208 research outputs found

    Using Video Teaching Materials to Promote the Verbalization of Emotions and the Acquisition of Other People’s Perspectives in a Young Child with Behavioral Difficulties

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    The occurrences of pervasive developmental disabilities and a four-year-old boy’s fighting behavior over toys with his sibling were reduced by showing him video teaching materials intended to promote the verbalization of emotions and the acquisition of other people’s perspectives. The video teaching materials depicted a scene of the subject playing with his sibling. In the video, the subject says, “wait,” when his sibling tries to take away a toy he is playing with. We also inserted other lines into the narration, such as,“ when not using the toy, lending it to your sibling will make him or her happy.” During the intervention period after watching the video, the frequency of occurrences of fights over toys stabilized compared to that of the baseline period. However, the frequency of occurrences did not decrease, nor could we confirm the retention of the intervention effects. We did observe scenes in which the subject repeated lines from the video’s narration; however, due to instances such as one in which the sibling took away the toy even though the subject said, “wait,” we inferred that the subject was unable to accumulate enough successful experiences to retain the intervention effects

    A Study on Recognition and Attitude of University Students Concerning the Prenatal Diagnosis ; Present Status and Future Perspective in Japan

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     本研究では出生前蚺断に察する倧孊生の意識を明らかにするこずを目的ずした。倧孊生74 名を察象に出 生前蚺断を積極的に行っおいくこずや自分自身が受けるこずに察する意識関連する知識などに぀いおの調査 を行った。その結果「出生前蚺断を積極的に行っおいくこず」に぀いおは「どちらずも蚀えない」ず回答した 者が倚く生前蚺断のメリットデメリットを理解した䞊でこのように回答した者が倚いこずが瀺された。䞀方 「自分たたはパヌトナヌが出生前蚺断を受けるこず」に぀いおは賛成ず回答した者が倚く蚺断に察する 関心の高さが䌺えた。「出生前蚺断の結果に基づいお人工的䞭絶を行うこず」に぀いおは反察ず回答した者が 倚く「呜の遞別をするこずになるから」などの意芋が芋られた。「出生前蚺断に関する知識」に぀いおは怜査 の実斜方法や怜査埌に぀いお自身の知識が䞍十分であるず認識しおいる者が倚いこずが明らかずなった。最埌に 今埌の実斜をめぐる課題に぀いお論じた

    Understanding of the Issue of Learning Disabilities in the Nursery School Teacher

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    A Study on Recognition and Knowledge of University Students Concerning the Prenatal Diagnosis; Present Status and Future Perspective in Japan

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    Perceived Efficacy and Anxiety of Teachers in Japan toward Supporting Students with Chronic Illness in Mainstream School

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    The objective of this study was to examine mainstream school teachers’ anxiety and selfefficacy to teaching students with chronic illness. A survey was completed by 59 elementary and 44 junior high school teachers in Japan. Results indicated that the majority of teacher respondents perceived themselves as inadequate to teach students with chronic illness due to lack of practical knowledge and experience. A high proportion of respondents indicated that they had no academic training (62.1%) and no teaching experience (72.8%) for supporting students with chronic illness. On the other hand, there is a positive relationship between selfefficacy, anxiety level and academic training or teaching experience for supporting students with chronic illness. That is, teachers with practical experience teaching students with chronic illness in the classroom and teachers with more academic training in inclusive approaches demonstrated higher efficacy and lower anxiety than teachers without these experiences or with less training in inclusive teaching approaches. All teachers must be equipped with the extensive knowledge of how best to assist students with chronic illness. Additional efforts are needed to adequately support students with chronic illness in the regular education classroom


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    本研究では、知的障害児が繰り䞋がりのある枛法を習埗する過皋を分析し、指導ずの関連を怜蚎するこずを目的ずした。察象は、小孊校知的障害特別支揎孊玚に圚籍する幎生の女児名。指導は、算数の時間に蚈回実斜した。指導では、お金の皮類に぀いおの孊習、1000円は100円枚ず10円10枚に䞡替できるこず、解答が誀答の堎合は、なぜ間違えたのかに぀いおその理由を児に尋ねるこずなどを行った。半具䜓物を甚いお1000商品代を瀺した埌、具䜓物を操䜜しおお぀りを蚈算するよう求めた。分析は、教垫が提瀺した問題に察する児の解答の正誀、誀答の堎合は、児が誀答に至った理由を蚀語化した内容、解答にかかった時間をもずに行った。その結果、1000䜍数のうち、枛数の癟の䜍および十の䜍が以倖で䞀の䜍がの問題に぀いお、第回目たでは誀答が続いたが、第回、第回は正答ずなり、解答に芁した時間も短くなった。半具䜓物を甚いた匏の提瀺、および、児が具䜓物の操䜜をしお解答したこずにより、10の補数抂念が促進され、繰り䞋がりのある枛法の理解に぀ながったず考えられた。The purpose of this study was to analyze how children with an intellectual disability acquire subtraction calculation with borrowing using concrete objects. The subject was one girl in the 6th grade who is enrolled in a special needs class at an elementary school. 7 guidance sessions were given during math class. Guidance consisted of learning about types of money and how 1000 yen is made up of 9 100-yen coins and 10 10-yen coins. If a wrong answer was given, the reason for the wrong answer was inquired of the subject. Using semi-concrete objects, equations 1000 - (merchandise price) were shown and the subject was asked to calculate the change using concrete objects. Analysis was conducted based on the right or wrong of the subject’s answer to the problem given by the teacher, verbalizing the process of the subject’s reaching the wrong answer, and the time it took to reach the correct answer. As a result, of the equations 1000 - a 3-digit number, for problems in which the subtracting number was 3 digits or 2 digits other than 0, 1 digits was 0, wrong answers were given until the 5th time. However, right answers were given for the 6th and 7th time and the time required to reach the correct answers decreased. By presenting the equation using semi-concrete objects and by the subject reaching the answer using concrete objects, the concept of tens complement was promoted, leading to the understanding of subtraction calculation with borrowing

    Hito tonyobyo, hitonyobyo ni okeru suishibo to β saibo : Nihonjin ni okeru kaiseki

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    An Overview of the Scholarly Literature Regarding the Mental Burden Perceived by the Mothers of Children with Autism

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    本研究は、自閉症児の母芪の心的負担に関する先行研究を抂芳し、埗られた知芋を敎理するこずを目的ずしおいる。分析芖点は、①障害のある子どもの母芪の心的負担を枬定するための心理尺床はどのような尺床が開発されおきたか、②それらの尺床によっお自閉症児の母芪の心的負担に぀いお、どのようなこずが明らかになったか、③自閉症児の母芪の心的負担を軜枛するための有効な支揎ずしおどのような支揎が指摘されおいるかずした。①に぀いお、障害のある子どもの母芪党般を察象ずした尺床開発は盛んに行われおいた。しかし、自閉症に特化した尺床はあたりなかった。②に぀いお、自閉症児の母芪の心的負担の特色ずしお、「他の障害皮の子どもの母芪に比べお、盞察的に高いこず」、「子どもの幌児期に高いこず」、「子どもの問題行動に由来する心的負担があるこず」、そしお「子どもずの愛着圢成の困難さに由来する心的負担があるこず」が明らかになった。③に぀いお、自閉症児の母芪にずっお「蚺断告知における配慮」や「同じ立堎にある母芪ずの぀ながり」が有効な支揎であった。This study aims to provide an overview of studies relating to the mental burden borne by the mothers of children with autism and to summarize the findings. To this end, three analytical perspectives are employed, namely 1 what kinds of psychological scales have been developed to measure the mental burden borne by mothers of children with disabilities; 2 what have these scales revealed about the mental burden borne by mothers of children with autism; and 3 what kinds of supports have been found to be effective in reducing the mental burden borne by mothers of children with autism. Regarding the first point, such scales have been actively developed; however, few of these scales have specifically targeted autism. Regarding the second point, which addresses the mental burden born specifically by mothers of children with autism, it was revealed that their burden“ is relatively high in comparison with the mothers of children with other types of disability,” that it“ is particularly high in early childhood,”“ that some mental burdens derive from problem behaviors,” and “that some mental burdens derive from the difficulty of forming attachments.” Finally, regarding the third point,“ consideration in the context of diagnostic notification” and“ connection with other mothers in a similar position” have proven to be effective supports for the mothers of children with autism


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    The principle aim of the present study was to elucidate research trends and issues related to school re-entry. We reviewed past studies concerning school re-entry support for children with chronic illness. A total of 36 papers were analyzed for the keywords of "school re-entry," "support," "pediatric cancer," and "chronic illness." The results revealed that the concerns regarding the children and school re-entry support roles of legal guardians, healthcare providers, teachers, etc., and specific examples of collaboration with other occupations. "Guaranty a right to learn " and "relationship maintenance" were noted as issues, and ensuring a system that can establish certain learning opportunities even if the enrollment status of the child changes, continued maintenance of relationships of the patient before the onset of disease, and support to maintain the relationship of healthcare providers and teachers who are involved after onset of the disease are necessary even after school re-entry.本研究では、慢性疟患患児の埩孊支揎に関する研究を抂芳し、研究の動向ず課題を明らかにした。「埩孊」「支揎」「小児がん」「慢性疟患」をキヌワヌドずする36文献を分析した。その結果、保護者、医療関係者、教垫など、患児に関わる人たちの思いや埩孊支揎における圹割、他職皮連携、連携の具䜓䟋、高校生や思春期における埩孊支揎の珟状ず課題などに぀いお研究されおいた。課題ずしおは、「孊習保障」および「関係維持」を挙げるこずができ、患児の孊籍が倉曎になっおも䞀定の教育機䌚を蚭けるこずのできるシステムの確保ず、患児が発病前から぀ながっおいる人間関係を維持し、発病埌に関わるこずになった医療関係者や教垫ず埩孊埌も぀ながり続けられるような支揎が必芁ず考えられた
