23 research outputs found

    Re-Structuring Method for the Negative Sign Problem in Quantum Spin Systems

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    We present detailed discussions on a new approach we proposed in a previous paper to numerically study quantum spin systems. This method, which we will call re-structuring method hereafter, is based on rearrangement of intermediate states in the path integral formulation. We observed our approach brings remarkable improvement in the negative sign problem when applied to one-dimensional quantum spin 1/21/2 system with next-to-nearest neighbor interactions. In this paper we add some descriptions on our method and show results from analyses by the exact diagonalization and by the transfer matrix method of the system on a small chain. These results also indicate that our method works quite effectively.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX, figures on request, YAMANASHI-94-0

    An Equilibrium for Frustrated Quantum Spin Systems in the Stochastic State Selection Method

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    We develop a new method to calculate eigenvalues in frustrated quantum spin models. It is based on the stochastic state selection (SSS) method, which is an unconventional Monte Carlo technique we have investigated in recent years. We observe that a kind of equilibrium is realized under some conditions when we repeatedly operate a Hamiltonian and a random choice operator, which is defined by stochastic variables in the SSS method, to a trial state. In this equilibrium, which we call the SSS equilibrium, we can evaluate the lowest eigenvalue of the Hamiltonian using the statistical average of the normalization factor of the generated state. The SSS equilibrium itself has been already observed in un-frustrated models. Our study in this paper shows that we can also see the equilibrium in frustrated models, with some restriction on values of a parameter introduced in the SSS method. As a concrete example, we employ the spin-1/2 frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice. We present numerical results on the 20-, 32-, 36-site systems, which demonstrate that statistical averages of the normalization factors reproduce the known exact eigenvalue in good precision. Finally we apply the method to the 40-site system. Then we obtain the value of the lowest energy eigenvalue with an error less than 0.2%.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figure

    The Stochastic State Selection Method Combined with the Lanczos Approach to Eigenvalues in Quantum Spin Systems

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    We describe a further development of the stochastic state selection method, a new Monte Carlo method we have proposed recently to make numerical calculations in large quantum spin systems. Making recursive use of the stochastic state selection technique in the Lanczos approach, we estimate the ground state energy of the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 48-site triangular lattice. Our result for the upper bound of the ground state energy is -0.1833 +/- 0.0003 per bond. This value, being compatible with values from other work, indicates that our method is efficient in calculating energy eigenvalues of frustrated quantum spin systems on large lattices.Comment: 11 page

    A constrained stochastic state selection method applied to quantum spin systems

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    We describe a further development of the stochastic state selection method, which is a kind of Monte Carlo method we have proposed in order to numerically study large quantum spin systems. In the stochastic state selection method we make a sampling which is simultaneous for many states. This feature enables us to modify the method so that a number of given constraints are satisfied in each sampling. In this paper we discuss this modified stochastic state selection method that will be called the constrained stochastic state selection method in distinction from the previously proposed one (the conventional stochastic state selection method) in this paper. We argue that in virtue of the constrained sampling some quantities obtained in each sampling become more reliable, i.e. their statistical fluctuations are less than those from the conventional stochastic state selection method. In numerical calculations of the spin-1/2 quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 36-site triangular lattice we explicitly show that data errors in our estimation of the ground state energy are reduced. Then we successfully evaluate several low-lying energy eigenvalues of the model on a 48-site lattice. Our results support that this system can be described by the theory based on the spontaneous symmetry breaking in the semiclassical Neel ordered antiferromagnet.Comment: 15 pgaes, 5 figure