79 research outputs found

    Opening the black box of artificial intelligence technologies: unveiling the influence exerted by type of organisations and collaborative dynamics

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    Until now, the management literature on Artificial Intelligence (AI) focuses mostly on the diverse applications of this technology, while its development has attracted only limited attention. To partially fill this research gap, the present paper analyses a large sample of AI patents and investigates the potential determinants of their technological impact. We show how University-Industry (UI) collaborations seem to be less able to develop high-impact AI patents, compared to other types of partnership based on the involvement of either universities or companies. This result contrasts with the previous literature on the inventing process of other generalpurpose technologies (GPT), thus clarifying how the development of AI may be significantly affected by the peculiar characteristics of this technology. Thereby, our findings not only shed further light on the inventing process of AI solutions but may also stimulate the debate on the development of other GPTs strongly imbued with scientific knowledge

    Experimental investigation on materials and lubricants for sliding-vane air compressors

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    Abstract. Positive-displacement compressors and, among them, sliding-vane rotary machines are widely used in the compressed air sector. As in many other industrial fields, the efficient utilization of energy has become a major goal also in this sector. The aim of the present activity is the experimental investigation on the influence of two vanes materials (cast iron and aluminium with anodized surface) and of four commercial lubricants (characterized by different formulations and additives concentrations) on the performance of a mid-capacity sliding-vane rotary compressor in a number of operating pressures. The performance is identified by both the volume flow rate and the absorbed mechanical power, evaluated according to the international standard ISO 5167 and ISO 1217. The campaign indicates that the considered lubricants do not affect appreciably the volumetric flow rate. On the other hand, the specific lubricants determine a variation of about 1% of the mechanical power for both materials, while the specific material a variation between 0.9% and 2.6%. The best performance is achieved by aluminium vanes and a synthetic poly-α-olefin lubricant

    Experimental Investigation On A Novel Two-Stage Sliding-Vane Air Compressor Based On The Intracooling Concept

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    Intercooling is a well-known practice in compression technology for reducing the discharge temperature and the power consumption of the process. Intracooling, a similar yet not identical concept, is the cooling of the compressed gas between two compression stages by way of spraying a liquid coolant in the gas flow without separating that liquid prior to the second compression stage. This liquid coolant can be the cooled lube oil. The present work reports the experimental experience on a first prototype of a small-scale two-stage sliding-vane compressor based on the concept. The prototype is design for a relatively low delivery pressure, 0.7-1.0 MPa. Moreover, it is characterized by an oil injection system comprising pressure-swirl nozzles placed on the end-plates of the compression stages and along the intracooling duct. This duct is equipped with eight nozzles: six of them perform a radial inward injection and are equally spaced on the tube length, while the other two are located at its ends for an axial injection, one cocurrent and the other countercurrent to the air flow direction. The experimental tests differ by the number and the position of the active nozzles along the duct. The outcomes indicate that intracooling does not yield operability issues and that the intracooling effectiveness increases with the number of active pressure-swirl nozzles, reaching a decrease in temperature along the duct of about 5°C. However, the configuration with the lowest mechanical specific power, by 4.4% with respect to a single-stage compressor, has only one nozzle active and spraying along the axial flow direction. The results suggest that the compromise among oil flow rate, number of active nozzles and their position, is the best solution to obtain the maximum efficiency for the overall system. In the future, an improved intracooling duct and a mid-size intracooled compressor for higher pressures will be manufactured and tested

    An intracooling system for a novel two-stage sliding-vane air compressor

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    Lube-oil injection is used in positive-displacement compressors and, among them, in sliding-vane machines to guarantee the correct lubrication of the moving parts and as sealing to prevent air leakage. Furthermore, lube-oil injection allows to exploit lubricant also as thermal ballast with a great thermal capacity to minimize the temperature increase during the compression. This study presents the design of a two-stage sliding-vane rotary compressor in which the air cooling is operated by high-pressure cold oil injection into a connection duct between the two stages. The heat exchange between the atomized oil jet and the air results in a decrease of the air temperature before the second stage, improving the overall system efficiency. This cooling system is named here intracooling, as opposed to intercooling. The oil injection is realized via pressure-swirl nozzles, both within the compressors and inside the intracooling duct. The design of the two-stage sliding-vane compressor is accomplished by way of a lumped parameter model. The model predicts an input power reduction as large as 10% for intercooled and intracooled two-stage compressors, the latter being slightly better, with respect to a conventional single-stage compressor for compressed air applications. An experimental campaign is conducted on a first prototype that comprises the low-pressure compressor and the intracooling duct, indicating that a significant temperature reduction is achieved in the duct

    Modeling And Testing The Thermal Effect Of Lubricating Oil Sprayed In Sliding-Vane Air Compressors Using Pressure-Swirl Nozzles

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    Positive-displacement compressors and, among them, sliding-vane machines are widely used in the compressed air sector. As in many other industrial fields, the efficient utilization of energy has become a major goal also in this sector. The aim of the present activity is the numerical modeling and the experimental testing of the positive thermal effect due to spraying the lubricating oil inside sliding-vane air compressors using pressure-swirl nozzles. The benefits of proper oil atomization in positive-displacement compressors have been documented already by a number of investigations (Singh and Bowman, 1986; Stosic et al., 1988; Fujiwara and Osada, 1995; Valenti et al., 2013; Cipollone et al. 2014). The novelty of this work resides in the extension of a previous model to describe more accurately the quantity and the diameter distribution of the droplets generated by the nozzles and, consequently, to predict more precisely the heat transfer occurring between the liquid and the gas phase within a compression chamber. The model is applied to a pre-commercial mid-size compressor that is equipped with a number of pressure-swirl nozzles. The numerical data are validated successfully against the measurements of the pressure as a function of the angular position. The results indicate that the specific energy of compression is appreciable reduced with respect to the case of an adiabatic process. The model is applied here to a sliding-vane compressor, but it is general in nature and can be promptly modified for another kind of machine. It may be used also for optimizing type, number and position of the nozzles in order to further improve the performances of air compressors

    Numerical Analysis of Real Fluid Behavior Effects on a Sliding-Vane Compressor Comprehensive Model

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    This work presents a simulation model on a sliding vane compressor based on a lumped parameter model. The model is capable of predicting the performance of sliding-vane compressors. The model is divided into different sub-sections to evaluate the compressor's geometry, kinetics, thermodynamics, and rotor dynamics. The output of the tool includes the compressor unit's performance, such as volumetric flow rate, mechanical power, and process efficiency. The study examines the tool's ability to perform quick and efficient analyses using using either ideal or real fluid characterization, based on the REFPROP code. The code is validated against one experimental point. Simulations were conducted on a mid-size sliding-vane rotary compressor operating with three different types of working fluids from 20 °C and 1 bar (absolute) to 11 bar at 1500 rpm. In the ideal fluid case, simulations took 10–27 s, while real fluid assumptions took 1038–4329 s. The volumetric flow rate was influenced by the gas used, but changes among fluid models were not substantial, with a mean absolute percent difference of 0.5%. Mechanical power consumption was affected by the fluid choice and gas model, leading to a mechanical power difference between 0.4 and 1.1% in the ideal gas case. The specific mechanical work showed greater deviations among the fluids, with methane molar mass coherently increasing its value. Results show that the model developed is able to assess the major phenomena of sliding-vane compressors, and the ideal fluid model should be preferred when possible since computational times are significantly reduced with comparable results

    Experimental evidence of the thermal effect of lubricating oil sprayed in sliding-vane air compressors

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    A way to increase the efficiency of positive-displacement air compressor is spraying the lube oil to exploit it not only as lubricating and sealing agent but also as thermal ballast. This work seeks the experimental evidence in sliding-vane compressors by measuring the air standard volume flow rate and the electrical power input of three diverse configurations. The first configuration, taken as reference, employs a conventional injection system comprising calibrated straight orifices. The other two, referred to as advanced, adopt smaller orifices and pressure-swirl full-cone nozzles designed for the purpose; the third configuration utilizes a pump to boost the oil pressure. The laser imagining technique shows that the nozzles generate sprays that break-up within a short distance into spherical droplets, ligaments, ramifications and undefined structures. Tests on the packaged compressors reveal that the advanced configurations provide almost the same air flow rate while utilizing half of the oil because the sprays generate a good sealing. Moreover, the sprayed oil is acting as a thermal ballast because the electrical input is reduced by 3.0% and 3.5%, respectively, if the pump is not or is present, while the specific energy requirement, accounting for the slightly reduced air flow, by 2.4% and 2.9%, respectively
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