5 research outputs found

    Human adenovirus type 26 uses sialic acid - bearing glycans as a primary cell entry receptor

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    Adenoviruses are clinically important agents. They cause respiratory distress, gastroenteritis, and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. As non-enveloped, double-stranded DNA viruses, they are easily manipulated, making them popular vectors for therapeutic applications, including vaccines. Species D adenovirus type 26 (HAdV-D26) is both a cause of EKC and other diseases and a promising vaccine vector. HAdV-D26–derived vaccines are under investigation as protective platforms against HIV, Zika, and respiratory syncytial virus infections and are in phase 3 clinical trials for Ebola. We recently demonstrated that HAdV-D26 does not use CD46 or Desmoglein-2 as entry receptors, while the putative interaction with coxsackie and adenovirus receptor is low affinity and unlikely to represent the primary cell receptor. Here, we establish sialic acid as a primary entry receptor used by HAdV-D26. We demonstrate that removal of cell surface sialic acid inhibits HAdV-D26 infection, and provide a high-resolution crystal structure of HAdV-D26 fiber-knob in complex with sialic acid

    Girls’ and women’s education within Unesco and the World Bank, 1945–2000

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    By 2000, girls’ and women’s education was a priority for international development organisations. While studies have examined the impact of recent campaigns and programmes, there has been less exploration of ideas about girls’ and women’s education within development thought in the immediate post?colonial period, and the political mechanisms through which this came to be a global concern. Through a study of policy documents, this paper investigates how the education of girls and women came to be prioritised within the two principle UN agencies involved with education since 1945, the World Bank and Unesco. A shift in priorities is evident, from ensuring formal rights and improving the status of women, to expanding the productive capacities of women, fertility control and poverty reduction. While the ascendance of human capital theory provided a space for a new perception of the role of women’s education in development, in other policy arenas women’s education was central to exploring more substantive, rights?based notions of gender equality. Ultimately, the goal of improving girls’ and women’s education fitted into diverse development agendas, paving the way for it to become a global development priority

    Broad sialic acid usage amongst species D human adenovirus

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    Human adenoviruses (HAdV) are widespread pathogens causing usually mild infections. The Species D (HAdV-D) cause gastrointestinal tract infections and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC). Despite being significant pathogens, knowledge around HAdV-D mechanism of cell infection is lacking. Sialic acid (SA) usage has been proposed as a cell infection mechanism for EKC causing HAdV-D. Here we highlight an important role for SA engagement by many HAdV-D. We provide apo state crystal structures of 7 previously undetermined HAdV-D fiber-knob proteins, and structures of HAdV-D25, D29, D30 and D53 fiber-knob proteins in complex with SA. Biologically, we demonstrate that removal of cell surface SA reduced infectivity of HAdV-C5 vectors pseudotyped with HAdV-D fiber-knob proteins, whilst engagement of the classical HAdV receptor CAR was variable. Our data indicates variable usage of SA and CAR across HAdV-D. Better defining these interactions will enable improved development of antivirals and engineering of the viruses into refined therapeutic vectors

    The fiber knob protein of human adenovirus type 49 mediates highly efficient and promiscuous infection of cancer cell lines using a novel cell entry mechanism

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    The human adenovirus (HAdV) phylogenetic tree is diverse, divided across seven species and comprising over 100 individual types. Species D HAdV are rarely isolated with low rates of pre-existing immunity, making them appealing for therapeutic applications. Several species D vectors have been developed as vaccines against infectious diseases where they induce robust immunity in pre-clinical models and early phase clinical trials. However, many aspects of the basic virology of species D HAdV, including their basic receptor usage and means of cell entry, remain understudied. Here, we investigated HAdV-D49, which previously has been studied for vaccine and vascular gene transfer applications. We generated a pseudotyped HAdV-C5 presenting the HAdV-D49 fiber knob protein (HAdV-C5/D49K). This pseudotyped vector was efficient at infecting cells devoid of all known HAdV receptors, indicating HAdV-D49 uses an unidentified cellular receptor. Conversely, a pseudotyped vector presenting the fiber knob protein of the closely related HAdV-D30 (HAdV-C5/D30K), differing in four amino acids to HAdV-D49, failed to demonstrate the same tropism. These four amino acid changes resulted in a change in isoelectric point of the knob protein, with HAdV-D49K possessing a basic apical region compared to a more acidic region in HAdV-D30K. Structurally and biologically we demonstrate that HAdV-D49 knob protein is unable to engage CD46, while potential interaction with CAR is extremely limited by extension of the DG loop. HAdV-C5/49K efficiently transduced cancer cell lines of pancreatic, breast, lung, oesophageal and ovarian origin, indicating it may have potential for oncolytic virotherapy applications, especially for difficult to transduce tumor types

    Development of a low-seroprevalence, αvÎČ6 integrin-selective virotherapy based on human adenovirus type 10

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    Oncolytic virotherapies (OV) hold immense clinical potential. OV based on human adenoviruses (HAdV) derived from HAdV with naturally low rates of pre- existing immunity will be beneficial for future clinical translation. We generated a low- seroprevalence HAdV-D10 serotype vector incorporating an αvÎČ6 integrin-selective peptide, A20, to target αvÎČ6-positive tumor cell types. HAdV-D10 has limited natural tropism. Structural and biological studies of HAdV-D10 knob protein highlighted low-affinity engagement with native adenoviral receptors CAR and sialic acid. HAdV-D10 fails to engage blood coagulation factor X, potentially eliminating “off-target” hepatic sequestration in vivo. We engineered an A20 peptide that selectively binds αvÎČ6 integrin into the DG loop of HAdV-D10 fiber knob. Assays in αvÎČ6+ cancer cell lines demonstrated significantly increased transduction mediated by αvÎČ6-targeted variants compared with controls, confirmed microscopically. HAdV-D10.A20 resisted neutralization by neutralizing HAdV-C5 sera. Systemic delivery of HAdV-D10.A20 resulted in significantly increased GFP expression in BT20 tumors. Replication-competent HAdV-D10.A20 demonstrated αvÎČ6 integrin-selective cell killing in vitro and in vivo. HAdV-D10 possesses characteristics of a promising virotherapy, combining low seroprevalence, weak receptor interactions, and reduced off-target uptake. Incorporation of an αvÎČ6 integrin-selective peptide resulted in HAdV-D10.A20, with significant potential for clinical translation