a low NEP by using a small aluminium volume of ≈1 μm3 and fabricating the aluminium section on a very thin (100 nm) SiN membrane. Both methods of optimisation also reduce the effect of excess noise by increasing the responsivity of the device, which is further increased by reducing the parasitic geometrical inductance of the resonator. Results. We measure the sensitivity of eight MKIDs with respect to the power absorbed in the detector using a thermal calibration source filtered in a narrow band around 1.5 THz. We obtain a NEPexp(Pabs) = 3:1 ± 0:9 × 10-20 W√ p Hz at a modulation frequency of 200 Hz averaged over all measured MKIDs. The NEP is limited by quasiparticle trapping. Conclusions. The measured sensitivity is sufficient for spectroscopic observations from future, actively cooled space-based observatories. Moreover, the presented device design and assembly can be adapted for frequencies up to ≈10 THz and can be readily implemented in kilopixel arrays. Tera-Hertz SensingElectrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc