7,057 research outputs found

    Disagreement between correlations of quantum mechanics and stochastic electrodynamics in the damped parametric oscillator

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    Intracavity and external third order correlations in the damped nondegenerate parametric oscillator are calculated for quantum mechanics and stochastic electrodynamics (SED), a semiclassical theory. The two theories yield greatly different results, with the correlations of quantum mechanics being cubic in the system's nonlinear coupling constant and those of SED being linear in the same constant. In particular, differences between the two theories are present in at least a mesoscopic regime. They also exist when realistic damping is included. Such differences illustrate distinctions between quantum mechanics and a hidden variable theory for continuous variables.Comment: accepted by PR

    Modeling link adaptation algorithm for IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN networks

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    Signatures of the collapse and revival of a spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat state in a continuously monitored field mode

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    We study the effects of continuous measurement of the field mode during the collapse and revival of spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat states in the Tavis-Cummings model of N qubits (two-level quantum systems) coupled to a field mode. We show that a compromise between relatively weak and relatively strong continuous measurement will not completely destroy the collapse and revival dynamics while still providing enough signal-to-noise resolution to identify the signatures of the process in the measurement record. This type of measurement would in principle allow the verification of the occurrence of the collapse and revival of a spin Schr\"{o}dinger cat state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum Teleportation of Optical Quantum Gates

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    We show that a universal set of gates for quantum computation with optics can be quantum teleported through the use of EPR entangled states, homodyne detection, and linear optics and squeezing operations conditioned on measurement outcomes. This scheme may be used for fault-tolerant quantum computation in any optical scheme (qubit or continuous variable). The teleportation of nondeterministic nonlinear gates employed in linear optics quantum computation is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    System Design for a Long-Line Quantum Repeater

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    We present a new control algorithm and system design for a network of quantum repeaters, and outline the end-to-end protocol architecture. Such a network will create long-distance quantum states, supporting quantum key distribution as well as distributed quantum computation. Quantum repeaters improve the reduction of quantum-communication throughput with distance from exponential to polynomial. Because a quantum state cannot be copied, a quantum repeater is not a signal amplifier, but rather executes algorithms for quantum teleportation in conjunction with a specialized type of quantum error correction called purification to raise the fidelity of the quantum states. We introduce our banded purification scheme, which is especially effective when the fidelity of coupled qubits is low, improving the prospects for experimental realization of such systems. The resulting throughput is calculated via detailed simulations of a long line composed of shorter hops. Our algorithmic improvements increase throughput by a factor of up to fifty compared to earlier approaches, for a broad range of physical characteristics.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figures. v2 includes one new graph, modest corrections to some others, and significantly improved presentation. to appear in IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networkin

    Management of services differentiation and guarantee in IEEE 802.11e wireless LANs

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    Efficient optical quantum information processing

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    Quantum information offers the promise of being able to perform certain communication and computation tasks that cannot be done with conventional information technology (IT). Optical Quantum Information Processing (QIP) holds particular appeal, since it offers the prospect of communicating and computing with the same type of qubit. Linear optical techniques have been shown to be scalable, but the corresponding quantum computing circuits need many auxiliary resources. Here we present an alternative approach to optical QIP, based on the use of weak cross-Kerr nonlinearities and homodyne measurements. We show how this approach provides the fundamental building blocks for highly efficient non-absorbing single photon number resolving detectors, two qubit parity detectors, Bell state measurements and finally near deterministic control-not (CNOT) gates. These are essential QIP devicesComment: Accepted to the Journal of optics B special issue on optical quantum computation; References update

    Giant optical Faraday rotation induced by a single electron spin in a quantum dot: Applications to entangling remote spins via a single photon

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    We propose a quantum non-demolition method - giant Faraday rotation - to detect a single electron spin in a quantum dot inside a microcavity where negatively-charged exciton strongly couples to the cavity mode. Left- and right-circularly polarized light reflected from the cavity feels different phase shifts due to cavity quantum electrodynamics and the optical spin selection rule. This yields giant and tunable Faraday rotation which can be easily detected experimentally. Based on this spin-detection technique, a scalable scheme to create an arbitrary amount of entanglement between two or more remote spins via a single photon is proposed.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Hybrid quantum repeater based on dispersive CQED interactions between matter qubits and bright coherent light

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    We describe a system for long-distance distribution of quantum entanglement, in which coherent light with large average photon number interacts dispersively with single, far-detuned atoms or semiconductor impurities in optical cavities. Entanglement is heralded by homodyne detection using a second bright light pulse for phase reference. The use of bright pulses leads to a high success probability for the generation of entanglement, at the cost of a lower initial fidelity. This fidelity may be boosted by entanglement purification techniques, implemented with the same physical resources. The need for more purification steps is well compensated for by the increased probability of success when compared to heralded entanglement schemes using single photons or weak coherent pulses with realistic detectors. The principle cause of the lower initial fidelity is fiber loss; however, spontaneous decay and cavity losses during the dispersive atom/cavity interactions can also impair performance. We show that these effects may be minimized for emitter-cavity systems in the weak-coupling regime as long as the resonant Purcell factor is larger than one, the cavity is over-coupled, and the optical pulses are sufficiently long. We support this claim with numerical, semiclassical calculations using parameters for three realistic systems: optically bright donor-bound impurities such as 19-F:ZnSe with a moderate-Q microcavity, the optically dim 31-P:Si system with a high-Q microcavity, and trapped ions in large but very high-Q cavities.Comment: Please consult the published version, where assorted typos are corrected. It is freely available at http://stacks.iop.org/1367-2630/8/18
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