3,128 research outputs found

    Multidecadal variability in hydro-climate of Okavango river system, southwest Africa, in the past and under future climate

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    The focus of this paper is to understand the multi-decadal oscillatory component of variability in the Okavango River system, in southwestern Africa, and its potential evolution through the 21st century under climate change scenarios. Statistical analyses and hydrological modelling are used to show that the observed multi-decadal wet and dry phases in the Okavango River and Delta result from multi-decadal oscillations in rainfall, which are likely to be related to processes of internal variability in the climate system, rather than external natural or anthropogenic forcing. Analyses of changes in this aspect of variability under projected climate change scenarios are based on data from a multi-model ensemble of 19 General Circulation Models, which are used to drive hydrological models of the Okavango River and Delta. Projections for the 21st century indicate a progressive shift towards drier conditions attributed to the influence of increasing temperatures on water balance. It is, however, highly likely that multi-decadal oscillations, possibly of similar magnitude to that of 20th century, will be superimposed on the overall trend. These may periodically offset or amplify the mean drying trend. This effect should be accounted for in water and catchment management and climate change adaptation strategies

    The Ionization State of Sodium in Galactic Winds

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    Roughly 80% of Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxies (ULIRGs) show blue shifted absorption in the resonance lines of neutral sodium, indicating that cool winds are common in such objects, as shown by Rupke et al and by Martin. The neutral sodium (NaI) columns indicated by these absorption lines are ~ 10^{13}-3x10^{14}/cm^2, while the bolometric luminosity varies by a factor of only four. We show that the gas in ULIRG outflows is likely to be in photoionization equilibrium. The very small ULIRG sample of Goldader et al. demonstrates that the ratio of ultraviolet flux to far infrared flux varies by a factor ∼100\sim100 from object to object. While the Goldader sample does not overlap with those of Rupke et al. and Martin, we show that such a large variation in ultraviolet flux will produce a similar variation in the column of neutral sodium for a fixed mass flux and density. However, if the cold gas is in pressure equilibrium with a hot outflow with a mass loss rate similar to the star formation rate, the range of ionization state is significantly smaller. Measurements of the UV flux for objects in the Martin and Rupke et al. catalogs will definitively determine if photoionization effects are responsible for the wide variation seen in the sodium columns. If they are, a determination of the gas density and mass loss rate in the cool winds will follow, with attendant improvements in our understanding of wind driving mechanisms and of the effects of galaxies on their surroundings.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Ap

    Time-Resolved Intraband Relaxation of Strongly-Confined Electrons and Holes in Colloidal PbSe Nanocrystals

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    The relaxation of strongly-confined electrons and holes between 1P and 1S levels in colloidal PbSe nanocrystals has been time-resolved using femtosecond transient absorption spectroscopy. In contrast to II-VI and III-V semiconductor nanocrystals, both electrons and holes are strongly confined in PbSe nanocrystals. Despite the large electron and hole energy level spacings (at least 12 times the optical phonon energy), we consistently observe picosecond time-scale relaxation. Existing theories of carrier relaxation cannot account for these experimental results. Mechanisms that could possibly circumvent the phonon bottleneck in IV-VI quantum dots are discussed

    The small scatter in BH-host correlations and the case for self-regulated BH growth

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    Supermassive black holes (BHs) obey tight scaling relations between their mass and host galaxy properties such as total stellar mass, velocity dispersion and potential well depth. This has led to the development of self-regulated models for BH growth, in which feedback from the central BH halts its own growth upon reaching a critical threshold. However, models have also been proposed in which feedback plays no role: so long as a fixed fraction of the host gas supply is accreted, relations like those observed can be reproduced. Here, we argue that the scatter in the observed BH–host correlations presents a demanding constraint on any model for these correlations, and that it favours self-regulated models of BH growth. We show that the scatter in the stellar mass fraction within a radius R in observed ellipticals and spheroids increases strongly at small R. At a fixed total stellar mass (or host velocity dispersion), on very small scales near the BH radius of influence, there is an order-of-magnitude scatter in the amount of gas that must have entered and formed stars. In short, the BH appears to ‘know more’ about the global host galaxy potential on large scales than the stars and gas supply on small scales. This is predicted in self-regulated models; however, models where there is no feedback would generically predict order-of-magnitude scatter in the BH–host correlations. Likewise, models in which the BH feedback in the ‘bright’ mode does not regulate the growth of the BH itself, but sets the stellar mass of the galaxy by inducing star formation or blowing out a mass in gas much larger than the galaxy stellar mass, are difficult to reconcile with the scatter on small scales

    Radiation Pressure Supported Starburst Disks and AGN Fueling

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    We consider the structure of marginally Toomre-stable starburst disks under the assumption that radiation pressure on dust grains provides the dominant vertical support against gravity. This is particularly appropriate when the disk is optically thick to its own IR radiation, as in the central regions of ULIRGs. Because the disk radiates at its Eddington limit, the Schmidt-law for star formation changes in the optically-thick limit, with the star formation rate per unit area scaling as Sigma_g/kappa, where Sigma_g is the gas surface density and kappa is the mean opacity. We show that optically thick starburst disks have a characteristic flux and dust effective temperature of F ~ 10^{13} L_sun/kpc^2 and T_eff ~ 90K, respectively. We compare our predictions with observations and find good agreement. We extend our model from many-hundred parsec scales to sub-parsec scales and address the problem of fueling AGN. We assume that angular momentum transport proceeds via global torques rather than a local viscosity. We account for the radial depletion of gas due to star formation and find a strong bifurcation between two classes of disk models: (1) solutions with a starburst on large scales that consumes all of the gas with little fueling of a central AGN and (2) models with an outer large-scale starburst accompanied by a more compact starburst on 1-10 pc scales and a bright central AGN. The luminosity of the latter models is in many cases dominated by the AGN. We show that the vertical thickness of the starburst disk on pc scales can approach h ~ r, perhaps accounting for the nuclear obscuration in some Type 2 AGN. We also argue that the disk of young stars in the Galactic Center may be the remnant of such a compact nuclear starburst.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures, emulateapj, accepted to ApJ, minor changes, discussion tightened, references adde
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