6 research outputs found

    Review and characteristics of the victims caused by the 1945 Makurazaki typhoon based on local documents

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    枕崎台風では広島県で2,012人の死者が生じたとされる。しかし,終戦直後の災害であり,死者数や死亡地点について不明な部分が多い。本研究では,郷土資料を収集し,広島県における枕崎台風に伴う死者数を再検討した。その結果,少なくとも2,169人の死者が生じていたことを明らかにした。また,死亡地点の地形をみると,土石流による死者の92%が沖積錐に位置し,洪水による死者の90%が低地に位置しており,豪雨災害で被災しやすい地形が定量的に示された。ただし,低地では自然堤防における死者がその半数以上を占めている。自然堤防上に集落が選択的に形成されていたことに加え,微高地である自然堤防にまで浸水が及んだことが要因として考えられる。さらに,死亡地点とハザード情報(土砂災害警戒区域・浸水想定区域)との関係を検討した結果,土石流では87%,洪水では83%がハザード情報の範囲内で死者が生じており,ハザード情報は適切に設定されているといえる。本研究の一部は科学研究費特別研究員奨励費「湿潤変動帯における災害の発生履歴の解明に基づく実効性のある防災教育」(課題番号 JP20J22288)による助成を受けた

    多文化社会における相互文化的対話に向けた歴史教育内容構成の特質 : 欧州評議会の“Shared Histories for Europe without Dividing Lines”の場合

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    The aim of this article is to elucidate the characteristics of the content structure of the history curriculum “Shared Histories for Europe without Dividing Lines”, developed by the Council of Europe for intercultural dialogue in a multicultural society. After the analysis, this study showed that social history was selected as the main scope of the curriculum. In addition, the following two principles were found in the learning process of the unit. (i) relativising the learners’ values that reflected by each nation from the perspective of European “shared values”. (ii) relativising the European values from the non-European perspectives. Comparing the previous studies, this study showed the more concrete contents and learning process. This study also have a potential to provide a new perspective on history education curriculum as multicultural education in Japan

    「歴史総合」教科書における資質・能力論の展開 : 社会系教科と資質・能力論との共存による相乗効果を目指して

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    This research discusses a desirable relationship between subject education and the theory of qualities and abilities represented in Japan’s new Course of Study. The Course of Study values acquiring skills going beyond individual subjects. However, the discussion on how to educate those skills in each subject is unclear. Taking the textbook “Modern and Contemporary History” as a case, we conducted content analysis to investigate how the theory of qualities and abilities in the Course of Study is reflected in subject education. Findings indicate that the textbook maintained the core qualities and abilities the subject had pursued, which are learning and utilizing historical content and thinking skills. However, by situating students as independent researchers, which is closely related to the nature of history, the textbook also intended to educate on qualities and abilities that went beyond “Modern and Contemporary History.” This finding implies that educators in individual subjects need to revisit the nature of the subject, identify the qualities and abilities that are not limited to the subject but can still be educated on by the subject due to a close relationship, and adjust those qualities and abilities with other subjects’ ones

    イギリス初等地理教科書における地誌単元の内容構成 : ”Oxford International Primary Geography”の分析

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    The purpose of this research is to examine how the UK develops qualities and abilities such as knowledge, thinking ability, and geographical skills that correspond to globalization, based on the content structure of the geography unit in the British primary geography textbook. In order to elucidate, through analysis of "case studies" that are characteristic of geography education in the United Kingdom, by clarifying the specific knowledge and concepts, geographic skills and their structureAs a result of examining geography units in British elementary geography textbooks, learning aimed at forming geographical concepts through case studies, as seen in the activities of each grade, rather than learning all the regions of the world lots of activity. In addition, emphasis is placed on nurturing geographic skills, which is the use of maps, and this is seen continuously from the third grade, indicating that the development of geographic skills using maps is being pursued through each grade


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    This study aims to clarify what kind of learning content and learning activities are comprised in units of regional research and fieldwork in the UK, where regional learning is emphasized, and what kind of qualities and abilities are being developed. The authors would like to analyze and examine the content of British secondary education geography textbooks and obtain useful suggestions for improving regional survey learning in Japan. As a result of textbook analysis, fieldwork learning in British geography studies actively incorporates new methods such as GIS, while learning activities that consider multipul perspectives of the region and thinking toward solutions to regional issues