68 research outputs found

    Characterizing performance improvement in primary care systems in Mesoamerica: A realist evaluation protocol [version 1; referees: 1 approved]

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    Background. Improving performance of primary care systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) may be a necessary condition for achievement of universal health coverage in the age of Sustainable Development Goals. The Salud Mesoamerica Initiative (SMI), a large-scale, multi-country program that uses supply-side financial incentives directed at the central-level of governments, and continuous, external evaluation of public, health sector performance to induce improvements in primary care performance in eight LMICs. This study protocol seeks to explain whether and how these interventions generate program effects in El Salvador and Honduras. Methods. This study presents the protocol for a study that uses a realist evaluation approach to develop a preliminary program theory that hypothesizes the interactions between context, interventions and the mechanisms that trigger outcomes. The program theory was completed through a scoping review of relevant empirical, peer-reviewed and grey literature; a sense-making workshop with program stakeholders; and content analysis of key SMI documents. The study will use a multiple case-study design with embedded units with contrasting cases. We define as a case the two primary care systems of Honduras and El Salvador, each with different context characteristics. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews with program actors and stakeholders, documentary review, and non-participatory observation. Data analysis will use inductive and deductive approaches to identify causal patterns organized as ‘context, mechanism, outcome’ configurations. The findings will be triangulated with existing secondary, qualitative and quantitative data sources, and contrasted against relevant theoretical literature. The study will end with a refined program theory. Findings will be published following the guidelines generated by the Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses study (RAMESES II). This study will be performed contemporaneously with SMI’s mid-term stage of implementation. Of the methods described, the preliminary program theory has been completed. Data collection, analysis and synthesis remain to be completed

    Designing a socio-normative intervention to reduce anemia in Odisha India: A formative research protocol [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: More than half of women of reproductive age in India are anemic. Anemia is associated with increased risk of preterm delivery, higher maternal mortality and contributes to fatigue, which affects women’s work productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends daily oral iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements during pregnancy and weekly supplements for women of reproductive age. Government programs and global donors have distributed and promoted IFA supplements in India for over four decades. However, initial intake and compliance remain inadequate. Objectives: This protocol describes the formative research phase of a larger study, which will test, through a randomized controlled trial, the hypothesis that a social norms-based behavioral intervention in Odisha, India will improve uptake of IFA supplements and reduce anemia among reproductive age women as compared to usual care. The focus of this paper is on the formative research required to develop a sound intervention. We will examine socio-normative barriers to and facilitators of IFA supplement uptake. Methods and analysis: Based on the Theory of Normative Social Behavior, we will adopt a mixed-method, multilevel approach. We will collect data using focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, Rapid Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research (PEER) techniques, and perceptual mapping methods. Our sample includes reproductive age women (pregnant and not pregnant), their husbands, their mothers/in law and key stakeholders. After analyzing the results, we will hold a convening in India to collaboratively design the intervention. Following the intervention design, we will test components of the intervention, gather user feedback and tweak as necessary. Additionally, to improve adoption and sustainability of the intervention, we will conduct policy dialogue with stakeholders throughout the formative research. Impact: This study will contribute to the social norms and behavioral intervention research and inform policymakers about th

    Characterizing performance improvement in primary care systems in Mesoamerica: A realist evaluation protocol [version 1; referees: 2 approved, 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background. Improving performance of primary care systems in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) may be a necessary condition for achievement of universal health coverage in the age of Sustainable Development Goals. The Salud Mesoamerica Initiative (SMI), a large-scale, multi-country program that uses supply-side financial incentives directed at the central-level of governments, and continuous, external evaluation of public, health sector performance to induce improvements in primary care performance in eight LMICs. This study protocol seeks to explain whether and how these interventions generate program effects in El Salvador and Honduras. Methods. This study presents the protocol for a study that uses a realist evaluation approach to develop a preliminary program theory that hypothesizes the interactions between context, interventions and the mechanisms that trigger outcomes. The program theory was completed through a scoping review of relevant empirical, peer-reviewed and grey literature; a sense-making workshop with program stakeholders; and content analysis of key SMI documents. The study will use a multiple case-study design with embedded units with contrasting cases. We define as a case the two primary care systems of Honduras and El Salvador, each with different context characteristics. Data will be collected through in-depth interviews with program actors and stakeholders, documentary review, and non-participatory observation. Data analysis will use inductive and deductive approaches to identify causal patterns organized as ‘context, mechanism, outcome’ configurations. The findings will be triangulated with existing secondary, qualitative and quantitative data sources, and contrasted against relevant theoretical literature. The study will end with a refined program theory. Findings will be published following the guidelines generated by the Realist and Meta-narrative Evidence Syntheses study (RAMESES II). This study will be performed contemporaneously with SMI’s mid-term stage of implementation. Of the methods described, the preliminary program theory has been completed. Data collection, analysis and synthesis remain to be completed

    Designing a social norms-based intervention to reduce anemia in India: A formative research protocol

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    Background: Economic and gender inequalities are important determinants of anemia in low and middle income countries. Gender dimensions of food security contribute to the undernutrition among women. More than half of women of reproductive age in India are anemic. Anemia causes increased risk of preterm delivery, higher maternal mortality and contributes to fatigue, which influences women’s work productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends daily oral iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements during pregnancy and weekly supplements for women of reproductive age. Despite the efforts of government programs and global donors to reduce anemia in India, both initial uptake and compliance of IFA remain inadequate. Innovative, multi-level, theory-based methods are urgently needed to address the problem. Objective: This study will design and test the hypothesis that a social norms-based intervention in Odisha, India will promote changes in social norms, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of women of reproductive age and pregnant women. Methods and Analysis: Based on the Theory of Normative Social Behavior (TNSB), we will use a mixed-method approach that uses both qualitative and quantitative techniques. For our formative research, focus group discussions, in depth interviews, observations, and perceptual mapping techniques will be adopted. Our study sample will include reproductive age women (both pregnant and not pregnant), their husbands, their mothers/in-laws, women’s self-help group leaders, local health officials, and health care providers. The formative research will examine the barriers, facilitators, attitudes and availability of IFA supplements. After analyzing the results, we will hold a convening in India with stakeholders, participants, interventionists, and researchers to collaboratively design the intervention. Following the intervention design, we will test various components of the intervention, gather user feedback and make edits as necessary. Additionally, to improve adoption and sustainability of the intervention, we will conduct ongoing policy dialogue with key stakeholders throughout the formative research

    They Destroy the Reproductive System : Exploring the Belief that Modern Contraceptive Use Causes Infertility

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    © 2018 The Authors. Studies in Family Planning published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on behalf of The Population Council, Inc. A common reason for nonuse of modern contraceptives is concern about side effects and health complications. This article provides a detailed characterization of the belief that modern contraceptives cause infertility, and an examination of how this belief arises and spreads, and why it is so salient. We conducted focus group discussions and key informant interviews in three rural communities along Kenya\u27s eastern coast, and identified the following themes: (1) the belief that using modern contraception at a young age or before childbirth can make women infertile is widespread; (2) according to this belief, the most commonly used methods in the community were linked to infertility; (3) when women observe other women who cannot get pregnant after using modern contraceptives, they attribute the infertility to the use of contraception; (4) within the communities, the primary goal of marriage is childbirth and thus community approval is rigidly tied to childbearing; and, therefore (5) the social consequences of infertility are devastating. These findings may help inform the design of programs to address this belief and reduce unmet need

    Designing a socio-normative intervention to reduce anemia in Odisha India: A formative research protocol [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: More than half of women of reproductive age in India are anemic. Anemia is associated with increased risk of preterm delivery, higher maternal mortality and contributes to fatigue, which affects women’s work productivity. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends daily oral iron and folic acid (IFA) supplements during pregnancy and weekly supplements for women of reproductive age. Government programs and global donors have distributed and promoted IFA supplements in India for over four decades. However, initial intake and compliance remain inadequate. Objectives: This protocol describes the formative research phase of a larger study, which will test, through a randomized controlled trial, the hypothesis that a social norms-based behavioral intervention in Odisha, India will improve uptake of IFA supplements and reduce anemia among reproductive age women as compared to usual care. The focus of this paper is on the formative research required to develop a sound intervention. We will examine socio-normative barriers to and facilitators of IFA supplement uptake. Methods and analysis: Based on the Theory of Normative Social Behavior, we will adopt a mixed-method, multilevel approach. We will collect data using focus groups, in-depth interviews, observations, Rapid Participatory Ethnographic Evaluation and Research (PEER) techniques, and perceptual mapping methods. Our sample includes reproductive age women (pregnant and not pregnant), their husbands, their mothers/in law and key stakeholders. After analyzing the results, we will hold a convening in India to collaboratively design the intervention. Following the intervention design, we will test components of the intervention, gather user feedback and tweak as necessary. Additionally, to improve adoption and sustainability of the intervention, we will conduct policy dialogue with stakeholders throughout the formative research. Impact: This study will contribute to the social norms and behavioral intervention research and inform policymakers about the value of adopting a socio-normative approach

    Characterising the performance measurement and management system in the primary health care systems of Malawi

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    Background: Performance Measurement and Management (PMM) systems are levers that support key management functions in health care systems. Just like many low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), Malawi strives to improve performance via evidence-based decision making and a suitable performance culture. Aim: This study sought to describe PMM practices at all levels of primary health care (PHC) in Malawi. Setting: This study targeted three levels of PHC, namely the district health centres (DHCs), the zones, and the ministry headquarters. Methods: This was a qualitative exploratory research study where decision-makers at each level of PHC were engaged using key-informant interviews (KII) and focus group discussions (FGDs). Results: We found that there is a weak link among levels of PHC in supporting PMM practices leading to poor dissemination of priorities and goals. There is also failure to appropriately institute good PMM practices, and the use of performance information was found to be limited among decision-makers. Conclusion: Though PMM is acknowledged to be key in supporting health service delivery systems, Malawi’s PHC system has not fully embarked on making this a priority. Some challenges include unsupportive culture and inadequate capacity for PMM. Contribution: This study contributes to the understanding of the PMM processes in Malawi and further highlights the salient challenges in the use of information for performance management. While the presence of policies on PMM is acknowledged, implementation studies that deal with challenges are urgent and imperative

    Evidence gap map of performance measurement and management in primary care delivery systems in low- and middle-income countries – Study protocol [version 1; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background. For the last two decades there has been growing interest in governmental and global health stakeholders about the role that performance measurement and management systems can play for the production of high-quality and safely delivered primary care services. Despite recognition and interest, the gaps in evidence in this field of research and practice in low- and middle-income countries remain poorly characterized. This study will develop an evidence gap map in the area of performance management in primary care delivery systems in low- and middle-income countries. Methods. The evidence gap map will follow the methodology developed by 3Ie, the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation, to systematically map evidence and research gaps. The process starts with the development of the scope by creating an evidence-informed framework that helps identify the interventions and outcomes of relevance as well as help define inclusion and exclusion criteria. A search strategy is then developed to guide the systematic search of the literature, covering the following databases: Medline (Ovid), Embase (Ovid), CAB Global Health (Ovid), CINAHL (Ebsco), Cochrane Library, Scopus (Elsevier), and Econlit (Ovid). Sources of grey literature are also searched. Studies that meet the inclusion criteria are systematically coded, extracting data on intervention, outcome, measures, context, geography, equity, and study design. Systematic reviews are also critically appraised using an existing standard checklist. Impact evaluations are not appraised but will be coded according to study design. The process of map-building ends with the creation of an evidence gap map graphic that displays the available evidence according to the intervention and outcome framework of interest. Discussion. Applications arising from the evidence map will be discussed in a separate paper that will summarize findings and make recommendations for the development of a prioritized research agenda

    Newborn health: Everybody\u27s business

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    Despite advances in issue-attention and in evidence of what works to save newborn lives (e.g., kangaroo mother care, antenatal corticosteroids, immediate and exclusive breastfeeding), we are still falling short on impact. To advance the unfinished newborn survival agenda, newborns must become an integral priority in developing countries where the burden of neonatal mortality is highest. Interventions must be adapted to local contexts and cultures and integrated into packages along the continuum of care delivered through the primary health-care systems that countries have at their disposal. © 2014 © 2014 Taylor & Francis
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