13 research outputs found


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    内分泌症状がなく,初診時すでに巨大でありながら,画像診断が困難であった悪性褐色細胞腫2例を経験した.症例は2例とも中年で,既往歴に高血圧はなかった.Computed Tomography(C.T.)にて1例は右副腎,もう1例は左副腎に一致して低濃度の腫瘤を認め,肝への転移による低濃度域を認めた.血管造影で2例ともあまりhypervascularではなかった.剖検にて2例とも悪性褐色細胞腫とその転移と診断された.副腎原発悪性腫瘍について,画像診断を中心に文献的考察を加えて報告する.Two patients with non-functioning malignant pheochromocytoma, which were revealed by autopsy, were studied with imaging examinations. Both patients were middle aged and without any history of hypertension. Low density tumors were demonstrated by computed tomography (C.T.), the tumor was found on the left side in one case and on the right side in the other. Neither case showed sure hypervascularity by angiography. Radiological imaging of primary adrenal malignant tumors was reported