186 research outputs found

    Identification of Achaete-scute complex-like 1 (ASCL1) target genes and evaluation of DKK1 and TPH1 expression in pancreatic endocrine tumours

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>ASCL1 </it>role in pancreatic endocrine tumourigenesis has not been established. Recently it was suggested that ASCL1 negatively controls expression of the Wnt signalling antagonist <it>DKK1</it>. Notch signalling regulates expression of TPH1, the rate limiting enzyme in the biosyntesis of serotonin. Understanding the development and proliferation of pancreatic endocrine tumours (PETs) is essential for the development of new therapies.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p><it>ASCL1 </it>target genes in the pancreatic endocrine tumour cell line BON1 were identified by RNA interference and microarray expression analysis. Protein expressions of selected target genes in PETs were evaluated by immunohistochemistry.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>158 annotated <it>ASCL1 </it>target genes were identified in BON1 cells, among them DKK1 and TPH1 that were negatively regulated by ASCL1. An inverse relation of ASCL1 to DKK1 protein expression was observed for 15 out of 22 tumours (68%). Nine tumours displayed low ASCL1/high DKK1 and six tumours high ASCL1/low DKK1 expression. Remaining PETs showed high ASCL1/high DKK1 (n = 4) or low ASCL1/low DKK1 (n = 3) expression. Nine of twelve analysed PETs (75%) showed TPH1 expression with no relation to ASCL1.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A number of genes with potential importance for PET tumourigenesis have been identified. <it>ASCL1 </it>negatively regulated the Wnt signalling antagonist <it>DKK1</it>, and <it>TPH1 </it>expression in BON1 cells. In concordance with these findings DKK1 showed an inverse relation to ASCL1 expression in a subset of PETs, which may affect growth control by the Wnt signalling pathway.</p

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Müller Glial Differentiation Reveals a Requirement for Notch Signaling in Postmitotic Cells to Maintain the Glial Fate

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    Previous studies have shown that Müller glia are closely related to retinal progenitors; these two cell types express many of the same genes and after damage to the retina, Müller glia can serve as a source for new neurons, particularly in non-mammalian vertebrates. We investigated the period of postnatal retinal development when progenitors are differentiating into Müller glia to better understand this transition. FACS purified retinal progenitors and Müller glia from various ages of Hes5-GFP mice were analyzed by Affymetrix cDNA microarrays. We found that genes known to be enriched/expressed by Müller glia steadily increase over the first three postnatal weeks, while genes associated with the mitotic cell cycle are rapidly downregulated from P0 to P7. Interestingly, progenitor genes not directly associated with the mitotic cell cycle, like the proneural genes Ascl1 and Neurog2, decline more slowly over the first 10–14 days of postnatal development, and there is a peak in Notch signaling several days after the presumptive Müller glia have been generated. To confirm that Notch signaling continues in the postmitotic Müller glia, we performed in situ hybridization, immunolocalization for the active form of Notch, and immunofluorescence for BrdU. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we found that sustained Notch signaling in the postmitotic Müller glia is necessary for their maturation and the stabilization of the glial identity for almost a week after the cells have exited the mitotic cell cycle

    Induction of Olig2+ Precursors by FGF Involves BMP Signalling Blockade at the Smad Level

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    During normal development oligodendrocyte precursors (OPCs) are generated in the ventral spinal cord in response to Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling. There is also a second, late wave of oligodendrogenesis in the dorsal spinal cord independent of Shh activity. Two signalling pathways, controlled by bone morphogenetic protein and fibroblast growth factor (FGF), are active players in dorsal spinal cord specification. In particular, BMP signalling from the roof plate has a crucial role in setting up dorsal neural identity and its inhibition is sufficient to generate OPCs both in vitro and in vivo. In contrast, FGF signalling can induce OPC production from dorsal spinal cord cultures in vitro. In this study, we examined the cross-talk between mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and BMP signalling in embryonic dorsal spinal cord cultures at the SMAD1/5/8 (SMAD1) transcription factor level, the main effectors of BMP activity. We have previously shown that FGF2 treatment of neural precursor cells (NPCs) derived from rat E14 dorsal spinal cord is sufficient to generate OPCs in vitro. Utilising the same system, we now show that FGF prevents BMP-induced nuclear localisation of SMAD1-phosphorylated at the C-terminus (C-term-pSMAD1). This nuclear exclusion of C-term-pSMAD1 is dependent on MAPK activity and correlates with OLIG2 upregulation, the obligate transcription factor for oligodendrogenesis. Furthermore, inhibition of the MAPK pathway abolishes OLIG2 expression. We also show that SMAD4, which acts as a common partner for receptor-regulated Smads including SMAD1, associates with a Smad binding site in the Olig2 promoter and dissociates from it upon differentiation. Taken together, these results suggest that FGF can promote OPC generation from embryonic NPCs by counteracting BMP signalling at the Smad1 transcription factor level and that Smad-containing transcriptional complexes may be involved in direct regulation of the Olig2 promoter

    Enhanced Notch Activation Is Advantageous but Not Essential for T Cell Lymphomagenesis in Id1 Transgenic Mice

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    T cell lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is known to be associated with chromosomal abnormalities that lead to aberrant expression of a number of transcription factors such as TAL1, which dimerizes with basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) E proteins and inhibits their function. Activated Notch receptors also efficiently induce T cell leukemogenesis in mouse models. Interestingly, gain-of-function mutations or cryptic transcription initiation of the Notch1 gene have been frequently found in both human and mouse T-ALL. However, the correlations between these alterations and overall Notch activities or leukemogenesis have not been thoroughly evaluated. Therefore, we made use of our collection of T cell lymphomas developed in transgenic mice expressing Id1, which like TAL1, inhibits E protein function. By comparing expression levels of Notch target genes in Id1-expressing tumors to those in tumors induced by a constitutively active form of Notch1, N1C, we were able to assess the overall activities of Notch pathways and conclude that the majority of Id1-expressing tumors had elevated Notch function to a varying degree. However, 26% of the Id1-expressing tumors had no evidence of enhanced Notch activation, but that did not delay the onset of tumorigenesis. Furthermore, we examined the genetic or epigenetic alterations thought to contribute to ligand-independent activation or protein stabilization of Notch1 and found that some of the Id1-expressing tumors acquired these changes, but they are not uniformly associated with elevated Notch activities in Id1 tumor samples. In contrast, N1C-expressing tumors do not harbor any PEST domain mutations nor exhibit intragenic transcription initiation. Taken together, it appears that Notch activation provides Id1-expressing tumor cells with selective advantages in growth and survival. However, this may not be absolutely essential for lymphomagenesis in Id1 transgenic mice and additional factors could also cooperate with Id1 to induce T cell lymphoma. Therefore, a broad approach is necessary in designing T-ALL therapy

    Impairment of Rat Fetal Beta-Cell Development by Maternal Exposure to Dexamethasone during Different Time-Windows

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) take part in the direct control of cell lineage during the late phase of pancreas development when endocrine and exocrine cell differentiation occurs. However, other tissues such as the vasculature exert a critical role before that phase. This study aims to investigate the consequences of overexposure to exogenous glucocorticoids during different time-windows of gestation for the development of the fetal endocrine pancreas

    Wnt-reporter expression pattern in the mouse intestine during homeostasis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The canonical Wnt signaling pathway is a known regulator of cell proliferation during development and maintenance of the intestinal epithelium. Perturbations in this pathway lead to aberrant epithelial proliferation and intestinal cancer. In the mature intestine, proliferation is confined to the relatively quiescent stem cells and the rapidly cycling transient-amplifying cells in the intestinal crypts. Although the Wnt signal is believed to regulate all proliferating intestinal cells, surprisingly, this has not been thoroughly demonstrated. This important determination has implications on intestinal function, especially during epithelial expansion and regeneration, and warrants an extensive characterization of Wnt-activated cells.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To identify intestinal epithelial cells that actively receive a Wnt signal, we analyzed intestinal Wnt-reporter expression patterns in two different mouse lines using immunohistochemistry, enzymatic activity, <it>in situ </it>hybridization and qRT-PCR, then corroborated results with reporter-independent analyses. Wnt-receiving cells were further characterized for co-expression of proliferation markers, putative stem cell markers and cellular differentiation markers using an immunohistochemical approach. Finally, to demonstrate that Wnt-reporter mice have utility in detecting perturbations in intestinal Wnt signaling, the reporter response to gamma-irradiation was examined.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Wnt-activated cells were primarily restricted to the base of the small intestinal and colonic crypts, and were highest in numbers in the proximal small intestine, decreasing in frequency in a gradient toward the large intestine. Interestingly, the majority of the Wnt-reporter-expressing cells did not overlap with the transient-amplifying cell population. Further, while Wnt-activated cells expressed the putative stem cell marker Musashi-1, they did not co-express DCAMKL-1 or cell differentiation markers. Finally, gamma-irradiation stimulated an increase in Wnt-activated intestinal crypt cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We show, for the first time, detailed characterization of the intestine from Wnt-reporter mice. Further, our data show that the majority of Wnt-receiving cells reside in the stem cell niche of the crypt base and do not extend into the proliferative transient-amplifying cell population. We also show that the Wnt-reporter mice can be used to detect changes in intestinal epithelial Wnt signaling upon physiologic injury. Our findings have an important impact on understanding the regulation of the intestinal stem cell hierarchy during homeostasis and in disease states.</p

    Regeneration of Pancreatic Non-β Endocrine Cells in Adult Mice following a Single Diabetes-Inducing Dose of Streptozotocin

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    The non-β endocrine cells in pancreatic islets play an essential counterpart and regulatory role to the insulin-producing β-cells in the regulation of blood-glucose homeostasis. While significant progress has been made towards the understanding of β-cell regeneration in adults, very little is known about the regeneration of the non-β endocrine cells such as glucagon-producing α-cells and somatostatin producing δ-cells. Previous studies have noted the increase of α-cell composition in diabetes patients and in animal models. It is thus our hypothesis that non-β-cells such as α-cells and δ-cells in adults can regenerate, and that the regeneration accelerates in diabetic conditions. To test this hypothesis, we examined islet cell composition in a streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mouse model in detail. Our data showed the number of α-cells in each islet increased following STZ-mediated β-cell destruction, peaked at Day 6, which was about 3 times that of normal islets. In addition, we found δ-cell numbers doubled by Day 6 following STZ treatment. These data suggest α- and δ-cell regeneration occurred rapidly following a single diabetes-inducing dose of STZ in mice. Using in vivo BrdU labeling techniques, we demonstrated α- and δ-cell regeneration involved cell proliferation. Co-staining of the islets with the proliferating cell marker Ki67 showed α- and δ-cells could replicate, suggesting self-duplication played a role in their regeneration. Furthermore, Pdx1+/Insulin− cells were detected following STZ treatment, indicating the involvement of endocrine progenitor cells in the regeneration of these non-β cells. This is further confirmed by the detection of Pdx1+/glucagon+ cells and Pdx1+/somatostatin+ cells following STZ treatment. Taken together, our study demonstrated adult α- and δ-cells could regenerate, and both self-duplication and regeneration from endocrine precursor cells were involved in their regeneration

    Pdx1 and Ngn3 Overexpression Enhances Pancreatic Differentiation of Mouse ES Cell-Derived Endoderm Population

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    In order to define the molecular mechanisms regulating the specification and differentiation of pancreatic β-islet cells, we investigated the effect of upregulating Pdx1 and Ngn3 during the differentiation of the β-islet-like cells from murine embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived activin induced-endoderm. Induced overexpression of Pdx1 resulted in a significant upregulation of insulin (Ins1 and Ins2), and other pancreas-related genes. To enhance the developmental progression from the pancreatic bud to the formation of the endocrine lineages, we induced the overexpression express of Ngn3 together with Pdx1. This combination dramatically increased the level and timing of maximal Ins1 mRNA expression to approximately 100% of that found in the βTC6 insulinoma cell line. Insulin protein and C-peptide expression was confirmed by immunohistochemistry staining. These inductive effects were restricted to c-kit+ endoderm enriched EB-derived populations suggesting that Pdx1/Ngn3 functions after the specification of pancreatic endoderm. Although insulin secretion was stimulated by various insulin secretagogues, these cells had only limited glucose response. Microarray analysis was used to evaluate the expression of a broad spectrum of pancreatic endocrine cell-related genes as well as genes associated with glucose responses. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the utility of manipulating Pdx1 and Ngn3 expression in a stage-specific manner as an important new strategy for the efficient generation of functionally immature insulin-producing β-islet cells from ES cells

    Local hyperthyroidism promotes pancreatic acinar cell proliferation during acute pancreatitis

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    Proliferation of pancreatic acinar cells is a critical process in the pathophysiology of pancreatic diseases, because limited or defective proliferation is associated with organ dysfunction and patient morbidity. In this context, elucidating the signalling pathways that trigger and sustain acinar proliferation is pivotal to develop therapeutic interventions promoting the regenerative process of the organ.In this study we used genetic and pharmacological approaches to manipulate both local and systemic levels of thyroid hormones to elucidate their role in acinar proliferation following caerulein‐mediated acute pancreatitis in mice. In addition, molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of thyroid hormones were identified by genetic and pharmacological inactivation of selected signalling pathways.In this study we demonstrated that levels of the thyroid hormone 3,3’,5‐triodo‐L‐thyronine (T3) transiently increased in the pancreas during acute pancreatitis. Moreover, by using genetic and pharmacological approaches to manipulate both local and systemic levels of thyroid hormones, we showed that T3 was required to promote proliferation of pancreatic acinar cells, without affecting the extent of tissue damage or inflammatory infiltration.Finally, upon genetic and pharmacological inactivation of selected signalling pathways, we demonstrated that T3 exerted its mitogenic effect on acinar cells via a tightly controlled action on different molecular effectors, including histone deacetylase, AKT, and TGFβ signalling.In conclusion, our data suggest that local availability of T3 in the pancreas is required to promote acinar cell proliferation and provide the rationale to exploit thyroid hormone signalling to enhance pancreatic regeneration