42 research outputs found
Structural and cohesion funds, a financing alternative for romanian public administration
In conditions of economic stability and, even more so, in conditions of crisis, when the budgetary resources are subjected to additional stress, public administration has an alternative financing source, by means of accessing the structural and cohesion funds made available by the European Union. The paper aims to analyze the manner in which the Romanian public administration has used the amounts available by means of the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, and the Cohesion Fund, in the first half of the programming period 2007-2013. Thus, we propose a comparative analysis of the eight regions of Romania, separately for each fund, analyzing the number of projects submitted, the number of projects won, the amounts of money obtained and the actually used at the regional level. At the same time, the paper offers a comparative analysis of the regions in Romania with similar regions in Hungary and Bulgaria, with respect to the percentage of accession and absorption of community funds, together with a comparison with the EU average. The financing of public administration must come increasingly from sources outside the state budget, such as European funds, but this will not happen until the enhancing of the absorption degree at the regional and national levels.structural and cohesion funds, public administration
L’enseignement de l’histoire dans les écoles roumaines, 1831-1944
L’histoire ne devient en pays roumains l’une des principales disciplines scolaires que progressivement au cours de la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle. Le système qui émerge inclut l’enseignement de l’histoire roumaine dans les dernières classes élémentaires et celui de l’histoire universelle, suivi d’un abrégé de l’histoire nationale dans les lycées et dans les écoles supérieures (de la neuvième à la douzième classe). Pendant la deuxième moitié du XIXe siècle, on note un déplacement significatif des périodes mises en valeur dans l’enseignement : l’histoire ancienne perd du terrain au profit de l’histoire médiévale et moderne, en accord avec l’accroissement constant de l’importance donnée à l’histoire nationale. À partir des années 1860, le tournant est pris vers une utilisation de l’histoire avant tout comme un instrument de modelage de l’identité nationale du peuple. Il s’impose de façon dominante à la fin du XIXe siècle, et n’est pas remis en cause jusqu’à la Seconde Guerre mondiale (au moins).History in Romania only established itself as one of the main school subjects gradually during the second half of the XIXth century. The emerging system included the teaching of Romanian history in the final grades of elementary schools and that of World history followed by a brief course in Romanian history in secondary schools (from the 5th to the 8th grade) and higher education (from the 9th to the 12th grade). During the second half of the XIXth century a significant shift in the periods highlighted in history teaching tool place : ancient history lost ground to medieval and modern history in line with the growing emphasis laid on national history. From the 1860’s and the 1870’s onwards there was a trend towards using history first and foremost as a tool to shape the national identity of the people. This prevailed at the end of the XIXth century and remained undisputed at least until WW II.Als eigene Disziplin setzt sich das Fach „Geschichte“ in rumänischen Schulen erst während der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts durch, wobei es sich allmählich als Prinzip etabliert, daß die rumänische Geschichte in den letzten Klassen der Elemantarschule vermittelt wird, während im Gymnasium und in den Oberschulen (von der 9. bis zur 12. Klasse) die allgemeine Geschichte sowie eine kurze Vertiefung der nationalen Geschichte auf dem Programm stehen. In der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts läßt sich eine zweifellos bedeutsame Umorientierung hinsichtlich der als besonders wichtig erachteten Epochen feststellen. Insbesondere verliert die alte Geschichte zu Gunsten der mittelalterlichen und neueren Geschichte an Gewicht, wobei gleichzeitig auch die nationale Geschichte immer stärker herausgestellt wird. Von etwa 1860/70 ab wird der Geschichtsunterricht dann ganz zum Instrument der Ausformung von Volksgedanken und nationaler Identität. Diese Richtung setzt sich am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts mit Macht durch und wird mindestens bis zum zweiten Weltkrieg nicht mehr in Frage gestellt
With the development of technology, the greenhouse sector is constantly expanding, which is advantageous in terms of material economy, cost reduction, improved lighting efficiency and cultivation, but at the same time requires the implementation of a large number of sensor nodes to ensure coverage of environmental monitoring. The paper presents a real-time monitoring application of environmental conditions in a greenhouse, which includes sensors for monitoring temperature, relative humidity; CO2 concentration; soil temperature (at 3 depths: ground level, 10, 20 cm)
Instabilities in Josephson Ladders with Current Induced Magnetic Fields
We report on a theoretical analysis, consisting of both numerical and
analytic work, of the stability of synchronization of a ladder array of
Josephson junctions under the influence of current induced magnetic fields.
Surprisingly, we find that as the ratio of the mutual to self inductance of the
cells of the array is increased a region of unstable behavior occurs followed
by reentrant stable synchronization. Analytic work tells us that in order to
understand fully the cause of the observed instabilities the behavior of the
vertical junctions, sometimes ignored in analytic analyses of ladder arrays,
must be taken into account.Comment: RevTeX, 4 pages, 3 figure
Efficient energy use and storage practices within residential facilities for compliance with the nZEB criteria
Solar energy, today, is the leader in renewable energy and the world's increasing new energy source. In 2016, for the first time, newly installed photovoltaic capacity has increased by more than 50%, exceeding the new coal-fired power stations capacity established worldwide. At the beginning of the year, the European Parliament agreed the target that 35% renewable sources by 2030. Studies show that by 2050 approximately 45% of all the households in the EU could produce their own renewable energy and more than a third of them could be part of a renewable energy cooperative, despite the worries of the distribution companies. Furthermore, the EPBD directive (EU) - Energy Performance of Buildings pushes towards new and more performing buildings - nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) - where energy efficiency and energy flexibility are essential to achieve the required performance targets. Nearly zero-energy buildings (NZEBs) have very high energy performance and could be achieved through the integration of renewable and decentralized energy sources, continuous grid optimization and the inclusion of increasing numbers of consumers becoming producers, so called prosumers. So far, the photovoltaic system is the single technology that can combine data from utility networks with household consumption and therefore should be considered a starting point for streamlining the electricity consumption and production which will be imposed by strict regulations
Analysis of a low-voltage operating microgrid located in a residential area
The paper aims at providing the analysis of domestic energy generation and consumption within residential areas. The topic of this study is twofold: theoretical and experimental by addressing aspects related to the operation of a microgrid connected to the low-voltage distribution grid. In order to achieve the power quality analysis for various scenarios, an appropriate testing stand was developed by using the Chauvin Arnoux CA 8435 analyser. There is envisaged the modelling and design of a mixed microgrid characterized by two line sections established by three main energy consumption nodes. There have been integrated several connection points related to the distributed generation sources and to the photovoltaic power plants, respectively, and also several supply points for the household end-users. 13 operation scenarios have been developed and recorded by analysing the voltage variation within the microgrid. Furthermore, the paper envisages the stabilization impact of the microgrid voltage variation in the presence of distributed generation sources
Insegnare l’Europa. Concetti e rappresentazioni nei libri di testo europei
Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca comparata che ha analizzato i manuali scolastici utilizzati oggi nei diversi paesi europei per verificare quale spazio abbia in essi la trattazione dell’Europa, quali valori e concetti vengano presentati come caratterizzanti la civiltà europea, e in quali modi l’attenzione alle appartenenze nazionali venga coniugata con la nuova centralità dell’Europa.- Indice #5- Introduzione Nazioni ed Europa nell’educazione scolastica: come vediamo noi stessi e gli “altri”?, Falk Pingel #13- Insegnare la singolarità dell’Europa, Charles Olivier Carbonell #75- Tradizione religiosa e identità nazionale nell’Europa sudorientale, Răzvan Theodorescu #103- Cittadino, europeo e cosmopolita: scopi e compiti dell’educazione civica, Alistair Ross #119- Diversi modi di vedere l’integrazione europea, Juan Díez Medrano #153- Tendenze attuali nei manuali spagnoli di storia e di geografia dell’educazione secondaria obbligatoria, Rafael Valls #173- L’Europa nei programmi e nei manuali scolastici francesi: verso una nuova comunità immaginaria europea?, Hélène Baeyens #189- L’Europa del Novecento: un’analisi dei manuali di storia della scuola media italiana degli anni Novanta, Luigi Cajani #141- “Una nuova cultura capace di superare nazionalismi e separatismi”. Esempi da libri di educazione civica italiani, Olga Bombardelli #239- L’Europa nei libri di testo di storia del Regno Unito: insegnamento e apprendimento, Keith Crawford #265- L’Europa nei testi di geografia inglesi, John Hopkin #295- “Un lento avvicinamento all’Europa”: la dimensione europea nei testi britannici di storia contemporanea, Mark Engel #319- L’Europa si sta aprendo al resto del mondo? I cambiamenti avvenuti nella rappresentazione dell’Europa nei testi scolastici della Germania dopo la riunificazione (Wende) del 1989/90, Rolf Westheider #329- Visioni del mondo legate alla geografia: l’Europa vista dagli studenti della Germania, Armin Hüttermann #353- Cittadini della Germania e dell’Ue. La rappresentazione dell’Europa nei manuali scolastici tedeschi di educazione politica, K. Peter Fritzsche #375- L’Europa nei manuali greci di educazione civica, Despina Karakatsani #395- Dalla rivoluzione mondiale al dominio degli ambienti culturali? La rappresentazione dell’Europa nei testi scolastici russi di “storia mondiale”, Michail A. Bojcov #417- Alla ricerca di un cammino verso l’Europa: la dimensione europea nei testi di storia del XX secolo della Russia, Vera Kaplan #441- L’immagine dell’Europa nei libri di testo della Romania, Mirela Luminiţa Murgescu #473- L’”altra” entità politica esterna e le immagini dell’Europa nei manuali di storia moderna della Bulgaria successivi al 1917, Snezhana Dimitrova #501- La storia europea all’università di Belgrado: momenti concettuali della sua rappresentazione, Milan Ristović #521- Ricerca storica e redazione dei libri di testo nelle entità statali nate dalla Jugoslavia socialista, Neven Budak #535- Tra euforia, moderazione e isolamento: l’Europa nei testi scolastici di storia delle repubbliche della ex Jugoslavia, Heike Karge #551- Prospettive sull’educazione ai diritti dell’uomo nella Repubblica serba, Aleksandra Petrović #59
A Framework for Applying an API-layered Architecture to e3value Models
In this design science study three different layering
options were created to find out which types of layering can
improve modeled API ecosystems’ understandability and clarity.
Two guides were also created to show how to layer e3value
models, followed by a single guide focused only on splitting
components into layers. The results indicated that the layering
methods improved the understandability and clarity of the API
ecosystem and that the difficulty of creating layered e3value
models lies mostly in picking a layer for each component
Investigating and Evaluating Software Ecosystem Modelling in Practice in a Tier-2 Vehicle Telematics Company
Although different ecosystem modelling techniques exist, it is difficult to assess how
used these are in practice among software companies. In this design science study,
software ecosystem practices of a software company in the automotive domain were
analysed; according to the findings, there are different perceptions of an ecosystem
among management and developers, and there are no formalised modelling techniques
being used in the company. The study was conducted in three iterations;
in the following two iterations, two modelling techniques were analysed, identifying
three different points of improvement for one of them. The technique for which
the changes were proposed was the technique favoured by the participants of the
study. The findings indicated that, while participants did not have a consistent view
of which changes would provide more benefit to the modelling technique, many of
them saw possible use cases for ecosystem modelling using the presented modelling
technique. These use cases were consistent with the perceptions that the individuals
had about software ecosystems and showed that they believed modelling techniques
to be potentially useful for the company, even if they were not currently using them.Although different ecosystem modelling techniques exist, it is difficult to assess how
used these are in practice among software companies. In this design science study,
software ecosystem practices of a software company in the automotive domain were
analysed; according to the findings, there are different perceptions of an ecosystem
among management and developers, and there are no formalised modelling techniques
being used in the company. The study was conducted in three iterations;
in the following two iterations, two modelling techniques were analysed, identifying
three different points of improvement for one of them. The technique for which
the changes were proposed was the technique favoured by the participants of the
study. The findings indicated that, while participants did not have a consistent view
of which changes would provide more benefit to the modelling technique, many of
them saw possible use cases for ecosystem modelling using the presented modelling
technique. These use cases were consistent with the perceptions that the individuals
had about software ecosystems and showed that they believed modelling techniques
to be potentially useful for the company, even if they were not currently using them
The Influence of the Economic Crisis on EU Financial Regulations Changes
The occurrence of the global economic crisis has had a widely spread impact on national and European Union economies alike. Reactive measures were taken, on two separate directions: the increase of the fiscal incentives for the private sector (action strongly supported by the USA and Great Britain) or the decrease of public expenditure and the strengthening of financial regulations (viewpoint adopted by the EU). The paper aims to analyze the impact of the economic crisis on the EU budget management (especially for years 2009-2011) and the trends of financial regulations’ change foreseen by the European Commission