128 research outputs found
Coral Bleaching and the Effect of Disturbances on the Damselfish Community on Lizard Island, Australia
Coral reefs are characterized by their dynamic ecological processes that supports a high diversity through the recruitment of marine species and temporal disturbances that can have positive effects on the system. In the face of global climate change however, coral reefs face intense coral bleaching and increased degradation as they may begin to have less time to recover between bleaching events in the near future. Little is known on the long term effects of coral bleaching and habitat degradation on reef fish communities and much less is known about the mechanisms that bring about changes to reef fish assemblages.
This study used adult and juvenile populations as before and after snapshots, respectively, to study the effects of coral bleaching on a Damselfish community one year after a major bleaching event. This project aimed to use juvenile community dynamics to detect a phase shift in the Damselfish community assuming the underlying mechanism for a reef fish phase shift is habitat-limited recruitment and to predict the impact of disturbance on this biological community.
The current Damselfish community on Casuarina Reef, one year after a major bleaching event, is an ideal reef fish community for such a degraded habitat characterized by diet and habitat generalists that are able to take advantage of the phase shift following the bleaching event. The Damselfish community may have therefore already gone through a phase-shift in response to the degraded state of the reef. Based on the data between juvenile and adult Damselfish populations, and if juveniles are to be used as a representative of the next Damselfish community, the community does not seem to be changing one year after the bleaching event.
The lack of changes between the adult and juvenile damselfish communities and abundance may lead me to conclude that, currently, any changes happening in the damselfish community is not occurring through habitat-limiting recruitment of juveniles. This highlights the need to better understand the long term effects of coral bleaching and its mechanisms on reef fish communities and understanding the future of coral reef systems in the face of global climate change
Adjacency and Connectivity Matrices to Airline Connections Among Airports
We study how powers of adjacency and connectivity matrices can be used to investigate airline connections among airports. For this study, only matrices with all diagonal elements of “0” are considered (i.e., an airport is not connected to itself) and each matrix must contain at least one entry of “1” in each row and column (i.e., each airport contains at least one inbound and one outbound route). Sets of 3, 4, and 5 airports are discussed in this study, comparing cases with up to 3, 4, and 5 round routes, respectively, in an effort to find the amount of paths from one airport to a different airport with the minimum number of connecting routes, which may minimize the cost of construction of the airline connection network
Engineer and Test a Biodegradable Microneedle Patch to Deliver Meloxicam for Managing Pain in Cattle
Microneedle patches are a promising source for transdermal diffusion of macromolecules and are designed to painlessly penetrate the skin. In this study, a biodegradable chitosan microneedle patch to deliver meloxicam for managing pain in cattle was tested. The potential of reuse of the polymeric solution to fabricate the patches, optimization of fabrication, morphological analysis of the microneedle patch and analysis of preservation of the chemical composition after sterilization were evaluated. In-vitro analysis consisted of studying in-vitro penetration mechanical properties, compression testing analysis of microneedle patch, and in-vitro drug release analysis. In-vivo studies were performed to analyze the dissolution capability of the microneedle patch. Results regarding the physical characteristics, chemical composition, and mechanical properties confirmed that rheological properties of the chitosan solution, present significant differences over time, demonstrating that reusing the solution on the fourth day results in failure patches. Morphological characteristics and chemical composition studies revealed that the process of sterilization (ethylene oxide gas) needed for implanting the patches into the skin did not affect the properties of microneedle patches. In-vitro studies showed that approximately 33.02 ± 3.88% of the meloxicam was released over 7 days. A full penetration of the microneedles into the skin can be obtained by applying approximately 3.2 N. In-vivo studies demonstrated that microneedle patches were capable of swelling and dissolving, exhibiting a dissolution percentage of more than 50% of the original height of microneedle after 7 days. No abnormal tissue, swelling, or inflammation was observed in the implanted area. The results of this work show that chitosan biodegradable microneedle patches may be useful to deliver meloxicam to improve pain management of cattle with positive effects for commercial manufacturing
Engineer and Test a Biodegradable Microneedle Patch to Deliver Meloxicam for Managing Pain in Cattle
Microneedle patches are a promising source for transdermal diffusion of macromolecules and are designed to painlessly penetrate the skin. In this study, a biodegradable chitosan microneedle patch to deliver meloxicam for managing pain in cattle was tested. The potential of reuse of the polymeric solution to fabricate the patches, optimization of fabrication, morphological analysis of the microneedle patch and analysis of preservation of the chemical composition after sterilization were evaluated. In-vitro analysis consisted of studying in-vitro penetration mechanical properties, compression testing analysis of microneedle patch, and in-vitro drug release analysis. In-vivo studies were performed to analyze the dissolution capability of the microneedle patch. Results regarding the physical characteristics, chemical composition, and mechanical properties confirmed that rheological properties of the chitosan solution, present significant differences over time, demonstrating that reusing the solution on the fourth day results in failure patches. Morphological characteristics and chemical composition studies revealed that the process of sterilization (ethylene oxide gas) needed for implanting the patches into the skin did not affect the properties of microneedle patches. In-vitro studies showed that approximately 33.02 ± 3.88% of the meloxicam was released over 7 days. A full penetration of the microneedles into the skin can be obtained by applying approximately 3.2 N. In-vivo studies demonstrated that microneedle patches were capable of swelling and dissolving, exhibiting a dissolution percentage of more than 50% of the original height of microneedle after 7 days. No abnormal tissue, swelling, or inflammation was observed in the implanted area. The results of this work show that chitosan biodegradable microneedle patches may be useful to deliver meloxicam to improve pain management of cattle with positive effects for commercial manufacturing
Introduccion y germinacion in vitro de semillas de Vasconcellea pubescens a partir de diferentes procedencias
44 p.La papaya andina Vasconcellea pubescens, perteneciente a la familia Caricaceae, es
una especie frutícola que constituye un potencial alimenticio y económico interesante, debido
al contenido de vitaminas, proteínas y elementos indispensables para el organismo. En Chile
se encuentra en pequeñas áreas o microclimas en el norte chico (30 y 33° latitud Sur) y lugares cercanos a la costa en la zona central (entre los 35 a 38° Latitud Sur), donde los productores utilizan material de plantación de procedencia no conocida, lo que podría afectar la calidad genética y fitosanitaria del material. La micropropagación in vitro es una herramienta biotecnológica que permite mejorar la calidad de las plantaciones con la producción de un material genético homogéneo y libre de organismos patógenos. En este trabajo se establecieron protocolos de introducción y germinación de semillas in vitro de V.pubescens a partir de la evaluación de diferentes desinfectantes y la composición nutritiva del medio de cultivo. Además se evalúo la influencia de las procedencias de las semillas.
El mejor tratamiento de desinfección se obtuvo al lavar las semillas con H2SO4 e introducirlas sobre medio MS (Murashine Y Skoog), logrando un 60% de desinfección, aunque sus efectos son muy tóxicos logrando en algunos casos la muerte del embrión. Al lavar las semillas con NaClO y H2O2 e introducirlas en distintos medios y con diferentes concentraciones de GA3, no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la tasa de desinfección. Se observó una alta influencia de la procedencia de las semillas sobre la eficiencia de desinfección y la germinación in vitro. Al evaluar distintas procedencias sobre medio MS, se obtuvo como resultado que las semillas provenientes de Curanipe presentaron una tasa de desinfección de 96%. La mayor tasa de germinación la obtuvieron las semillas provenientes de El Sauce, con 0,5% el primer mes y 12% al tercer mes. En el medio de cultivo compuesto por MS más GA3 la mejor tasa de germinación se produjo en semillas procedentes de La Serena con 39% el primer mes. Finalmente, al evaluar la germinación de semillas provenientes de Chovellén se obtuvo como resultado que con los tratamientos 0 o 1 mgL-1 de GA3 en el medio MS se obtiene la mayor respuesta germinativa de 30% y 33%aproximadamente el primer mes.
Las plantas obtenidas presentaban un buen desarrollo fisiológico. Este procedimiento
de introducción y germinación permitirá el desarrollo de protocolos de micropropagación de
esta especie
Eficiencia tecnica del sector bancario chileno, periodo 1978-1999
88 p.El trabajo que se presenta a continuación muestra el grado de eficiencia de los bancos que han operado en el sector bancario chileno dentro del periodo 1978-1999, para lo cual se realizó una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica la que permitió definir el marco conceptual y la metodología a aplicar. Entre las diferentes técnicas de estimación se Eligio las "fronteras de producción estocásticas". Una vez escogido el método, se procedió a construir una base de datos con información financiera relevante para el estudio del sector bancario, la cual fue proporcionada por la Superintendencia de Bancos e Instituciones Financieras de Chile, las variables contenidas en esta base son: Colocaciones reales, Activo Fijo Físico real, Índice de Remuneración real, Captaciones reales y numero de empleados de cada institución. A partir de esto, se construyeron dos modelos de fronteras de producción; el primero de ellos incorporo colocaciones reales como variable dependiente la cual es explicada por las demás variables excepto captaciones reales, ya que estas ultimas fueron la base del modelamiento de la segunda frontera de producción a ser explicada por las mismas variables. El siguiente paso consistió en la estimación de ambas fronteras de producción estocásticas, lo cual nos permitió cumplir con nuestros dos primeros objetivos específicos y determinar la eficiencia a nivel de entidades bancarias, donde se construyeron ranking de aquellas instituciones que obtuvieron los mayores y menores índices de eficiencia, para cada uno de los modelos en cuestión. Adicionalmente entre los análisis efectuados se determine los rendimientos a escala y las elasticidades de cada uno de las variables explicativas consideradas en los modelos. Como resultado se obtuvo que existían retornos a escala crecientes, lo que nos indica que al aumentar el use de los factores en una proporción dada se aumenta el producto total en una proporción mayor
Identidad visual medio de reconocimiento organizacional
En la presente Investigación se estudia la Cultura Organizacional del “Programa para Personas con Discapacidad” del Municipio de Sibaté, con el objetivo de corregir los déficits presentes en dicha organización; los cuales fueron determinados en primera instancia a través de 50 encuestas a la Población Sibateña. Así, se verifica de forma cuantitativa que las nociones hechas con anterioridad a dichas herramientas, muestran la presencia de una Problemática Social al No existir un Reconocimiento Total por parte de la Población hacia dicha identidad. Por ello, a través de herramientas evaluativas se determina la ausencia de estrategias en factores conformados por la Cultura Organizacional, como lo es la Identidad Visual y la imagen; la primera permite de una forma persuasiva la identificación o reconocimiento de una Organización dentro del medio público y comercial y el segundo, evalúa la Organización a través de la Percepción final del Público Interno y Externo. Llegado a este punto, se analiza y muestra la Identidad Visual Corporativa como un medio gráfico que solventan los déficits presentados; tomando como elementos esenciales para la identificación y la Información el Isotipo y la Página Web
Does the position held by an individual in a company fit into his/her personality? The answer to this question is yes. This is because there is significant relationship between the characteristics possessed by a worker which includes his character, personality and way of life, with the current position he/she is holding in an organization. The evolution of man is in accordance with technological advancement, new cultures, social and economic developments, among other phenomena. In other words, the success in the position given to a person will depend largely on his/her personality from a mental and physical point of view. This aim of this paper is to analyze the part of clinical psychology which is associated with human talent through a series of characteristics and personality traits. Personality traits and characteristics are crucial for the proper performance of a worker in a specific job
Cosmopolitan geographic distribution of Phaeosaccion multiseriatum (Phaeosacciaceae, Phaeosacciophyceae), and description of P. westermeieri sp. nov. from Chile
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.F.P.; methodology, A.F.P.; software, A.F.P., N.J. and L.A.M.; validation, A.F.P.; formal analysis, L.A.M., A.F.P.; investigation, A.F.P., G.Y.C., A.R. and N.J.; resources, A.F.P, G.Y.C. and F.C.K.; data curation, A.F.P.; writing—original draft preparation, A.F.P.; writing—review and editing, A.F.P., M.D.G and all co-authors; visualization, A.F.P.; supervision, A.F.P.; project administration, A.F.P.; funding acquisition, A.F.P, G.Y.C. and F.C.K. The authors have accepted responsibility for the entire content of this manuscript and approved its submission. Persons: We appreciated assistance in the field by A. Montecinos, M.-L. Guillemin, S. Faugeron, E. Kytinou, Steve Cartwright and K.J. Yoon, and in the laboratory by H. Weitz.Peer reviewe
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