278 research outputs found

    Read Like you are Talking to a Friend: The Effects of Using a Systematic Approach, Including Teacher Modeling, Repeated Reading, and Corrective Feedback on the Reading Fluency and Prosody of Students in a 6-9-year-old Public Montessori Classroom

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    The purpose of this study was to determine effective ways to improve fluency among lower elementary Montessori students. The study was comprised of 33 students ages 6-9 who attend public Montessori classrooms in North America. The field of research on reading fluency and comprehension was surveyed as a background to support this action research study, which utilized an experimental design, collecting quantitative data through student-generated artifacts. The researchers implemented a reading block into their Montessori classrooms. The large and small group lessons focused on modeled readings from the teacher, repeated readings, and corrective feedback. Data was collected at the beginning and end of the study. Data included words read correctly after three reads, comprehension and fluency scores, and two student selfevaluations rating their knowledge and feelings about reading. Students made progress in all areas measured, including fluency, comprehension, and feelings about reading. This research highlights the benefit of a designated daily reading block and explicit reading instruction, incorporating teacher modeling, repeated reading, and corrective feedback


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    INTRODUCTION: Cutting (evasive running) movements are integral to performance in many field- and court-based sports but have been associated with lower limb injuries. This injury risk is attributed to a combination of lower limb geometry and high forces acting together to stress anatomical structures, particularly at the ankle and knee joint. Alternative positioning of the stance foot and adjusted orientation of the lower limbs through changes to the cutting technique may reduce loading (e.g. Besier et al., 2001) but technique interventions for cutting have not been explicitly investigated in-depth. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare the biomechanical characteristics of unplanned side-step (single foot contact) and split-step (double foot contact) cutting techniques, particularly relating to lower limb loading and ground reaction impulses generated during the primary cutting step. It was expected that the split-step would reduce joint loading and maintain performance requirements


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    Side-step movements are typically performed by athletes involved in sports that require the player to evade their opponents. However, the combination of internal rotation, valgus and flexion at the knee during side-stepping places high demands on the ACL such that these movements have been associated with a high incidence of ACL injury (Ebstrup & Bojsen-Moller, 2000). An alternative technique to the side-step is the split-step. Traditionally used in court sports, the split-step is characterised by a more symmetrical approach to the cut movement relative to the side-step and, due to the more even distribution of the ground reaction forces across two lower limbs, may provide greater protection to the ACL. However, as there has been no systematic comparison of the side-step versus the split-step technique, this study aimed to characterise differences in lower limb biomechanics during unplanned side-step and split-step movements, with implications for ACL injury prevention

    Fat flat frail feet: how does obesity affect the older foot

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    The prevalence of obesity is rising throughout the world at an alarming rate, and the elderly are no exception with 15% of men and 28% of women aged over 60 years considered to be obese [1]. Overweight and obesity have been shown to negatively affect foot structure and function in both children [2] and adults [3]. These structural changes appear to be associated with increased foot discomfort whereby overweight children have been found to report foot pain significantly more often than their leaner counterparts [4]. As feet are our base of support during most weight-bearing activities, it is postulated that increased foot pain could act as a deterrent for obese individuals to participate in physical activity and, in turn, perpetuate the cycle of obesity. For this reason compromised foot structure and foot pain associated with obesity is deemed a major health issue for children. However, whether these negative effects associated with childhood obesity persist in the elderly foot has not been comprehensively investigated. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of obesity on foot structure and function, and the foot pain experienced by older adults

    Why do girls sustain more anterior cruciate ligament injuries than boys? A review of the changes in oestrogen and musculoskeletal structure and function during puberty

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    Sport is the leading cause of injury among adolescents and girls incur more non-contact anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures than boys, with this gender disparity in injury incidence apparent from the onset of puberty. Although the mechanisms for this gender disparity in ACL injuries are relatively unknown, hormonal, anatomical and biomechanical factors have been implicated. Puberty is associated with rapid skeletal growth and hormonal influx, both of which are thought to contribute to alterations in ACL metabolic and mechanical properties, as well as changes in lower limb strength and flexibility, ultimately influencing landing technique. Therefore, the aim of this review is to explain (i) the effects of changes in estrogen levels on the metabolic and mechanical properties of the ACL; (ii) changes in musculoskeletal structure and function that occur during puberty, including changes in knee laxity, and lower limb flexibility and strength; and (iii) how these hormonal and musculoskeletal changes impact upon the landing technique displayed by pubescent girls. Despite evidence confirming estrogen receptors on the ACL, there are still conflicting results as to how estrogen affects the mechanical properties of the ACL, particularly during puberty. However, during this time of rapid growth and hormonal influx, unlike their male counterparts, girls do not display an accelerated muscle strength spurt and the development of their hamstring muscle strength appears to lag behind that of their quadriceps. Throughout puberty, girls also display an increase in knee valgus when landing, which is not evident in boys. Therefore, it is plausible that this lack of a defined strength spurt, particularly of the hamstring muscles, combined with the hormonal effects of estrogen in girls, may contribute to a more \u27risky\u27 lower limb alignment during landing, in turn, contributing to a greater risk of ACL injury. There is, however, a paucity of longitudinal studies specifically examining the lower limb musculoskeletal structural and functional changes experienced by girls throughout puberty, as well as how these changes are related to estrogen fluctuations characteristic of puberty and their effects on landing biomechanics. Therefore, further research is recommended to provide greater insight as to why pubescent girls are at an increased risk of non-contact ACL injuries during sport compared with boys. Such information will allow the development of evidence-based training programmes aimed at teaching girls to land more safely and with greater control of their lower limbs in an attempt to reduce the incidence of ACL ruptures during puberty


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    Therefore, the purpose of this study was to establish whether there were any significant differences in the patellar tendon forces generated by athletes during the landing phases of a stop-jump (SJ) movement before and after fatigue induced by repetitive SSC exercises. Eighteen soccer and basketball players performed a SJ movement before and after a fatigue protocol. During each SJ trial, three-dimensional kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic data for each subject’s lower limbs were recorded. When fatigued, athletes significantly (p < 0.05) reduced their patellar tendon forces during the SJ movement by reducing knee and hip flexion. Whether “stiff limb” landings reduces the risk of developing patellar tendinopathy by decreasing patellar tendon loading during jumping requires further investigation

    Experiences of support garments following bowel stoma formation:analysis of free-text responses in a cross-sectional survey

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    Aim To explore the experiences of support garments when adjusting to bodily change following bowel stoma formation. Design Thematic analyses of free-text responses in a cross-sectional survey of the stoma population in 2018. Methods Free-text responses were invited so that respondents could describe their experiences in more detail. A process of induction was chosen to allow for themes to emerge directly from the data. The concept a €a embodiment' was used as a theoretical framework during interpretation. Results 1425 people with a bowel stoma responded to the survey, of whom 598 provided free-text responses. Four themes about experiences of support garments in the context of changed bodily experiences following stoma formation were identified: body complications, which is about experiences of using support garments to prevent or self-manage parastomal hernia; body appearance, which is about hiding the stoma and stoma appliance; body function, which is about managing stoma appliance complications; and body sensation, which is mainly about negative experiences of ill-fitting garments. Conclusion Support garments can be understood as items that are used by people during an ongoing process of adjusting to bodily changes following stoma formation and as part of an ongoing process of reconstructing new embodied selves. Impact This is the first study to explore people's experiences of support garments following bowel stoma formation. Support garments are used in the self-management of body complications, appearance, function and sensations. Stoma nurses may draw on the findings of this study to advise patients about the benefits of garments for adjusting to bodily change, and garment suppliers should address people's negative experiences by improving garments.</p

    Are toe weakness and deformity associated with falls in older people

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    Hallux valgus and lesser toe deformities are highly prevalent foot problems in older adults, affecting up to 74% of this population. One suggested cause of these toe deformities is inadequate strength of the intrinsic flexor muscles of the toes [1]. Adequate toe flexor strength is essential to control body weight shifts, propel the body during gait and assist in shock absorption during repeated impacts. Furthermore, a previous study using a qualitative measure of toe flexor strength reported associations between poor toe flexor strength and poor performance in balance and functional tests in elderly people [2]. Of further concern, in a sample of retirement home dwellers, fallers were more likely to have severe hallux valgus and fail a clinical test of toe-flexor strength more often than non-fallers [3]. However, this association has not been investigated in community-dwelling older people or assessed using a quantitative method of toe flexor strength. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether toe flexor strength or the presence of hallux valgus or lesser toe deformities were associated with the risk of falling in older community dwelling adults

    A physical activity intervention to improve the quality of life of patients with a stoma:a feasibility study protocol

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) is positively associated with quality of life. People with a stoma are less likely to engage in PA than those without a stoma. Methods: In this feasibility intervention study, we will perform the following: (1) Develop a PA intervention for people with a stoma. An Expert Working Group of behavioural scientists, exercise scientists, clinicians and a Patient Advisory Group of people with a bowel stoma will meet with the research team to inform the development of a PA intervention for people with a stoma. A manual of the intervention will be the main output. (2) Explore PA instructors' experiences of delivering the PA intervention. PA instructors will record on paper the number of PA consultations with each patient and a researcher will interview the PA instructors about their experiences of delivering the intervention. (3) Assess the level of patient (bowel cancer or inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients with a stoma between 6 weeks and 24 months postsurgery) engagement with the PA intervention and their views on intervention acceptability and usefulness. Patients will keep a PA diary to record daily pedometer recorded step count and type and duration of activities. A researcher will interview patients about their experiences of the PA intervention. (4) Assess screening, eligibility, consent, data completion, loss to follow up, and missing data rates, representativeness of participants and potential treatment effects. A researcher will record on paper all study procedure parameters. Quality of life (stoma-quality of life; Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy, Short IBD questionnaire), fatigue (FACIT fatigue scale) and PA (accelerometer) will be measured pre- and post-intervention in patients. For IBD patients only, blood will be taken to measure systemic inflammation. Discussion: We hypothesise that a PA intervention will be an effective means of improving the quality of life of people with a stoma. Before embarking on a full randomised controlled trial to test this hypothesis, a PA intervention needs to be developed and a feasibility study of the proposed PA intervention conducted.</p