120 research outputs found
Remains of the iron exploitation during pre-Roman and Roman period in the mining district of Baillestavy (Eastern Pyrenees, France)
La région des Pyrénées Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archéologiques liés à la proto-industrie métallurgique, notamment sidérurgique. Dans la région du Canigou, la plus importante zone métallifère se trouve à la périphérie du massif, où des venues hydrothermales ont pénétré les failles et les chevauchements de la série des terrains métamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se présente en général sous forme d'oxydes (hématite) et de carbonates (sidérite). Dans cette ceinture qui borde le grand massif se situent des zones minières importantes qui ont fait l'objet de travaux d'exploitation à différentes époques. L'une d'entre elles se situe sur les contreforts nord-est du massif du Canigou, sur le territoire de la commune de Baillestavy traversée par le cours moyen de la Lentillà. L'inventaire archéologique de la commune signale la présence de nombreux ferriers (aires à scories), certains datés d'époque antique. Notre apport a surtout concerné les mines de fer de ce secteur qui n'avaient jusque-là bénéficié d'aucun véritable travail de terrain, notamment en contexte souterrain. Les recherches de terrain sur la commune de Baillestavy se sont déroulées de 2005 à 2007 dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche trisannuel (Mut et al., 2005-2007) et, en 2008, dans la perspective de travaux de Master 2 d'Archéologie à l'Université de Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail (Munteanu, 2010). Notre étude détaillée a été réalisée sur quatre sites miniers : Mas Morer, Peña Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. L'étude complexe de ces sites a porté sur la morphologie des cavités souterraines, la chronologie relative de toutes époques, les types de gisements et de minerai de fer extrait. Les sondages archéologiques réalisés dans la mine de Mas Bourras ont fourni des indices très importants sur les périodes les plus anciennes de l'activité minière. Un tesson d'amphore trouvé en contexte stratigraphique attesterait au moins d'une activité minière du Ier siècle de n. è. En revanche, les analyses radiocarbones réalisées sur le charbon de bois prélevé dans le comblement minier ancien, pourrait faire remonter l'activité minière à une époque encore plus ancienne (Ier âge du Fer), témoignage inédit pour l'extraction du fer dans le sud de la Gaule. La commune de Baillestavy et la région du Canigou disposent d'un fort potentiel archéologique minier et métallurgique, encore largement méconnu. Une poursuite de ce type de recherche en archéologie minière de terrain est nécessaire pour compléter l'enquête en cours sur l'activité minière et métallurgique ancienne de cette région.Aquest estudi proposa una aproximació a la siderúrgia del ferro als Pirineus orientals durant els períodes preromà i romà en el districte de Baillestavy (França). Les evidències procedeixen dels treballs realitzats a quatre jaciments miners: Mas Morer, Peña Blanca, La Coume i Mas Bourras. Les dades obtingudes de jaciments com Mas Bourras han permès resseguir l'activitat minera fins al segle I ne, amb evidències que aquesta podria haver existit ja a la Primera Edat del Ferro.La région des Pyrénées Orientales renferme de nombreux indices et sites archéologiques liés à la proto-industrie métallurgique, notamment sidérurgique. Dans la région du Canigou, la plus importante zone métallifère se trouve à la périphérie du massif, où des venues hydrothermales ont pénétré les failles et les chevauchements de la série des terrains métamorphiques de Canaveilles (schistes et carbonates). Le minerai de fer est dominant et se présente en général sous forme d'oxydes (hématite) et de carbonates (sidérite). Dans cette ceinture qui borde le grand massif se situent des zones minières importantes qui ont fait l'objet de travaux d'exploitation à différentes époques. L'une d'entre elles se situe sur les contreforts nord-est du massif du Canigou, sur le territoire de la commune de Baillestavy traversée par le cours moyen de la Lentillà. L'inventaire archéologique de la commune signale la présence de nombreux ferriers (aires à scories), certains datés d'époque antique. Notre apport a surtout concerné les mines de fer de ce secteur qui n'avaient jusque-là bénéficié d'aucun véritable travail de terrain, notamment en contexte souterrain. Les recherches de terrain sur la commune de Baillestavy se sont déroulées de 2005 à 2007 dans le cadre d'un programme de recherche trisannuel (Mut et al., 2005-2007) et, en 2008, dans la perspective de travaux de Master 2 d'Archéologie à l'Université de Toulouse 2 – Le Mirail (Munteanu, 2010). Notre étude détaillée a été réalisée sur quatre sites miniers : Mas Morer, Peña Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. L'étude complexe de ces sites a porté sur la morphologie des cavités souterraines, la chronologie relative de toutes époques, les types de gisements et de minerai de fer extrait. Les sondages archéologiques réalisés dans la mine de Mas Bourras ont fourni des indices très importants sur les périodes les plus anciennes de l'activité minière. Un tesson d'amphore trouvé en contexte stratigraphique attesterait au moins d'une activité minière du Ier siècle de n. è. En revanche, les analyses radiocarbones réalisées sur le charbon de bois prélevé dans le comblement minier ancien, pourrait faire remonter l'activité minière à une époque encore plus ancienne (Ier âge du Fer), témoignage inédit pour l'extraction du fer dans le sud de la Gaule. La commune de Baillestavy et la région du Canigou disposent d'un fort potentiel archéologique minier et métallurgique, encore largement méconnu. Une poursuite de ce type de recherche en archéologie minière de terrain est nécessaire pour compléter l'enquête en cours sur l'activité minière et métallurgique ancienne de cette région.This study tries making an approach to the iron metallurgy in the Eastern Pyrenees during pre-Roman and Roman times in the district of Baillestavy (France). The evidence has been obtained from the works in four mining sites: Mas Morer, Peña Blanca, La Coume et Mas Bourras. The data coming from sites like Mas Bourras have allowed tracing the mining activity to the 1st century AD, with evidence that could take it back to the First Iron Age
Fiber Reinfoced Polymer Used for Flooding Protection of Engineering Structures Made of RC and Brick Masonry
Urban and rural floods are becoming nowadays a frequent problem to be dealt with, by both the population and the authorities. Floods and flood related natural disasters act against the civil, industrial and agricultural structures by the hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures of water. A set of protective solutions based on Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composite materials, for structural elements of buildings subjected to flood loadings, is proposed and analysed. These solutions are achieved by using the hand lay-up forming technique utilizing glass, carbon or aramid fibers fabrics pre-impregnated with thermosetting epoxy, polyester or vynilester resins. The application of these FRP composites is carried out on reinforced concrete columns and beams as well as on brick masonry works aiming to increase in the overall load bearing capacity, especially against horizontal loads. An improved protection against excessive humidity is also envisaged. The Finite Elements Method based LUSAS software was used to simulate a partially flooded structure. The numerical modeling was carried out in both the un-strengthened and strengthened conditions of the structure in order to assess the increasing in load and deformation capacities of the structural elements. Volumetric finite elements were used for modeling the concrete and masonry members
Effect of Intercropping System on the Quality and Quantity of Runner Bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.)
Field experiments were conducted two consecutive years, in order to investigate runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) cultivated in pure crop system and in intercropping system. To achieve the desired aim, we set the following objectives: study of runner bean plant phenology, study of assimilating pigments content in the runner bean leaves, agro productivity study of runner bean crop, yield of runner bean crop, study of chemical composition of runner bean dry seeds. The studied experimental factor was the trellis system with six variants: (V1) - trellis, with double rows, on individual string, (V2) - trellis, with a single row, on individual string, (V3) - trellis, in a single row, on synthetic net (17 cm mesh), (V4) - intercropping with common maize plants, (V5) - intercropping with sunflower plants, (V6) - intercropping with Jerusalem artichoke plants. Runner bean yield ranged from 3,610 kg ha-1 (V2) to 1,684 kg ha-1 (V6) (first year) and from 3,170 kg ha-1 (V2) to 1,189 kg ha-1 (V6) (second year). Runner bean dry seeds contain: crude protein 22.65% (V6) - 25.47% (V3), crude fat 1.91% (V6) - 2.16% (V4), crude fibre 5.41% (V4) - 5.81% (V5) and nitrogen free extractive substances 62.11% (V3) - 64.92% (V4). The best variant of trellis for runner bean crop was the single row trellis system on individual string and the best intercropping system was intercropping with sunflower
Acetylations role in tau structure, electrostatics and interactions: molecular dynamics studies
Tau is a microtubule associated protein which stabilizes and promotes the assembly of microtubules in neurons.1 In its functional form it presents minor modifications, such as phosphorylation, but a large variety of post-translational modifications are also possible.2
Tau post-translational modifications are directly related with tau mal-functioning, aggregation and subsequent tauopathies. Investigation on tau hyperphosphorylation has dominated in the past years, since its known role in Alzheimers disease onset and progression. However, acetylation has gained attention, as this process is also responsible for tau pathological aggregation.3-4
Acetylation is a modification that occurs in lysine amino acids, adding an acyl group to the side chain NH moiety.5 This process changes the charge of this residue, making it neutral and consequently modifying the electrostatics of the whole protein. The presence of charged groups and electrostatic interactions are the major contributors for a final protein fold. The absence of these charges, via acetylation, will contribute to significant changes in taus structure and interactions.
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations take advantage of precise simulation algorithms and present themselves as a robust way to understand biomolecules behavior, conformational preferences and interactions, even for intrinsically disordered proteins such as tau. Through this technique we are following the acetylation impact on the tau structure and its way of binding to the microtubule. In addition, it is intended to unveil the relationship between acetylation and aggregation, which results in tau associated diseases.
In the past year, Castro and co-workers shed light on tau properties by predicting its 3D structure and disclosing the interaction pattern with microtubules and the ions from the intracellular fluid1. The present work took this input information to generate acetylated analogs and follow the impact of this modification on taus dynamic behavior.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Preliminary Studies Regarding the Selection of Species and Types of Pot and Container for Vegetable Growing
The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to evaluate the possibility of growing vegetable plants in pots and containers by optimizing the choice of species and cultivars and the type of pot or container based on the information available in the literature and on the basis of our own experience. Taking into account the purpose and objectives of this paper, the study is structured to respond to each bjective considered. Information on crops in pot and containers shows that if the climatic conditions necessary for growth and development areoptimal, basically any vegetable species can be grown in this system (Purnell, 2007). Concerning the pots in which vegetable plants can be grown, they are diverse and may be chosen specifically for this type of culture or can be assigned to provide the space necessary for plant growth for different species
Ruled CR-submanifolds of locally conformal K\"{a}hler manifolds
The purpose of this paper is to study the canonical totally real foliations
of CR-submanifolds in a locally conformal K\"{a}hler manifold.Comment: 10 pages, Journal of Geometry and Physics (to appear
Magnetopause properties at the dusk magnetospheric flank from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations, the kinetic Vlasov equilibrium, and in situ observations − Potential implications for SMILE
We derived the properties of the terrestrial magnetopause (MP) from two modeling approaches, one global–fluid, the other local–kinetic, and compared the results with data collected in situ by the Magnetospheric Multiscale 2 (MMS2) spacecraft. We used global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of the Earth’s magnetosphere (publicly available from the NASA-CCMC [National Aeronautics and Space Administration–Community Coordinated Modeling Center]) and local Vlasov equilibrium models (based on kinetic models for tangential discontinuities) to extract spatial profiles of the plasma and field variables at the Earth’s MP. The global MHD simulations used initial solar wind conditions extracted from the OMNI database at the time epoch when the MMS2 observes the MP. The kinetic Vlasov model used asymptotic boundary conditions derived from the same in situ MMS measurements upstream or downstream of the MP. The global MHD simulations provide a three-dimensional image of the magnetosphere at the time when the MMS2 crosses the MP. The Vlasov model provides a one-dimensional local view of the MP derived from first principles of kinetic theory. The MMS2 experimental data also serve as a reference for comparing and validating the numerical simulations and modeling. We found that the MP transition layer formed in global MHD simulations was generally localized closer to the Earth (roughly by one Earth radius) from the position of the real MP observed by the MMS. We also found that the global MHD simulations overestimated the thickness of the MP transition by one order of magnitude for three analyzed variables: magnetic field, density, and tangential speed. The MP thickness derived from the local Vlasov equilibrium was consistent with observations for all three of these variables. The overestimation of density in the Vlasov equilibrium was reduced compared with the global MHD solutions. We discuss our results in the context of future SMILE (Solar wind Magnetosphere Ionosphere Link Explorer) campaigns for observing the Earth’s MP
Application of Modern Polymeric Composite Materials in Industrial Construction
The large variety of modern composite materials and products existing nowadays in the construction market provides multiple and convenient possibilities to use them in both structural and nonstructural industrial construction elements. The main advantages of modern composite materials such as: corrosion resistance, high strength and modulus values compared to their density, acceptable deformability, tailored design and excellent formability enable the fabrication of new elements and the structural rehabilitation of the existing parts made of traditional materials. The high potential of the applicability of polymeric composites in new industrial construction correlated with fabrication procedures as well as the use of composites in modern strengthening solutions are presented in the paper
Electrostatics of tau protein by molecular dynamics
Tau is a microtubule-associated protein that promotes microtubule assembly and stability. This protein is implicated in several neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s. To date, the three-dimensional (3D) structure of tau has not been fully solved, experimentally. Even the most recent information is sometimes controversial in regard to how this protein folds, interacts, and behaves. Predicting the tau structure and its profile sheds light on the knowledge about its properties and biological function, such as the binding to microtubules (MT) and, for instance, the effect on ionic conductivity. Our findings on the tau structure suggest a disordered protein, with discrete portions of well-defined secondary structure, mostly at the microtubule binding region. In addition, the first molecular dynamics simulation of full-length tau along with an MT section was performed, unveiling tau structure when associated with MT and interaction sites. Electrostatics and conductivity were also examined to understand how tau affects the ions in the intracellular fluid environment. Our results bring a new insight into tau and tubulin MT proteins, their characteristics, and the structure–function relationship.European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Competitiveness Operational Program (BioCell-NanoART = Novel Bio-inspired Cellular Nano-architectures, POC-A1.1.4-E-2015 nr. 30/01.09.2016). Artur Cavaco-Paulo thanks the support received from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the strategic funding of UID/BIO/04469/2019 unit and BioTecNorte Operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020—Programa Operacional Regional do Norte; Project “Search-ON2: Revitalization of HPC infrastructure of UMinho” (NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086), co-founded by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 –O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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