3,987 research outputs found

    La ciutat com a laboratori: noves cartografies de les pràctiques musicals creatives.

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    Aquest article parteix d’una investigació que enfoca les pràctiques de música experimental col·laborativa. Mitjançant una metodologia etnogràfica se submergeix en aquest tipus de pràctiques musicals que es desenvolupen a la ciutat de València a través d’una mostra de músics experimentals sense formació acadèmica en música. L’estudi d’aquest tipus de pràctiques ens permet visibilitzar unes maneres de fer que entren en conflicte amb l’establishment i es mouen reconfigurant noves xarxes de comunicació i participació a través de l’art sonor, creant noves cartografies culturals i artístiques basades en la col·laboració i en processos creatius que afecten les maneres de concebre, produir i compartir la música.Este artículo parte de una investigación sobre las prácticas de música experimental colaborativa. Mediante una metodología etnográfica se sumerge en este tipo de prácticas musicales que se desarrollan en la ciudad de Valencia a través de una muestra de músicos experimentales sin formación musical académica. El estudio de este tipo de prácticas nos permite visibilizar unas maneras de hacer que entran en conflicto con el establishment y se mueven reconfigurando nuevas redes de comunicación y de participación a través del arte sonoro, creando nuevas cartografías culturales y artísticas basadas en la colaboración y en procesos creativos que afectan a las formas de concebir, producir i compartir la música.This article is based on a study of the practices of experimental collaborative music. An ethnographic study of these music practices was conducted in the city of Valencia, observing a sample of experimental musicians with no academic musical training. The study of this type of music practice reveals certain ways of doing things that come into conflict with the establishment and that work by reshaping new communication and participation networks through sound art, creating new cultural and artistic cartographies based on collaboration and creative processes that affect how music is conceived, produced and shared

    La crisi educativa arran de la devolució definitiva de Menorca a la Corona d'Espanya 1802

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    La impura depuració a la segona ensenyança. Unes mostres de Menorca

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    Juncus emmanuelis

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    This species is endemic to a small area in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula, with subpopulations scattered in approximately 16 localities. It is assessed as Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) because it has an Area of Occupancy (AOO) of less than 500 km2 and shows signs of severe fragmentation due to the ongoing transformation of its specific habitat of sandy soils with an impermeable underlayer in temporary pools, as a result of several ongoing major threats associated with intensive agricultural activities. Based on this information, a continuing decline in the AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations has been inferred. Additional research and conservation action is needed for this species

    Zannichellia contorta

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    This species is native to southern, central and eastern Spain, with an old record from the Atlas Mountains in northern Morocco requiring confirmation. The species is very sensitive to eutrophication and deterioration of water quality. The Area of Occupancy (AOO) has been estimated to be less than 500 km2 based on confirmed records and knowledge that its habitat is in continuous decline and at least 40% of the known localities have disappeared, especially in southern Spain. Moreover, an ongoing continuing decline in AOO, habitat quality and number of subpopulations of this species due to the increase in nutrients concentration from waters of the streams where it lives, which stops its growth, has been observed. The same process of habitat deterioration is happening in central and eastern Spain. The population of this species is severely fragmented with more than half of its subpopulations being isolated with no exchange possibilities and suspected to have reached no viable levels. It therefore qualifies to be listed in the category Endangered (EN B2ab(ii,iii,iv)) in the Mediterranean region. Resource and habitat protection and site management are needed. Other recommended conservation measures are ex situ conservation, population and distribution research, and habitat and population monitoring

    Narcissus dubius, Narcisse Douteux

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    This species is endemic to southern France and eastern Spain. It is assessed as Least Concern because it has a widespread distribution, occurs in several protected areas throughout its range and its population is not expected to significantly decline in the near future. Further studies on the genetic structure of its population and trends in population size at global level are needed

    Frizzled-8 integrates Wnt-11 and transforming growth factor-β signaling in prostate cancer

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    Wnt-11 promotes cancer cell migration and invasion independently of β-catenin but the receptors involved remain unknown. Here, we provide evidence that FZD8 is a major Wnt-11 receptor in prostate cancer that integrates Wnt-11 and TGF-β signals to promote EMT. FZD8 mRNA is upregulated in multiple prostate cancer datasets and in metastatic cancer cell lines in vitro and in vivo. Analysis of patient samples reveals increased levels of FZD8 in cancer, correlating with Wnt-11. FZD8 co-localizes and co-immunoprecipitates with Wnt-11 and potentiates Wnt-11 activation of ATF2-dependent transcription. FZD8 silencing reduces prostate cancer cell migration, invasion, three-dimensional (3D) organotypic cell growth, expression of EMT-related genes, and TGF-β/Smad-dependent signaling. Mechanistically, FZD8 forms a TGF-β-regulated complex with TGF-β receptors that is mediated by the extracellular domains of FZD8 and TGFBR1. Targeting FZD8 may therefore inhibit aberrant activation of both Wnt and TGF-β signals in prostate cancer

    Estrategias metodológicas para el cálculo de indicadores urbanos: la minería de fuentes y la construcción social del dato

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    En este trabajo se presentan dos modalidades de trabajo investigativo que han sido utilizadas por los observatorios urbanos mexicanos con notables resultados para el cálculo de indicadores urbanos: la minería de fuentes, esto es, la búsqueda exhaustiva de informaciones en repositorios originales de primera mano no disponibles previamente, como en la construcción social del dato, es decir, la validación colectiva de referencias concernientes a temas abordados intersectorialmente.ITESO, A.C.Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (Gobierno de la República

    Optical Particle Detection in Liquid Suspensions with a Hybrid Integrated Microsystem

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    AbstractA compact, robust and portable system for optical particle detection in liquid suspensions, achieved through the hybrid integration of commercial components, such as VCSELs and microlenses, in a silicon micromachined structure is presented. We demonstrate the feasibility of fabricating a device providing up to 4 collimated laser beams, with the ability of detecting and distinguishing microparticles of several diameters, even in mixed suspensions. This optical microsystem represents an alternative design for microflow cytometers based on optical fibres, and is aligned with the current tendency set by the Point-of-care devices
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