40 research outputs found

    Value of Speed in Public Transit Services

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    High speed is always a desirable feature of public transportation services. Any measure that increases public transport speeds results in benefits to users in tenns of saved travel time, and benefits to the operator in reduced operating costs and in eventual reduction of fleet size. At the same time, it is known that some major efforts for increasing speeds, often involving considerable cost (such as increasing maximum technical speed of vehicles) result in relatively small increases in average passenger travel speed. This problem is common for a number of different modes of transportation. An excellent example can be found in air transporta­tion; increases of aircraft cruising speed are costly and have relatively little impact on the passenger average travel speeds, particularly for short-and medium-haul trips. The same problem is observed with both rapid and surface transit in urban areas. In order to derive more specific results applicable in practice, this research is limited to the latter transportation systems: public transportation in urban areas

    Non-critical Heterotic Superstrings in Various Dimensions

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    We construct heterotic string theories on spacetimes of the form R^{d-1,1} times N=2 linear dilaton, where d=6,4,2,0. There are two lines of supersymmetric theories descending from the two supersymmetric ten-dimensional heterotic theories. These have gauge groups which are lower rank subgroups of E_{8} times E_{8} and SO(32). On turning on a (2,2) deformation which makes the two dimensional part a smooth SL_{2}(R)/U(1) supercoset, the gauge groups get broken further. In the deformed theories, there are non-trivial moduli which are charged under the surviving gauge group in the case of d=6. We construct the marginal operators on the worldsheet corresponding to these moduli.Comment: 27 pages, harvmac. v2 reference adde

    Notes on Non-Critical Superstrings in Various Dimensions

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    We study non-critical superstrings propagating in d≤6d \le 6 dimensional Minkowski space or equivalently, superstrings propagating on the two-dimensional Euclidean black hole tensored with d-dimensional Minkowski space. We point out a subtlety in the construction of supersymmetric theories in these backgrounds, and explain how this does not allow a consistent geometric interpretation in terms of fields propagating on a cigar-like spacetime. We explain the global symmetries of the various theories by using their description as the near horizon geometry of wrapped NS5-brane configurations. In the six-dimensional theory, we present a CFT description of the four-dimensional moduli space and the global O(3) symmetry. The worldsheet action invariant under this symmetry contains both the N=2 sine-Liouville interaction and the cigar metric, thereby providing an example where the two interactions are naturally present in the same worldsheet lagrangian already at the non-dynamical level.Comment: 33 pages, harvma

    D-branes and SQCD in Non-Critical Superstring Theory

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    Using exact boundary conformal field theory methods we analyze the D-brane physics of a specific four-dimensional non-critical superstring theory which involves the N=2 SL(2)/U(1) Kazama-Suzuki model at level 1. Via the holographic duality of hep-th/9907178 our results are relevant for D-brane dynamics in the background of NS5-branes and D-brane dynamics near a conifold singularity. We pay special attention to a configuration of D3- and D5-branes that realizes N=1 supersymmetric QCD and discuss the massless spectrum and classical moduli of this setup in detail. We also comment briefly on the implications of this construction for the recently proposed generalization of the AdS/CFT correspondence by Klebanov and Maldacena within the setting of non-critical superstrings.Comment: harvmac, 47 pages, 6 figures; v4 same as v3 due to submission erro

    A Farey tale for N=4 dyons

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    We study exponentially suppressed contributions to the degeneracies of extremal black holes. Within Sen's quantum entropy function framework and focusing on extremal black holes with an intermediate AdS3 region, we identify an infinite family of semi-classical AdS2 geometries which can contribute effects of order exp(S_0/c), where S_0 is the Bekenstein-Hawking-Wald entropy and c is an integer greater than one. These solutions lift to the extremal limit of the SL(2,Z) family of BTZ black holes familiar from the "black hole Farey tail". We test this understanding in N=4 string vacua, where exact dyon degeneracies are known to be given by Fourier coefficients of Siegel modular forms. We relate the sum over poles in the Siegel upper half plane to the Farey tail expansion, and derive a "Farey tale" expansion for the dyon partition function. Mathematically, this provides a (formal) lift from Hilbert modular forms to Siegel modular forms with a pole at the diagonal divisor.Comment: 31 page

    Two-dimensional superstrings and the supersymmetric matrix model

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    We present evidence that the supersymmetric matrix model of Marinari and Parisi represents the world-line theory of N unstable D-particles in type II superstring theory in two dimensions. This identification suggests that the matrix model gives a holographic description of superstrings in a two-dimensional black hole geometry.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figures; v2: corrected eqn 4.6; v3: corrected appendices and discussion of vacua, added ref

    How Do Black Holes Predict the Sign of the Fourier Coefficients of Siegel Modular Forms?

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    Single centered supersymmetric black holes in four dimensions have spherically symmetric horizon and hence carry zero angular momentum. This leads to a specific sign of the helicity trace index associated with these black holes. Since the latter are given by the Fourier expansion coefficients of appropriate meromorphic modular forms of Sp(2,Z) or its subgroup, we are led to a specific prediction for the signs of a subset of these Fourier coefficients which represent contributions from single centered black holes only. We explicitly test these predictions for the modular forms which compute the index of quarter BPS black holes in heterotic string theory on T^6, as well as in Z_N CHL models for N=2,3,5,7.Comment: LaTeX file, 17 pages, 1 figur

    The Effects of Disorder on the ν=1\nu=1 Quantum Hall State

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    A disorder-averaged Hartree-Fock treatment is used to compute the density of single particle states for quantum Hall systems at filling factor ν=1\nu=1. It is found that transport and spin polarization experiments can be simultaneously explained by a model of mostly short-range effective disorder. The slope of the transport gap (due to quasiparticles) in parallel field emerges as a result of the interplay between disorder-induced broadening and exchange, and has implications for skyrmion localization.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Enhanced T-odd P-odd Electromagnetic Moments in Reflection Asymmetric Nuclei

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    Collective P- and T- odd moments produced by parity and time invariance violating forces in reflection asymmetric nuclei are considered. The enhanced collective Schiff, electric dipole and octupole moments appear due to the mixing of rotational levels of opposite parity. These moments can exceed single-particle moments by more than two orders of magnitude. The enhancement is due to the collective nature of the intrinsic moments and the small energy separation between members of parity doublets. In turn these nuclear moments induce enhanced T- and P- odd effects in atoms and molecules. First a simple estimate is given and then a detailed theoretical treatment of the collective T-, P- odd electric moments in reflection asymmetric, odd-mass nuclei is presented and various corrections evaluated. Calculations are performed for octupole deformed long-lived odd-mass isotopes of Rn, Fr, Ra, Ac and Pa and the corresponding atoms. Experiments with such atoms may improve substantially the limits on time reversal violation.Comment: 28 pages, Revte