720 research outputs found

    Unrealistic Optimism about Exogenous Events: An Experimental Test

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    An experiment is designed to test if individuals show (unrealistic) optimism when determining their subjective probabilities about exogenous circumstances. Subjects in the control group make an informed guess about a number, under a payment scheme that rewards close guesses. In the treatment group, subjects' payments depend on the actual number as well as on the closeness of the guess, and they are thus given an incentive to guess optimistically. The data suggests that there is an optimistic bias.optimism; unrealistic optimism; wishful thinking; wish fulfilment.

    Discrimination by Gender and Social Distance

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    We examine experimentally how a person's generosity depends on the sex of that person, on the sex of the person who is the target of the generous act, and on the degree of anonymity between the interacting parties. In our data fewer men than women give non-zero amounts; men receive less than women; and less is given when subjects receive money publicly on stage than when payments are private. The results shed light on gender-related selfishness and discrimination, and suggest that it may be problematic to organize experimental findings in terms of social distance.discrimination; gender; social distance; anonymity

    Young Liberals and Old Conservatives - Inequality, Mobility and Redistribution

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    The paper examines the impact of income inequality and mobility on income redistribution in a modified median voter model where redistributive conflict takes place both between educational groups and age-groups. The effects of inequality and mobility are not unambiguous but depend on factors such as how mobility changes in different groups and causes of inequality. We also examine the effect of the length of electoral periods on redistribution and welfare for different groups and allow for majority voting on the length of electoral periods. Finally, we extend the model to encompass retirement and baby booms.Inequality; mobility; income redistribution; median voter; age-earnings profiles

    Gender in Committees

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    How does a group’s gender composition influence its decisions? Economists have found women to be more generous and egalitarian than men, so one might expect groups with more women to be more generous/egalitarian. Group polarization, whereby discussions amplify preexisting attitudes (a phenomenon well-established in psychology), would enhance that effect. We report experimental evidence. Femalemajority groups are more generous/egalitarian than male-majority groups,ut female unisex groups are not the most generous/egalitarian. We discuss how these findings accord with our derived conjectures, and what can be learned regarding the influence of gender composition on committee decision-making more generally.gender; groups; generosity; group polarization

    Young Liberals and Old Conservatives - Inequality, Mobility and Redistribution

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    The paper examines the impact of income inequality and mobility on income redistribution in a modified median voter model where redistributive conflict takes place both between educational groups and age-groups. The effects of inequality and mobility are not unambiguous but depend on factors such as how mobility changes in different groups and causes of inequality. We also examine the effect of the length of electoral periods on redistribution and welfare for different groups and allow for majority voting on the length of electoral periods. Finally, we extend the model to encompass retirement and baby booms.inequality, mobility, income redistribution, median voter, age-earnings profiles

    The Basic Principles of Acid-Base Regulation

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    In summary, arterial gas studies including pH determinations can be vitally important in the diagnosis and management of patients with a variety of serious medical problems. These studies should be interpreted in the light of clinical and other necessary laboratory findings

    Constructing Gender in the Economics Lab

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    Several experimental studies on altruism have found women to be more generous than men. We investigate whether observed gender gaps in generosity can be explained by experimental setting, where some settings are more conducive than others to activating gender identity and social norms. In a dictator game we study priming along two dimensions: 1) some subjects enter their gender on the first page of the questionnaire (Pre) while others enter their gender on the last page (Post) and 2) some subjects are seated in single-sex rooms (Homogeneous) while others are seated in gender-mixed rooms (Mixed). It turns out that gender differences occur (women are more generous than men) only for the combination Pre and Mixed. The effect is driven by males: men are sensitive to priming, while women are not.Gender roles; social norms; altruism; generosity; dictator game; priming

    When do Countries Introduce Competition Policy?

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    This paper first presents stylised evidence showing how the date of the introduction of competition policy is correlated with country size. Smaller countries tend to adopt competition policy later. We thereafter present a simple theoretical model with countries of different size and firms competing Ă  la Cournot. The predictions of the model are consistent with the empirical regularity presented. An implication of our model is that globalisation may give very different incentives regarding competition policy for small and large developing countries.Competition policy; anti-trust; trade costs

    Flexible Fiberoptic Bronchoscopy

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    The flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope was introduced in Japan by Dr. Shigeto Ikeda in the mid-1960s and became available for clinical use in the United States around 1970. The application of this technique represents one fo the most significant advances for the diagnosis and management of chest diseases as it enables the physician to directly visualize the tracheobronchial tree and obtain diagnostic specimens from regions of the lung previously inaccessible to the rigid bronchoscope. Except for suppleural lesions, fiberoptic bronchoscopy is the surgical procedure of choice in the evaluation of many pulmonary lesions. In addition, fiberoptic bronchoscopy plays a major therapeutic role in the evaluation of airway patency and elimination of retained secretions

    Complications of Mechanical Ventilation

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    With increasing utilization of mechanical ventilation during the past decade or so, complications related to its use have also increased. Ventilators are primarily indicated when acceptable safe levels of oxygenation and ventilation cannot be maintained by other means
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