52 research outputs found

    Toward minimal complexity models of membrane reactors for hydrogen production

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    Membrane reactors are inherently two-dimensional systems that require complex models for an accurate description of the different transport phenomena involved. However, when their performance is limited by mass transport within the reactor rather than by the selective product permeation across the membrane, the 2D model may be significantly simplified. Here we extend results previously found for methane steam reforming membrane reactors to show that such simplified two-dimensional model admits either a straightforward analytical solution for the cross-section averaged concentration profile, or can be reduced to a 1D model with an enhanced Sherwood number, depending on the stoichiometry of the reaction considered. Interestingly, the stoichiometry does not affect the expression of the enhanced Sherwood number, indicating that a versatile tool has been developed for the determination of membrane reactor performance at an extremely low computational cost and good degree of accuracy

    Estimate of the height of molten metal reactors for methane cracking

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    Methane Cracking represents one of the most promising routes to CO2-free hydrogen production.The methane decomposition reaction is typically carried out in fixed or fluidized catalytic beds, where the metal catalyst is supported on porous ceramic particles. By proper choice of the metal catalyst, the catalytic reaction environment allows to obtain sizeable reaction rates at operating temperatures as low as 700°C. Besides, in solid catalytic beds, the catalyst is swiftly deactivated due to the massive (i.e. stoichiometric) deposition of the solid carbon product. One way to bypass carbon deposition is to use a molten metal bath (which may or may not contain catalytic metal components) as a reaction environment, where methane bubbles are introduced at the bottom of the bath and are progressively converted as they rise through the liquid metal. The key point of this process is that, owing to a large density difference between the solid carbon phase and the molten metal, the solid product of the reaction floats on top of the liquid metal and can be thus mechanically skimmed. In this article, we develop an analytical approach to the estimate of the bath height, which constitutes one of the most critical design parameters of the process. Specifically, based on the observation that in practical applications the reacting bubble is in the kinetics-controlled regime, we obtain the conversion vs time solution for a bubble of given initial size. On the assumption of ideal gaseous mixture behaviour, the knowledge of the conversion curves allows to estimate the bubble diameter as a function of time during the rise of the bubble through the molten metal. This piece of information is then post-processed to obtain the bubble motion as a function of time. The elimination of the time parameter between the two solutions allows to construct a conversion-height map for different diameters of the bubbles

    Opis svojstava ekstra djeviÄŤanskog maslinovog ulja dobivenog iz raznih kultivara

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    The determination of some minor components of extra virgin olive oil, and in particular of the polyphenolic fraction of pigments and fragrances, can contribute to the characterization of the monovarietal productions: the quali-quantitative assessment of these substances can in fact contribute to the valorisation of typicalities and, at the same time, consent to the optimisation of the operational techniques during the processing and the eventual blending. The analytical techniques, applied here for the characterisation of extra virgin olive oil of Abruzzo and Istria, have highlighted that chemical composition can enhance the valorisation of these typical products. Nevertheless, further sampling program is needed to evidence typical composition profile that might be used as “origin markers”.Određivarije nekih manjih komponenata ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja, naročito polifenolne frakcije pigmemta i mirisa, može doprinijeti svojstvima monovarijetetnih proizvoda: kvalitativna i kvalitativna procjena tih supstancija može zapravo doprinijeti valorizaciji tipičnosti te, istodobno omogućiti optimizaciju operativnih tehnika za vrijeme prerade i miješanja. Analitičke tehnike, ovdje primijenjene za opis svojstava ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja iz Abruzza i Istre pokazuju da kemijski sastav može popraviti vrijednost ovih tipičnih proizvoda. Ipak, potreban je dodatni program uzorkovanja da se dokaže tipični profil sas¬tava, što se može upotrijebiti kao "oznaka podrijetla"

    Analysing the performance of MCECs over a wide range of operating temperatures

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    Hydrogen production through water electrolysis has gained significant attention in the past years as a means of tackling the problem of the imbalance between the intermittent rate of electricity production from renewable sources and the continuous electricity demand from end users. Recently, much of the effort has been shifted toward the electrolysis of steam rather than water, for example in solid oxide cells, which operate at temperatures around 800°C. In this manner, part of the energy required for the conversion to hydrogen is provided as heat rather than electricity. At the same time, the high temperature levels require the use of highly resistant materials, which increase the overall cost of the process. An interesting alternative is represented by molten carbonate electrolysis cells (MCECs), operating at temperatures well below 700°C. In the present work, a molten carbonate cell was operated in a lower temperature range (490-550°C) by changing the composition of the electrolyte mixture. The data obtained, along with experimental results at higher temperature (570-650°C) available in the literature, was analyzed using a 0D model accounting for Ohmic and activation overpotentials to determine the correlation between current and potential. It was found that, while the dependence of Ohmic losses on temperatures is discontinuous when cell operation is switched from the lower to the higher temperature range, activation losses vary with continuity. This result provides important insight on the performance of MCECs that can serve as a basis for future studies

    A discussion of possible approaches to the integration of thermochemical storage systems in concentrating solar power plants

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    One of the most interesting perspectives for the development of concentrated solar power (CSP) is the storage of solar energy on a seasonal basis, intending to exploit the summer solar radiation in excess and use it in the winter months, thus stabilizing the yearly production and increasing the capacity factor of the plant. By using materials subject to reversible chemical reactions, and thus storing the thermal energy in the form of chemical energy, thermochemical storage systems can potentially serve to this purpose. The present work focuses on the identification of possible integration solutions between CSP plants and thermochemical systems for long-term energy storage, particularly for high-temperature systems such as central receiver plants. The analysis is restricted to storage systems potentially compatible with temperatures ranging from 700 to 1000 â—¦C and using gases as heat transfer fluids. On the basis of the solar plant specifications, suitable reactive systems are identified and the process interfaces for the integration of solar plant/storage system/power block are discussed. The main operating conditions of the storage unit are defined for each considered case through process simulation

    Calcium Looping for Thermochemical Storage: Assessment of Intrinsic Reaction Rate and Estimate of Kinetic/Transport Parameters for Synthetic CaO/Mayenite Particles from TGA Data

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    Mayenite-supported CaO represents an affordable and safetycompliant candidate material for thermochemical storage processes. We here analyze the thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) performance of synthetic CaO/mayenite micrometric powder under carbonatation/calcination looping and develop a model to interpret and analyze the experimental results. In the experimental campaign, calcination is run at 900 degrees C, while the carbonatation temperature is varied between 600 and 800 degrees C. For the carbonatation reaction, a generalized shrinking core model assuming a thermodynamically consistent first-order kinetic and a conversion-dependent diffusivity of CO2 inside the porous CaCO3 layer is validated through TGA carbonatation tests conducted with CO2/N-2 mixtures at different compositions. Interestingly, the kinetic constant of this reaction is found to be relatively insensitive to the temperature in the interval considered. In contrast, diffusion-limited regimes are never found for the calcination reaction so that this phase of the cycle can be predicted based on a single kinetic constant of the heterogeneous reaction. This constant is found to follow the typical Arrhenius-type dependence on temperature. Sizably different kinetic and transport parameters are obtained in the first carbonation performed on virgin CaO/mayenite particles with respect to those associated with subsequent cycles. When different parameters are afforded for the first and following cycles, the shrinking core model proposed closely predicts the TGA data over five CaO/CaCO3 cycles. The results found constitute an essential preliminary piece of information for designing equipment geometry and operating conditions of industrial-scale reactors. In this respect, knowledge of the parameters defining the intrinsic reaction rates and diffusive transport is essential in defining the optimal conversion of the material associated with minimal looping time


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    In our work, we attempted to assess patients' understanding of relative radiation exposure by asking them to compare the amount of radiation exposure from CT compared to other carcinogenic factors before and after knowing their dose bill
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