44 research outputs found

    Assessment of antimicrobial, antialgal and cytotoxic activities of crude extracts from rhizospheric and freshwater cyanobacterial strains

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    Background: This study describes the evaluation of antimicrobial, antialgal and cytotoxic activities of crude extracts from cyanobacterial strains isolated from rhizospheric and freshwater environment.Methods: Four cyanobacterial strains were isolated from freshwater and rhizospheric samples collected from various sites of University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. Selected strains were identified by 16S rDNA ribotyping as species of genera, Cyanothece (CY1), Synechococcus (CY2), Leptolyngbya (CY3) and Synechococcus (CY4). The organic extracts i.e., methanolic, ethanolic and acetonic of selected cyanobacterial strains were checked for antibacterial and cytotoxic activity. Antibacterial and antialgal activities of cyanobacterial extracts were determined against, four Gram positive and three Gram negative bacteria using Muller-Hinton (MH) agar well diffusion assay and two algal species using 96-well microtiter plate respectively. Cytotoxic activity was determined against Vero cells and Huh-7 cells.Results: The results showed that all cyanobacterial extracts showed activities against Gram positive bacteria while some of the extracts showed activity against Gram negative bacteria. Acetonic extract of CY4 and CY2 showed moderate discoloration against Chlamydomonas sp. and Chroococcus sp. respectively. In cytotoxicity bioassay, methanolic extracts of strain CY1 and CY2 were most active with an IC50 of 0.625 mg/ml against Vero cells while acetonic extract of strain CY1 showed highest activity against Huh-7 cells (p<0.05).Conclusion: The data of current study conclusively suggest that selected cyanobacteria may be an excellent source for further fractionation to obtain novel antibacterial, antialgal and anticancer substances.Keywords: Cyanobacteria; MTT bioassay; Microtiter plates; Antimicrobial activity; Cytotoxicity

    Ethnomedicine use in the war affected region of northwest Pakistan

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    BACKGROUND: North-West of Pakistan is bestowed with medicinal plant resources due to diverse geographical and habitat conditions. The traditional use of plants for curing various diseases forms an important part of the region’s cultural heritage. The study was carried out to document medicinal plants used in Frontier Region (FR) Bannu, an area affected by the “War on Terror”. METHODS: Fieldwork was carried out in four different seasons (spring, autumn, summer and winter) from March 2012 to February 2013. Data on medicinal plants was collected using structured and semi-structured questionnaires from 250 respondents. The voucher specimens were collected, processed and identified following standard methods. RESULTS: Of the 107 species of ethnomedicinal plants reported, fifty percent species are herbaceous. The majority of the reported species were wild (55%) but a substantial proportion are cultivated (29%). For most of the plant species (34%), leaves are the most commonly used part in the preparation of ethnomedicines. The most common use of species is for carminative purposes (14 species), with the next most common use being for blood purification (11 species). The main methods used in the preparation of ethnomedicinal recipes involves grinding and boiling, and nearly all the remedies are taken orally along with ingredients such as water, milk or honey for ease of ingestion. Traditional healers prepare plant remedies using one or more plants. There was a significant correlation (r(2) = 0.95) between the age of local people and the number of plants known to them, which indicates that in the coming 20 years, an approximate decrease of 75% in the indigenous knowledge may be expected. CONCLUSION: Traditional medicines are important to the livelihoods of rural communities in the region affected by the Global war on Terrorism. The medicinal recipes are indigenous; however, there is a threat to their future use on account of rapid modernization and terrorist activities. Documentation of medicinal plants and recipes may help in the conservation of the regional indigenous medicinal knowledge for future generations and to provide a baseline for further studies

    Effects of Neem (Azadirachta indica) seed and Turmeric (Curcuma longa) rhizome extracts on aphids control, plant growth and yield in okra

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    The use of synthetic pesticides to control pests and increase crops yield is a common practice, but they cause several environmental and health problems. Therefore, there is a need to explore alternative approaches to reduce the sole dependence on synthetic pesticides. The present study was conducted to screen the extracts of Neem seed and Turmeric rhizome for pesticidal activities against okra pests (aphids). Experiments were conducted in field with four plots. One plot was kept as a control (unsprayed) and one was sprayed with synthetic pesticides, one with Neem seeds extract and one with Turmeric rhizome extract. The effect on number of pests, plant growth and yield was observed at regular intervals. A significant reduction in pests was recorded in all treatments as compared to the control. Neem seed extract was more effective than Turmeric rhizome extract as revealed by a 73% decrease in aphids by Neem extract in comparison to 54% by Turmeric extract after last application. Both the extracts were found to be more effective than the synthetic pesticides in controlling okra pests. Both the extracts had stimulatory effects on okra growth and yield. For example, the total yield of plots sprayed with Neem (53.3 kg plot-1) and Turmeric extract (47.7 kg plot-1) was higher than the yield of control plot (33.8 kg plot-1) and plot sprayed with synthetic pesticides (39 kg plot-1). It is concluded that Neem and Turmeric extracts can be used as alternative of synthetic pesticides for controlling pests attacks in okra


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    Background: Alkaloids and flavonoids are secondary metabolites extracted from different medicinal plants. Tamarix aphylla a traditionally valuable medicinal plant; was used for the extraction of alkaloids and flavonoids in order to evaluate their antibacterial activity. Methodology: The leaves of the plant were collected from district Kohat, Pakistan, and their alkaloids and flavonoids were extracted with ethanol and methanol, respectively. Four bacteria i.e. Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and Gram negative (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhi and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) were selected for the biological screening of these phyto-constituents. Results: The concentration of alkaloids was found to be more in the leaves of Tamarix aphylla than flavonoids. The extracted phytochemicals showed varied inhibition zones against tested bacterial isolates. Alkaloids showed highest inhibitory activity against Staphylococcus aureus (14±0.6 mm) followed by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (13±0.7 mm). Conversely, flavonoids showed the highest inhibitory affect against Salmonella typhi (17±0.7 mm) followed by Staphylococcus aureus (14±0.7 mm). However, both extracts showed the lowest inhibitory effects against Escherichia coli. Conclusions: It was concluded that the alkaloids and flavonoids from Tamarix aphylla leaves have antimicrobial potential against common human bacterial pathogens. However, flavonoids were found to be more active phytochemical against tested bacterial strains as compared to alkaloids

    Global, regional, and national burden of hepatitis B, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Spätquartäre Vegetationsgeschichte und Klimaveränderungen in der Wüste Gobi, südliche Mongolei

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    Die südliche Mongolei ist ein Teil der ariden bis semiariden Region in Zentralasien und ist eine Übergangszone zwischen den Zirkulationssystemen der Westerlies und der damit verbundenen Nordatlantische Oszillation (NAO) sowie dem Asiatischen Monsun und dem mongolischen High Pressure System (MHPS). Die Sedimentkerne aus dieser geographisch wichtigen Region sind als Klimaarchiv ein zentraler Schlüssel zum Verständnis der vergangenen Vegetations- und Klimaveränderungen, die aufgrund von Variationen in der Intensität der Wechselwirkung der Klima-Systeme entstanden. Es ist wichtig, basierend auf der Vegetationsgeschichte, die paläoklimatische Dynamik und Entwicklung der Landschaft des ariden Zentralasiens zu verstehen, um eine Vorstellung über die zukünftigen Umweltbedingungen, aufgrund des anhaltenden globalen Wandels, zu bekommen. Die bisher zur Verfügung stehenden Paläovegetations- und Paläoklimadaten aus dem ariden Zentralasien stammen vor allem aus der nordwestlichen Mongolei und dem nordwestlichen China. Die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit basiert auf paläoökologischen Analysen von zwei See-Archiven der südlichen Mongolei (Bayan Tohomiin Nuur und Orog Nuur). Die multidisziplinären Analysen dieser beiden Sedimentkerne wurden durchgeführt, um Veränderungen der Seespiegel, der Paläovegetation und der paläoklimatischen Dynamik zu rekonstruieren und den damit verbundenen Einfluss auf biotische oder abiotische Faktoren in den letzten 50.000 Jahren (50 ka cal BP) aufzuklären. Palynologische und geochemische Analysen des Bayan Tohomiin Nuur ergaben eine detaillierte Geschichte der Vegetations- und Landschaftsdynamik im kontinentalen Zentralasien von 15 bis 4 ka cal. BP. Die rekonstruierten ariden Klimaphasen zwischen 12,3 bis 11,1 und 8,6 bis 7,6 ka cal. BP können mit der Jüngeren Dryas und dem 8,2 ka-Ereignis korreliert werden. Stabile und relativ feuchte Bedingungen traten in der Mitte des Holozäns von 6,3 bis 4,9 ka cal. BP auf. Ein Feuchtigkeitsmaximum in der Mitte des Holozäns ist auf die Verstärkung der Westerlies zurückzuführen. Der kombinierte Einfluss der Westerlies und des Sommermonsun führte zu einer feuchten Phase kurz vor dem holozänen Klimaoptimum, während es in den angrenzenden Gebieten im Norden und Süden des Untersuchungsgebietes trocken war. Die Trockenheit im Süden der Mongolei nahm nach 3,8 ka cal. BP zu, wie aus den geochemischen Daten des Sees abgeleitet werden kann. Die palynologische Untersuchungen an den Sedimenten des Orog Nuur zeigen die Vegetations- und Klimageschichte während der letzten 50 kA. Generell herrschten semi humide Bedingungen zwischen 49,5 und 44,7 ka cal. BP, nach Korrelation zur marinen Sauerstoffisotopenkurve Stufe 3 (MIS 3). Es folgte eine Phase von einem trockenen und relativ kühlen Klimas von 44,7 bis 23,2 ka cal. BP entsprechend der marinen Sauerstoffisotopenkurve Stufe 2 (MIS 2). Die Erhöhung der Konzentration der Grünalgen Pediastrum und Botryococcus zeigt einer Erhöhung der semi-ariden Bedingungen zwischen 23,2 und 22,7 ka cal. BP an. Die Trockenheit des Klimas steigt von 18,9 ka cal. BP bis zum Beginn des frühen Holozäns. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, kontinuierliche Klimaschwankungen während des dokumentierten Zeitraums von etwa 50 kA. Die generell vorherrschende Vegetation der Wüste oder Wüsten-Steppe wird durch die Werte von Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae und Ephedra angezeigt. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen eine allgemeine Konsistenz zu den Paläoklimadaten mit den umliegenden Regionen Zentralasiens. Es sind jedoch weitere multidisziplinäre Studien nötig, um ein tieferes Verständnis der vergangenen Veränderungen der Umwelt zu gewinnen und die komplexen räumlichen Muster der Klimageschichte des ariden Zentralasiens während des späten Quartärs zu entschlüsseln. Solche multidisziplinären Ansätze sind eine Basis, um Veränderungen der Umwelt zu verstehen, künftige Veränderungen vorherzusagen und geben damit wichtige Informationen für den Naturschutz

    ڈاکٹر ظہور احمداعوان کے کالموں میں تاریخی و ثقافتی عناصر کی عکاسی

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      Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Awan was a versatile writer. He was one of the renowned prose writers of Urdu literature. He has tried his hand at various genres of prose such as travelogue, research, criticism, Iqbaliat, sketch writing, letter writing, reportage writing, biography and column writing. Column writing is the major reference of Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Awan. Column is an important genre of journalism and Urdu prose. A column is a style of writing that is published with the writer’s name on a regular basis in a newspaper or magazine under a permanent heading. It plays an important role in shaping public opinion and spreading awareness among the masses. Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Awan under look a range of diverse topics such as academics, literature, culture, history, ethics, socio-economics and national and international politics. This research mainly focuses on the historical and cultural elements in his columns. Apart from his eloquent diction, variety of the subject mattered and unique style is also the life blood of his column writing.    

    Mechanical and Biomimetic Characteristics of Bulk-Fill Resin Dental Composites Following Exposure in a Simulated Acidic Oral Environment

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    During the last 10 years, various companies have marketed different &ldquo;bulk-fill&rdquo; resin dental composites for the restoration of posterior stress-bearing teeth; however, the impact of acidic conditions on these relatively newer materials has not been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, an attempt was made to evaluate the effect of acidic beverages on the mechanical biomimetic characteristics of four bulk-fill and one conventional nanohybrid resin-based dental composites (RBCs). The specimens of each RBC were stored in two acidic beverages namely &lsquo;Orange Juice&rsquo; and &lsquo;Coca-Cola&rsquo;, whereas &lsquo;dry&rsquo; and &lsquo;distilled water&rsquo; storage of specimens served as controls. After 1 week of storage, flexural and surface hardness properties of specimens were determined using a universal testing machine and Vickers hardness tester, respectively. In general, the &lsquo;Coca-Cola&rsquo; beverage caused the greatest degradation of flexural strength, flexural modulus, and surface hardness characteristics in all RBCs in contrast to the &lsquo;dry&rsquo;, &lsquo;distilled water&rsquo; controls and &lsquo;Orange Juice&rsquo; storage conditions. However, the overall mechanical biomimetic performance of nanohybrid RBCs was relatively better than all other bulk-fill RBCs and may, therefore, be considered a suitable candidate for the restoration of posterior stress-bearing permanent dentition