2 research outputs found
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Effect of short-term decrease in water temperature on body temperature and involvement of testosterone in steelhead and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
The Pacific salmonid species Oncorhynchus mykiss is separated into a migratory form (steelhead trout) and a
non-migratory form (rainbow trout). A decrease in water temperature is likely a cue triggering downstream
behavior in the migratory form, and testosterone inhibits onset of this behavior. To elucidate differences in
sensitivity to water temperature decreases between the migratory and non-migratory forms and effect of testosterone
on the sensitivity, we examined two experiments. In experiment 1, we compared changes in body
temperature during a short-term decrease in water temperature between both live and dead steelhead and
rainbow trout. In experiment 2, we investigated effects of testosterone on body temperature decrease in
steelhead trout. Water temperature was decreased by 3 °C in 30 min. The body temperature of the steelhead
decreased faster than that of the rainbow trout. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the decrease
in body temperature between dead steelhead and rainbow trout specimens. The body temperature of the
testosterone-treated steelhead trout decreased more slowly than that of control fish. Our results suggest
that the migratory form is more sensitive to decreases in water temperature than the non-migratory form.
Moreover, testosterone might play an inhibitory role in sensitivity to such decreases.Keywords: Downstream migration, Steelhead trout, Rainbow trout, Testosterone, Body temperatureKeywords: Downstream migration, Steelhead trout, Rainbow trout, Testosterone, Body temperatur