13 research outputs found

    Ethico-religious ideas of ʻUmar II

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    This intellectual biography of 'Umar comprises detailed description and discussion of some aspects of his religious thought. These aspects, especially the spiritual-moral vision of 'Umar, which forms the very core of his thought--as has emerged particularly in the middle chapter--, are central and fundamental to any fresh, meaningful study not only of 'Umar's political thought--which seems to be firmly grounded in his religious thought--but also of his policies and activities as caliph and, more directly, of his political objectives and motives.Being a deeply religious man 'Umar sought primarily to ensure the safety of his soul. He strove to approximate to the letter and spirit of the personal and social teachings of the Prophet. The religious ideology as crystalized in the Qur'an and such other sources seems to have established both the outer limits and a great many inner details of his theoretical constructions

    تاریخ گولکنڈه / از عبدالمجید صدیقی

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    The miḥan of Ibn Taymiya : a narrative account based on a comparative analysis of sources

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    This thesis is, as its title duely indicates, an attempt to establish and describe the facts or events of an aspect of the public life of Ibn Taymiya (661-728), namely, his mihan or the trials and tribulations he underwent apparently due to the stands he took on certain dogmatic issues of his time. This thesis is divided into two chapters: the first tries to determine the originality of the sources in relation to each other as well as in relation to the mihan -- and their reliability; in all eighteen sources are dealt with. The second chapter tries to reconstruct a plausible account of the mihan on the basis of the knowledge acquired of the sources

    Al-durr al-ṯamīn fī ẖulāṣaẗ fann al-aqrabāzīn : Wa-huwa yaḥtawī ʿalá 47 šaklā (الطبعة الأولى) / Taʾlīf ḥaḍraẗ ʿAlī afandī Murād (...)

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    [Al-durr al-ṯamīn fī ḫulāṣaẗ fann al-aqrabāḏīn. 1896]Numérisé par le partenaireAppartient à l’ensemble documentaire : BbLevt0Numérisé par le partenair

    Kitāb al-kīmyāʾ al-taḥlīliyyaẗ al-maḥkamiyyaẗ : wa-huwa yaḥtawī ʿalá ʿṯalāṯaẗ wa-ʿišrīn šaklā (الطبعة الأولى) / Taʾlīf ḥaḍraẗ ʿAlī Afandī Murād

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    [Kitāb al-kīmyāʾ al-taḥlīliyyaẗ al-maḥkamiyyaẗ. 1894]Numérisé par le partenaireAppartient à l’ensemble documentaire : BbLevt0Numérisé par le partenair

    Kitāb Qiṣṣaẗ Abī ʿAlī ibn Sīnā wa-šaqīqihi Abī al-Ḥāriṯ wa-mā ḥaṣala minhumā min nawādir al-ʿaǧāʾib wa-šawārid al-ġarāʾib / Li faylasūf zamānihi fī al-qurá wa-al-amṣār ḥaḍraẗ Murād Afandī Muẖtār

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    [Qiṣṣaẗ Abī ʿAlī ibn Sīnā wa-šaqīqihi Ạbī al-Ḥāriṯ wa-mā ḥaṣala minhumā min nawādir al-ʿaǧāʾib wa-šawārid al-ġarāʾib. 1879]Numérisé par le partenaireAppartient à l’ensemble documentaire : BbLevt0Numérisé par le partenair

    Fawāʼid wāfiyah bi-ḥall mushkilāt al-Kāfiyah, [1169?, i.e. 1755?].

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    Jāmī's commentary, written for his son Ḍiyāʼ al-Dīn Yūsuf and also called al-Fawāʼid al-Ḍiyāʼīyah, on ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar Ibn al-Ḥājib's grammar, al-Kāfiyah. Description provided by Alison Vacca.Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 129Origin: As appears in colophon on fol.226a, copied by Murād Aṣl ibn ʻAbd Allāh. Copy completed ("khatamtu hādhā [kadhā] al-nuskhah...") in the year 1169 [1755 or 6]. Reading for the numerals is questionable, though 1169 certainly fits better with the copyist's claim that he worked in the time of the Crimean khan Arslan Giray Han (ruled 1748-1756, 1767). Scribal verses adjacent to colophon read "الخط باقى والعمر فانى والعبد عاصى والرب عافى."Accompanying materials: Numerous inserted slips, some with writing some without, between fol. 23 and 24, fol. 47 and 48, fol. 48 and 49, fol. 105 and 106, fol. 134 and 135, fol. 193 and 194.Former shelfmark: British Museum, London. "No. 122. Jami's commentary on the Kafiyah."Binding: Pasteboard covered in black leather; Type II (with flap); upper and lower covers carry blind-stamped central mandorla and cornerpieces (design worn and no longer clearly visible but comparable to Déroche class. NA) along with decorative vegetal border and blind-tooled accents; pastedowns of pink paper; in good condition.Support: European laid paper; chain lines visible and running horizontally, spaced about 27 mm. apart; laid lines running vertically and spaced roughly 7 laid lines per cm; several quires in a second European laid paper with chain lines running horizontally and spaced roughly 23-24 mm. apart, laid lines running vertically spaced roughly 6-7 laid lines per cm.Decoration: Red rule-border frames portions of text and glosses.Script: Naskh, with influence of nastaʻlīq (talik); at least four or five distinct hands: hand of the first quire (fol. 1 - 10), hand of the eighth quire (fol. 124 - 134), hand of fol. 135 to the end, hand of fol. 70 to 89, etc.Layout: Written in 17 to 19 lines per page; frame-ruled.Collation: VI (12), 14 V (162), 4 IV (194), 5 III (214), 2 II (222), 2 I (226), 1 (227); catchwords present; pagination in pencil, Western numerals (referenced in cataloguing).Colophon: "Scribal," triangular, reads: "ختمت هذا [كذا] النسخة الشريفة المباركة في يوم بشنبه وفي [الوقت ص] العشاء وفي مدرسة مصر ومدرسة باي محمد افندي وفي زمان ارسلان كراي خان خلد الله ملكه وسلطانته كاتبه مراد اصل الحقير الفقير المحتاج رحمة الله عليه اجمعين تاريخ سنة ١١٤٩ [؟]Explicit: "قد استراح من مكد الانتهاض لنقل هذا الشرح من السواد الى البياض العبد الفقير عبد الرضى عن الخير [؟] ... صاحب ومالك مراد اصل بن عبد الله كتبه مراد اصل ..."Incipit: "الحمد لله لوليه والصلوة على نبيه ... اما بعد فهذه فوائد وافية بحل مشكلات الكافية للعلامة المشتهر في المشارق "والمغارب الشيخ ابن الحاجبTitle from opening on fol.1b.Ms. codex.Brockelmann, C. GAL,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Jāmī's commentary, written for his son Ḍiyāʼ al-Dīn Yūsuf and also called al-Fawāʼid al-Ḍiyāʼīyah, on ʻUthmān ibn ʻUmar Ibn al-Ḥājib's grammar, al-Kāfiyah. Description provided by Alison Vacca.Mode of access: Internet.Acquired by purchase along with Abdul Hamid Collection (funds donated by Horace Rackham).Bookplate of British Museum, London on inner front cover, "No. 122. Jami's commentary on the Kafiyah."; circular seal impression with figure of goat/gazelle in purple ink as well as inscription "384" in Western numerals on fol.1a; "٥٦٣" inscribed on tail of text block; large circular waqf-seal impression appears on fol.1a, fol.120b, fol.225b, reads: "هذا وقف الراجي فيض الصمدي الشيخ احمد ضيا الدين ابن مصطفى الخالدي فمن بدله بعد ما سمعه فانما اثمه على الذين يبدلونه" in name of Aḥmad Ḍiyāʼ al-Dīn ibn Muṣṭafá al-Khālidī (i.e. Ahmed Ziyâüddîn Gümüşhanevî, d. 1893 or 4); numerous seal impressions throughout, (some obliterated), both octagonal and circular (see fol.1a, fol.2a, 119b, 120b, 121a, 227b); several ownership statements and signatures on fol.1a, fol.2a, fol.200b, and fol.226b; numerous marginal corrections, notabilia, and glosses